Uganda Judiciary Finance and Administration
This is a support department for the Judiciary for general administration and management of human and financial resources as well as maintenance and control of assets.
The Department is headed by the Secretary to the Judiciary appointed by the Public Service Commission of the Ministry of Public Service. He/she is the accounting officer and reports directly to the Chief Justice while at the same time has close consultations and linkage with the Ministry of Public Service. An Under Secretary who is supported by divisional heads assists him/her. They include: Principal Human Resource Officer; Principal Asst. Secretary; Principal Accountant; Principal Information Technology Officer and Estates Manager.
Key Functions:
1. Providing professional advice on government policies as well as interpreting and overseeing the implementation of government policies and regulations.
2. Coordinating the timely preparation of the judiciary’s annual plan and budget as well as monitoring the utilization of funds.
3. Coordinating the procurement of supplies.
4. Ensuring that the judiciary is adequately staffed with qualified and competent personnel.
5. Monitoring all operational and residential buildings and other assets of the Judiciary.
6. Promoting the use of Information Communications Technology in the Judiciary
Background of Uganda Judiciary
Uganda Judiciary Contact Address
Uganda Judiciary the Supreme Court
Uganda Judiciary the Court of Appeal
Uganda Judiciary the High Court
Uganda Judiciary Industrial Court
Uganda Judiciary Chief Magistrate Court
Uganda Judiciary the Inspectorate of Courts
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