Uganda Christian University School of Law Foundations of Land Law Course
Course Title | Foundations of Land Law | ||
Course Code | BLAW 2102 | Credit Hours | 75 (Seventy five) (Sixty teaching hours, fifteen hrs for research) |
- Course Description
The Foundation of Land Law Course module explores the origins of Uganda’s present day land tenure system. It looks into an appreciation of the concepts of Land tenure and how the various interests in Land came about. Albeit the fact that Uganda’s tenure system is unique in itself, there are outstanding similarities with other jurisdictions and these are also studied within this module.
- Course objectives
At the end of this course, the student will:
- Be able to understand how the tenure systems in Uganda have evolved over time. Generally, students will be able to understand the concept of Real Property and the various interests that fall therein.
- Be able to appreciate the present day upheavals over land both in and outside the judicial system; between different classes of people, be it government versus tribal sentiments; or different individuals conflicting over property.
- Acquire a sound intellectual basis for demonstrating an understanding of land conveyance and how land transactions, interests and disputes can be handled with properties falling in different parts of the country. This Course is thus the foundational course for the Land Transactions module taught in the second semester.
- Required readings
There are a number of essential resource materials that provide substantial information on this Course. Students are advised to read any of the listed material below, though, also to take note that additional personal reading is also essential as these materials are not exhaustive:
- Sir Robert Megary and H.W.R. Wade: The Law of Real Property, 5th Ed, London, Stevens & Sons Ltd, 1984*.
- H.Burn: Cheshire and Burn’s Modern Law of Real Property, 14th Ed, Butterworths, London, 1988.
- Burn: Meggary’s Manual of the Law of Real Property.
- John Stevens & Robert A. Pearce: Land Law, 2nd,London, Sweet& Maxwell, 2000.
- John T. Mugambwa: Principles of Land Law in Uganda, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002*.
- John T. Mugambwa: Source Book of Uganda’s Land Law, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002*.
- Morris and Read: Uganda: The Development of its Laws and Constitution; London, Stevens, 1966
- Martin Meredith: The State of Africa: A History of fifty years of Independence; Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2006
Note: The Lecturer will also be making reference to various journal articles and will be posting further essential reading material to the students’ class email. Students are urged to check the class email for reading material at least every fortnight.
* These books are available in the UCU library.
- Course Content
- Course outline and content description
These laws shall be referred to throughout the teaching of the Course:
Essential reading: The Uganda Agreement, 1900
The Uganda order in Council, 1902.
The Uganda order in Council, 1911.
The Constitution of Uganda, 1962.
The Constitution of Uganda, 1967.
The Judicature Statute No.62 of 1962.
The East African Land Regulations, 1897.
The Land Regulations, 1897.
The Crown Lands Ordinance, 1903.
The Public Lands Act, 1962 (Cap.201)
The Public Lands Rules, 1962 – S.1 201 – 1.
The Public Lands (Compensation for Resumption) Act, 1965.
The Public Lands (Adjudication) Rules, 1967.
Public Lands (Adjudication) Rules, 1958-L.N 91 of 1958.
The Urban Authorities Act. Cap. 27.
The Public Lands Act (Cap.246), 1969.
The Public Land Act (Ammendment) Decree No.2 of 1976.
The Land Reform Decree, No.3 of 1975.
The Land Reform (Ammendment) Decree No.3 of 1976.
The Land Reform Regulations, S.1 26 of 1976.
The Land Transfer Act (Cap.202).
The Possession of Land Law, 1908.
The Busuulu and Envujjo Law, 1928.
The Official Estates Act, cap. 205.
The Land (Agreements) Law, 1939.
The Judicature Act, 1967.
The Toro Agreement, 1900.
The Ankole Agreement, 1901.
The Toro LandLord and Tenant law, 1937.
The Ankole LandLord and Tenant Law, 1937.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995
The Land Act, 1998 Cap 227 (as amended)
The Land Regulations, 2004.
