Uganda Management Institute Masters in Business Administration MBA Courses

Uganda Management Institute Masters in Business Administration MBA Courses

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master’s degree which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States has since achieved worldwide recognition. In many countries graduate business education, and business schools offer MBA programs tailored to full-time, part-time, executive, and distance learning students, with specialized concentrations. The program was approved to be offered as a weekend programme running on Saturdays and Sundays 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 pm. Once the programme runs for two academic years, other modes of delivery would be explored.



Every MBA candidate must complete 15 taught modules (12 core and 3 electives) covered in three semesters and then write a dissertation within the fourth semester of the two years. Upon the completion of the first semester, the candidates will be required to write an acceptable research proposal and defend it in the second semester in preparation for data collection in the subsequent semesters. The curriculum for the MBA programme will be as follows:

Year One Semester One

MBA: 111 Management and Organizational Behavior

MBA: 112 Supply Chain Management

MBA: 113 Financial Accounting

MBA: 114 Research Methods for Business Decisions

MBA: 115 Business Legal Frameworks

MBA: 116 Management Accounting

Year One Semester Two

MBA: 211 Marketing Management

MBA: 212 Public Sector Management

MBA: 213 Public-Private Partnerships

MBA: 214 Financial Management

MBA: 215 Quantitative methods for Decision Making

MBA: 216 Corporate Strategies and Decision Making

Year Two Semester One

MBA: 221 Public Procurement Management

MBA: 222 Human Resource Management for Public Sector

MBA: 223 Transport Policy Planning & Management

MBA: 228 Project Planning & Management

MBA: 229 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

MBA: 230 Production and Operations Management

MBA: 231 Micro-Finance Operations and Management

MBA: 232 Logistics Management

Year Two – Semester Two

Dissertation Writing


Fees: Ug.shs.4, 150,000 per year

DURATION: 2014 –2015