Uganda Peoples Defence Force UPDF

Uganda Peoples Defence Force UPDF

1. Order of Battle

Total force strength Army: +/- 38 000
Naval Service: 200 Marines
Air Force: 500
Armour 185: T-54/T-55
10: T-72
44: T-90S
50: PT-76
31: BMP-2
Reconnaissance 40: Eland
6: Ferret
APC 19: 15 BTR-60
4: OT-64
40: Mamba
15: RG-31 Nyala
42: Casspir
6: Gila
1: Springbuck
10: Cougar
12: Nyoka (Mamba)
Self-propelled artillery 6: ATMOS-2000 155 mm
Towed artillery 18: M-839 155 mm
9: D-30 122 mm
55: M1942 76 mm
18: M1938 122 mm
Multiple Rocket Launcher 6+: 107 mm
6: BM-21 122 mm
6: RM-70 122 mm
Mortar 78+:  L16 81 mm
M-43 82 mm
Soltam 120 mm
18: CARDOM 120 mm self-propelled
Air defence gun 20+:  ZPU-1/ZPU-2/ZPU-4 14.5 mm
ZSU-23 23 mm
20: M-1939 37 mm
Air defence missile 4: S-125 Pechora (SA-3 Goa)
300: 5V27 (SA-3B Goa)
9K32 Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail)
9K310 Igla-1 (SA-16 Gimlet)
Armoured Recovery Vehicle T-54/T-55
Structure 5 Division HQs
1 armoured brigade
1 motorised infantry brigade
1 tank battalion
Presidential Guard brigade
1 engineer brigage
1 commando battalionn
5 infantry division (total: 16 infantry brigade)
1 artillery brigade
2 air defence battalion
Air Force
Combat aircraft 5 MiG-21bis Fishbed
1 MiG-21U Mongol A
1 MiG-21UM Mongol B
5: MiG-23
6: Su-30MK2
Trainer aircraft 3: L-39 Albatros†*
1: AS-202 Bravo
Transport aircraft 1: L-100-30
2: Y-12IV
VIP aircraft 1: Gulfstream 550
Combat helicopter 4: Mi-24 Hind
Transport helicopter 1: Mi-172
3: AB 206 JetRanger
3: AB 205
2: AB 212
3: Mi-17 Hip H
UAV 4: RQ-11 Raven
Police Air Wing
Transport/liaison 1: DHC-2
1: DHC-4
1: DHC-6
3: Bell 206/212
1: A109 GrandNew (on order)
1: W-3A Sokol (on order)
Naval Service
Patrol 3: AL8K type
2: Pursuit OS 315

Uganda Peoples Defence Force Structure

UPDF Hierarchy of Command

State of military forces
The Ugandan government regularly outspends neighboring countries on the development of its armed forces. The threat of spill-overs from conflict in South Sudan and the DRC has forced the country to ensure it has a well-equipped and professional army. President Yoweri Museweni has also been working to ensure that the country is regarded as a military giant in the region ever since the introduction of a new government security policy in 2001. During this period the government was also facing a major threat from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) which only ended in 2006.

Considering the geographical size of Uganda the country has a relatively large army. The military is also well equipped with some of the latest technologies. Soldiers undergo rigorous training as the country boasts a number of advanced training facilities. Since the country’s 2007 African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) deployment to battle Al-Shabaab, the army has acquired valuable experience in counter terrorism and urban warfare.

The United States of America (USA) also regularly provides training to Ugandan forces to enhance their capabilities within AMISOM. This includes training on improvised explosive device (IED) detection and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), much of which has proved very valuable in countering Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Uganda’s army stands as a powerhouse in the region and allows the country to punch well above its weight. It has also allowed the country to take an active role in the region and continent as its army has a well established reputation.

5. Country threat report

Threat type Overview
External • Uganda faces a threat externally from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) who operate in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The ADF is known to move between the two countries.
Internal • Internally Uganda has to deal with the threat of possible attacks by Al-Shabaab cells, as the Somalia-based militants have threatened to attack the country.
Regional • At a regional level Uganda faces instability to the north with ongoing violence in South Sudan, and sporadic violence in eastern DRC is also problematic.
• Gunmen from the Central African Republic have attacked targets in Uganda on several occasions.
• Communities along the borderline of Rwanda and Uganda have for decades been involved in bloody land disputes.
Political • Politically Uganda is relatively stable; president Yoweri Museweni has been in power since January 1986.
• Uganda’s anti-homosexuality laws have angered foreign supporters and resulted in the suspension of aid.
Economic • Uganda has lots of fertile land and mineral deposits giving it a strong economy, generating regular growth year on year.

6. Major external deployments

Operation Country Personnel/assets
UNOCI Ivory Coast Troops: 2
UNMIL Liberia Police:12
UNMISS South Sudan Troop:2
AMISOM Somalia Troops: 6 200


Ministry of Defence
Mbuya Hill
P.O. Box 3798
Tel +256 412 70331

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