The Registration of Titles Act, Cap.230.
The Mortgage Act (As amended)
The Access to Roads Act Cap.350
The Land Acquisition Act Cap. 226
The Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets and Properties) Act, Cap.247
The Limitation Act, Cap. 80
The Judicature Act, Cap.13
The Condominium Property Act.
- Objects of learning the Law of Real Property.
- Meaning of Real Property/nature of Proprietary Rights.
- Functions of the Law of Property.
- Key Principles Underlying English Land Law.
- Rights Below the Surface of Land
Constitution, 1995; Article 244(2)
The Registration of Titles Act
Land Acquisition Act, Cap.226
The Interpretation Act, Cap. 3
Land Act, 1998; S.43.
Mining Act, Cap.148; S.2
Metropolitan Rly Co. V. Fowler [1892] IQB165.
Grigsby v Melville [1974] 1 WLR 80.
Ssessaazi Kulabiraawo v Robinah Nalubega C.A No. 55 of 2002
UPTC v Kitumba Lutaaya SCCA No. 36 of 1995
- Rights Above the Surface
Kelson v Imperial Tobacco [1957] 2QB 334.
Bernstein v Skyviews and general Ltd [1978]QB 479
The Public Lands Act, 1969 [REPEALED*],ss.22(6)(7)& (8); 26; 27; 28; 29
Mancetter Developments Ltd v. Garmanson Ltd (1986) 1QB 1212
Waverley Borough Council v Fletcher (1995) 4 ALLER 756.
The Land Act, 1998, S.37
Reynolds v Ashby (1904) AC 466
Holland v Hodgson (1872) LR 7CP 328
Leigh v Taylor (1902) AC 157
D’Eyncourt v. Gregory (1866) Law Rep.3Eq.382
Berkley v. Poulett (1976) 241 EG 911
Lyon & Co. V. London City and Midland – Bank (1903) 2 KB 135.
Vaudeville Electric Cinema Ltd V. Muriset (1923) 2Ch.74.
Melluish (Inspector of taxes) v.BMI (No.3)Ltd (1995)4ALL.E.R.453
Jordan V.May (1947)1 KB 427
Hamp v. Bygrave (1982) 266 E.G.720.
Webb v. Frank Bevis Ltd (1940) I ALL.E.R.247
Eliteston v.Morris(1997) 2ALL.E.R.513.
Francis v.ibitoye [Nigerian](1936)NLR1
Smith v.City Petroleum (1940) 1ALL.E.R.260.
Shaw v.Devshi & Co(1936)17KLR20.
Simon v.Midford(1969)2ch.415
Parker v British Airways Board [1982] 1 QB 1004
(i) English Concepts of Tenure and Estate
Meggary & Wade: Chap.2
Cheshire & Burn: Chap. 1, esp.pp. 3-65
- Estate
Meggary & Wade: Chap.3
Cheshire & Burn: Chaps. 8-14
(ii) Tenure and Estate in Uganda
A General Historical Perspective: The listed resource material provides general reading into this topic.
- The East African Royal Commission Report, 1995.
- The Report of the Uganda Constitution Commission: Analysis and Recommendations, UPPC, Entebbe, 1993, chap.25.
- Peter Mukidi Walubiri: Land and Property Rights6 in Richard Okumu Wengi (ed) Founding the Constitution of Uganda; Essays and Materials, Uganda Law Watch, Kampala, 1994.
- John T. Mugambwa: Principles of Land Law in Uganda, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002.
- John T. Mugambwa: Source Book of Uganda’s Land Law, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002.
(a) Customary System of Land Holding
- The issues:
– Any uniform system
- Common Features
- Right of the King, chiefs, clan, family, community
- Different systems and their examples
- Individual holdings, power of alienation
- Mortgages
- Limitation of Actions
- Prescription
- Relationship with written law.
- Agents of change and the future.
