Uganda Health Marketing Group UHMG Awards

Uganda Health Marketing Group UHMG Awards


“A Good Life for all Ugandans.”

“To improve the quality of life of Ugandans through the provision of superior and affordable health care solutions.”


UHMG’s success is backed by her strong and effective partnerships with MoH-Uganda, USAID, UNFPA, Civil Society Fund and Global Fund, Multinational Companies including: TOTAL Uganda, Coca Cola Uganda and DFCU as well as sister Implementing Partners: FHI360, TASO, EGPAF and World Vision among others.

UHMG was also recognized for outstanding performance in different public health initiatives in Uganda and beyond.

  • The Good Life Campaign won the Best Social Marketing Category in the AFRICOMNET Annual award for excellence in HIV and AIDS strategic communication in Africa 2008.

  • UHMG was awarded the best institution in supporting the professional and career development of young Ugandan professionals under the GOLD (Generating Opportunities for leadership and professional Development) program 2008/2009 supported by the Health Communication Partnership (HCP) and USAID.

  • The One Love campaign received a Gold Award for the call-in radio spot and a Bronze Award for the TV spot on Get off the Sexual Network in the TBWA AFRI CANNES Awards in 2010.

  • Express your style with “O” condom won the Best Social Marketing Category in theAFRICOMNET Annual award for excellence in HIV and AIDS strategic communication in Africa 2010.

  • UHMG won the award for Best Not for profit initiatives from the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) Excellence Awards in 2010.

  • Get off the Sexual Network campaign was the overall winner of the media advertisement of the year from the Public Relations Association of Uganda PRAU Excellence Awards in 2010.

  • UHMG received a recognition award for outstanding performance in the HIV/AIDS response on 1st July 2011.

UHMG has again won the AfriComNet Prestigious Award 2015 for implementing the Best Social Marketing Inititiative for the Protector Condom Brand Promotion.

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