Uganda Martyrs University Executive MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship
Business Courses
1.Business models and strategy
2.Social imapact measurement
3.Basic accounting for Entrepreneurs
4.Internal Accounting – a
5.Interanl Accounting – b
6.Financial Reporting
7.Entrepreneurial Finance
8.Market Analysis
9.Entrepreneurial Marketing
10.Human Resourse Management
11.Business Research Methods and Statistics
12.Project Management
13.Operations Management
14.Business Law
Business Labs
1.Businss Models Development
2.Start- up Sales
3.Scalling up Strategy
5.Corporate Governance and Legal Issues
6.Business Ethics for Entrepreneurs
7.Business Planning and Communication
8.Leadership and Innovation
9.Meet Investors and Successful Entrepreneurs
The 15-month program trains both active and aspiring entrepreneurs in the start up and/or scaling of their businesses. It is offered in partnership with local universities and confers a degree from Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Italy.
The MBA supports participants in:
∙Transforming a business idea into a business plan
∙Improving an existing business
∙Creating partnerships with investors, suppliers and customers.
The MBA is composed of a unique and flexible blend of class lessons, distance learning, coaching and networking events, where participants acquire the business tools and skills necessary to manage a business venture.
The E4impact MBA is structured as a “training camp” where each course directly responds to the concrete needs that arise in the start-up or scaling of a small business.
Throughout the program, MBA participants meet with interest investors. This ongoing interaction allows participants to develop a relationship of trust with these investors and to dfart their business plan according to the expectations of the financial community.