- Statutes and Agreements:
- The Uganda (Buganda) Agreement, 1900, Art 15-18.
- The Toro Agreement 1900.
- The Ankole Agreement 1901.
- The Buganda Possession of Land Law, 1908.
- The Busulu and Envujo Law, 1928.
- The Public Lands Act, 1969.
- The Land Reform Decree, 1975.
- The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 – Art 237
(3) (a), (4) (8) (9)
The Land Act, 1998.
- Text:
Morris and Read: Uganda the Development of its Laws and Constitution.
Faud: Actions for recovery of Land held under Customary Law
and Limitation [1970] H.C.B 26.
L.L. Kato: Has Customary Law in English Speaking Africa recognized long Possession of Land as a Basis of Title IE A.L.J 243.
James Obola Ochola: Customary Land Law in East Africa
J.H. Dhiberge: The Langi
Lyllods Fellers: Bantu Bureaucracy
Lubogo: The History of Busoga
Robertson: Historical considerations contributing to Land
tenure in Busoga
Mier: An African People in the 20th Century, see chap.6.
Meek Hydon: Land Law and Custom in the Colonies, Oxford Press, 1946.
Haydon: Laws and Justice in Buganda.
Gayer: Land Tenure in Buganda.
Uganda Government: Inquiry into land Tenure and the Kibanja System in Bunyoro, 1931.Report of the Committee, Government printer, Entebbe, 1932.
Gayer: Report on Land Tenure in Bugisu, 1944.
(iv) Cases:
- Mtoro Bin Mwamba v. A.G. (1952) 2 TLR 327.
- Olowo v. Akenya (1974) H.C.B. 178.
- Kintu v. Kamira (1975) H.C.B. 150.
- C.C. v. Odindo (1971) H.C.B. 32.
- Mavenge Migade 5 ULK 97.
- Waswa v. Kigugwe
- Ganga Properties Ltd v. Kampala City Council.H.C.C.S. 576/1990[1999-91] K.L.B.129
- John Tibajuka v. Nyansio Mutingi and Anor.(1975) H.C.B. 38.
- Christopher katongole v. Yusuf Sewanyana H.C.C.S 50/1989,[1990-91] K.L.R (1) 41; [1986-89] H.C.B 159.
- Yazamu Semakula v. L.K. Sali H.C.C.S 1608/1977 [1981] H.C.B. 28.
- W. Rwamutiri v. G. Kamono,High Court Misc. cause 72/77; [1978] H.C.B. 300.
- Tomasi Rwetikula v. A.B.Mutaswera H.C.C.S 9/1981 (1983) H.C.B. 68.
- Mutamburire v. Yosefu Kimera H.C.C.Appl. 37 of 1972 (1975) H.C.B.150.
- Nambalu Kintu v. Efulaimu Kamira (1975) H.C.B. 221.
- Teddy Nakimera Nassanga v Teddy Nakaweesa HCCS No. 259 of 2002
- Maria Kevina Sentamu v Kidondo Kyaterekera Growers Co-op Society [1996]1 KALR 160
- Paul Kisekka Saku v Seventh Day Adventist Church SCCA No. 8 of 1993
- Marko Matovu & Ors v Sseviri & Anor (1979) H.C.B 174
(b) The Mailo System of tenure
The Buganda Agreement, 1900
The Buganda Possession of Land Law, 1908.
The Busulu and Envujjo Law, 1928.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1967.
The Land Reform Decree, 1975.
The Land Reform Regulations, 1976.
The Constitution (Ammendment) Statute 7 of 1993.
The Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets) Act, Cap 247
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995
Arts, 237 (3)(c), (8) (9).
The Land Act, 1998 (as amended).
(ii) Text:
H.W. West: The Mailo System in Buganda,
The Government Printer, Entebbe, Uganda, 1964.
H.W. West: Land Policy in Buganda, Syndics of the Cambridge University,
University Press, 1972.
(iii) Cases:
Mwenge Migade 5 ULR 97.
Kazibwe v. Lubega
Mulika v. Ismail Hammed
Daglas Mwanyi v. Chief Mukholi (1925) ULR.
Yosamu Semakula v. I.K. Sali; (1981) HCB 28.
Erias Lukwago v Bawa Singh & Anor (1959) E.A 282
- The Freehold System of land Holding:
- English Freeholds:
- The Land Regulations No.4 of 1897.
- The Crown Lands Ordinance, 1903.
- The Public Lands Ordinance, 1962.
- The Public Lands Act, 1969.
- The Land Reform Decree, 1975.
- The Constitution (Ammendment) Statute, 1993.
- The Traditional Rules (Restitution of Assets) Act, Cap 247
- The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995.
Art. 237(3) (b), (4) (9) (8).
- The Land Act, 1998.
- Native Freeholds:
- The Toro Agreement, 1900.
- The Ankole Agreement, 1901.
- The Toro Landlord and Tenant Law, 1937.
- The Ankole Landlord and Tenant Law, 1937.
- Adjudicated Freeholds:
- The East African Royal Commission Report, 1955.
- The Crown lands Adjudication Rules, 1958.
(d) The Leasehold System of Land Holding
Statutory Leases.
Leases on Public Land/Crown land.
Leases on Private Land.
- Statutes:
- T.A Cap. 230.
- The Land Regulations.
- The Buganda Agreement, 1900, Art.15.
- The Crown lands Ordinance, 1903. S.3.
- The Public Lands Ordinance, 1963,3.
- The Public Lands Act, 1969.
- The Land Reform Decree, SS.1, 2,10,12,13,14,15.
- The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
Art. 237(1)(2)(3) (5) (6) (7), 238,239,
- The Land Act, 1998
- Cases:
Dr. Adedanta Kekitiinwa & 3 Ors v Edward Maudo Wakida C.A No. 3 of 1997
James Seusambwa v Rebecca Muliira C.A No. 1 of 1989
Garuga Properties Ltd v. Kampala City Council, Supra.
G.W. Rwamuturiri v. Kamono, Supra.
Livingstone Sewanyana v. Martin Aliker, Civil Appeal (SC) No.4 of 1900 ([1992] v. KALR 166.
Elia Kitiiza v. Registrar of Titles; Misc. Appl.82/77[1978] H.C.B.39.
Nathanael Kasso and Others V.A.G. and Anor.H.C.C.S. 738 of 1974; [1975] H.C.B. 194
Bread Limited v. Uganda Company Ltd & Uganda Machinery Ltd. H.C.C.S 735 of 1975 [1975] A.C.B. 213.
Kampala District Land Board & Anor v Vanansio Babweyaka & 3 Ors C.A No. 57 of 2005
Kampala City Council v Mukubira (1968) EA 497
Rajwani v Degamwala (1950) EACA 37
Kampala City Council v Mukiibi (1967) E.A 368
The Constitution, 1995
The Land Act, 1998
- Specific objectives of the Act
- Land ownership generally and tenure systems;
- Relationship between lawful or Bonafide occupants and the registered owner of the land;
- Land management institutions;
- Land dispute resolution institutions;
- Ensuring land rights security for the poor:-
- Capacity to deliver
- Capacity to receive
- Value of what is received.
- Anthony C.K. Kakooza: Land Law reform in Uganda: Exploring the loose ends; C.U Research Bulletin, Vol. II, 2008 Issue, Uganda Christian University Publication.
- Anthony C.K. Kakooza: Land Dispute Settlement in Uganda: Exploring the efficacy of the Mediation option; Uganda Living Law Journal, Vol. 5, June 2007, Uganda Law Reform Commission publication.
- John T. Mugambwa: Source Book of Uganda’s Land Law, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002.
Meggary and Wade chap. 4 page 110-123.
Cheshire & Burn, P.43.
Judicature Act, Cap.13.
R.T.A Cap 230, SS.44,46,54,58,57,64,77,145,189.
The Registration of Documents Act, Cap.81
Walsh v Lonsdale (1882)21 Ch.9
Tinsley v.Milligan (1993) 3 All.E.R. 65
Katarikawe v. Katwiremu & another, CS No.8 of 1972; (1977) HCB 187.
Swain v. Ayres (1888) 21 QBD 289
Lysaght v. Edwards (1876) 2 Ch.499
Uganda Posts & Tels. V. AKM Lutaaya, CA No.36 of 1996 (Unreported).
Walker v. Linom (1907) 2 Ch.104.
Ndigejjerawa v. Kizito and Kubulamwana (1952-6) 7ULR 31.
Lukwago v. Bawa Singh & another (1959) EA 282
Pilcher v. Rawlins (1872) 7 Ch.250
Rice v. Rice (1854) (quoted in Mugambwa-“principles”)
Oliver v. Hinton (1899) 2 Ch.264
Hunt v. Luck (1902) 1 Ch.428
Bailey v. Parmes (1894) 1 Ch.25
- Zimbe v. Kamanza 7 ULR 68
Rajabali Ganji & Sons v. Hamedi 23 EACA 268
Tared v. Clements (1903) 1 Ch.428
Wilkes v. Spooner (1911) 2 K.B.473
Busulwa v. Texas Co.5 ULR 55
Mollo Bros. V. Lachanal Cham 10 KLR 142
Nambalu Kintu v Ephraimu Kamuntu (1975) HCB 221
Costa Bwambale & J. Matte v Yosafati Matte & Ors C.A.C.A No. 58 of 2002
Patel v Patel (1992-93) HCB 137
Katarikawe v Katwiremu (1977) HCB 187
- Joint tenancy
- Tenancy in common
RTA (Cap.230) SS. 8,13,56,57,58,94,201
Hammersmith L.B.C. v. Monk (1992) 1 AC 478
AG Securities v. Vaughan (1990) 1 A.C. 417; and (1988) 3 All.E.R.1058 (HL)
Willcox v. McLeroth (1988) 3 All.E.R. 1058
Bull v. Bull (1955) 1 QB 234
The Admin. General of Zanzibar v. Khalfan (1963) E.A 230
Re: Murram Murtor 18 KLR 65
Singh v. Kaur (1936) 17 (1) KLRI
Uganda Thrift Co. Ltd. V. J.M.Nnambale (1971) HCB 326
Jones (AE) v. Jones (FW) (1977) 1 WLR 438
Dennis v. McDonald (1981) 2 All..E.R 633
Persons v. Persons & ors (1983) 1 WLR 1390
First National Securities Ltd. V. Hegaty & Anor (1984) All.E.R. 139
Patel v. Patel (1939) 6 EACA 48
Uganda Motors Ltd. V. Wavah Holdings Ltd. CA No.19 of 1991
– The Town and Country Planning Act, Cap.246 (originally Ordn. 25 of 1951)
– The Physical Planning Act, 2010
– The Access of Roads Act, cap 350
– The Public Health Act, cap. 281
– The Preservation of Amenities Act, cap 244
– The Local Government Act, cap 243
– Makerere University & SIDA: Land Tenure and Administrative Issues in Kampala City and their Effects on Urban Development, 2002.
- Southhall & Gutkind: Townsmen in the Making (MISR)1957
- W. Kanyeihamba & J.P.W.B McAuslan: Urban Legal Problems in Eastern Africa
– Daniel Maxwell & Samuel Zziwa: Urban Farming in Africa –
The case of Kampala, Uganda
– John T. Mugambwa: Source Book of Uganda’s Land Law, Kampala, Fountain Publishers, 2002
- Land Tenure and physical planning: implications for urban development;
– Land tenure and urban land administration;
- Land tenure influences on urban environment management
- Women and access to urban land
John Kigula: “The Law Relating to Water and Wetland Resource Use and Conservation in Uganda.” (Report) 1997,pp. 1-30.
The State in Environmental Conservation
Tenure Relations and legal Dualism in the Use and Management of Natural Resources
Land Tenure Impacts on the Use and Management of Natural Resources
Objectives and Role of Environmental Law
Framework Legislation and Sectoral Laws
Executory Regulations
Environmental Liability
Institutional Arrangements and Environmental Management
- Weekly Schedule
Week | Topic | Required Reading | Assignments |
1 | Real property concepts & meaning of Land | See Core text material within the course content pages for required reading | Readings on all listed cases. These will be discussed in class & students are required to have read in advance. |
2 | Fixtures | See Megarry and Wade: The Law of Real Property: pp. 48-67, Mugambwa(Principles..) | “ |
3 | Doctrine of Tenure & Estates | “ | “ |
4 | Customary Land tenure system
P.23 – Mugambwa | “ |
5 | Mailo Land Tenure System | P.2 – Mugambwa | “ |
6 | Freehold Land Tenure System | P.3 – Mugambwa | “ |
7 | Leasehold Land Tenure System | pp. 7&8 – Mugambwa | “ |
8 | Land Tenure & Policy under the Land Act | pp.10 – 47- Mugambwa | “ |
9 | Land tenure & Urban Development | Chapter 2 (pp. 7-32) Mugambwa | “ |
10 | Co-ownership (part one) | “ | “ |
11 | Co-ownership (part two) | “ | “ |
12 | Environmental concerns in Land | Meggary & Wade
Kigula John |
“ |
- Assignment explanations
Students are required to read ahead of lectures following the schedule in the course content for texts and cases. During the tutorials of class discussions, Students may be called upon at random to explain judicial decisions from cases on any topic that will be under discussion. Students are also advised to be up to date with the day to day events surrounding land law and policy as covered in the media, as class discussions will also rely on media reports.
5.0 Assessment criteria
The assessment for the course will follow the following criteria:
- Coursework which will consist of one take-home essay or classroom test (closed-book) carrying 20% of the total exam mark. The pass mark for the coursework is 15% and a student who fails to attain this mark (or above it) is disqualified from seating the exam. The lecturer has the discretion of giving the student a remedial coursework on failure to pass the first course work.
- Class participation carrying 10%.
- Advanced Reading of cases and reference materials.
- The essay assignment should include a title page, an Introduction, a Conclusion and a List of References or Bibliography indicating the author, title of book or Publication, the publisher and the year it was published. References in the main body of the essay should be presented in accepted academic style (for guidance, see Glanville Williams: Learning the Law).
- Plagiarism or any form of cheating will be heavily penalized.
- The final exam which will be done at the end of the semester will carry 70% of the total mark.
- Faith in teaching
The Bible is full of scriptures that can help students relate their studies in the concepts of land interests and land ownership to what is depicted in the Bible. These scriptures are not limited to but include the following:
- God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants regarding the land of Canaan (also called Palestine) Genesis 12:7. This explains the present day upheavals between the Israelites and the Palestines.
- The Story of Joshua finally leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. (Joshua 1,2,3,4,5,6.
- The Story of how the Israelites failed to heed God’s warnings and were attacked by the Assyrians who brought in foreigners to settle in the land of Israel (these people came to be known as the Samaritans). This story relates to foreign occupation of land in Uganda and how the locals (through law and policy) have adapted to such foreign occupation.
- The story of how Ahab and Jezebel plotted for Naboth’s death and later took over her vineyard (I Kings 21:1-16). This story shows how people use their power/positions to grab land from vulnerable categories of people and how greed can lead to injustice.
- Psalms 24:1 and 1Corinthians 10:26 are to the effect that the earth is the lord’s and the fullness thereof. This means we are only stewards of the land that we possess and we should use it justly.
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