Uganda Police Force Departments

Uganda Police Force Departments

Below are the Departments for the Uganda Police Force

  • Department of Traffic and Road Safety:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Dr Kasiima Steven. The function of the Department is to enforce traffic and road safety laws with a view of ensuring safety for all road users.

  • Department of Human Rights and Legal Services:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Erasmus Twarukuhwa; and The Department is responsible for advising Police Management and other officers on legal issues, Initiating Police related legislations, guiding the Police disciplinary process and drafting bills and other statutory instruments for the UPF for onward submission to the Solicitor General.

  • Department of Police Fire Prevention and Rescue Services:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Mugisa Joseph; and charged with three major functions namely: prevention of fire through inspection, education, investigation and media campaigns on rescue of life or any human being threatened by either natural or manmade hazards; fire extinguishment in order to protect and save property from destruction by fire; and active participation as a key player in national disaster management activities with other stakeholders.

  • Department of Police Health Services:

The Department of Police Health Services is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Dr. Byaruhanga Moses. The Department is responsible for treatment, prevention and control of diseases for purposes of promoting good health lifestyles and behavior in the Police community. The Department shall extend its services to the surrounding communities through medical emergency response in partnership with other Departments involved in rescue operations; and examination of victims and suspects who may require such evidence in the process of providing justice.

  • Department of Parliamentary Police:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Twinomuguni; and is responsible for enforcement of law and order by providing safe and accessible environment for Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, Employees of Parliament and the Public.

  • Department of Forensic Services:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Major Leni T Mugalu; and is responsible for detecting, investigating and preventing crime regarding highly specialized areas of cyber, ballistics, chemical analysis and questioned documents among others.

  • Department of Criminal Investigation and Crime Intelligence (CICI):

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police, Grace Akullo, who is assisted by two deputy directors assigned to individual divisions. The function of the Department is to ensure effective detection, investigation and prevention of crime.

  • Department of Human Resource Development & Management:

The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of Police Moses Balimwoyo; its primary function is to establish appropriate human resource policies that enhance the performance of the Uganda Police Force.

  • Department of Information & Communication Technology:
    The Department is headed by Director Amos Ngabirano; it’s role is to plan, develop and advise UPF on the implementation of ICT policies in accordance with the national ICT plan thereby maintaining international standards.
  • Department of Interpol:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Asan Kasingye, who is assisted by a deputy director. The role of the Department is to ensure international and regional cooperation in the fight against trans-national crime.
  • Department of Kampala Metropolitan Police:
    The Department is headed by commissioner of Police Haruna Isabirye, , who reports directly to the Inspector General of Police. Geographically the area is comprised of Kampala Metropolitan North, South and East. The Department is tasked with policing the capital and neighboring districts.
  • Department of Logistics and Engineering:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Godfrey Bangirana. The Department develops and implements strategic policy for logistical and engineering support services for the Uganda Police Force.
  • Department of Oil and Gas:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Abas Byakagaba; it was established with the specific role of ensuring that the country’s oil and gas resources are adequately safeguarded. UPF appreciate the unique challenges presented in protecting natural resources and have responded by developing specific procedures within its overall policing standards.
  • Department of Operations:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police Andrew Felix Kaweesi, who is assisted by three commissioners. The role of the Department is to plan, implement, manage and coordinate all operational activities in the Uganda Police Force. These efforts are demonstrated by the Department of Traffic and Road Safety.
  • Department of Political Commissariat:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Assuman Mugenyi. The primary function of the Department is to develop a patriotic, citizen centric police force through engagement in education and community policing.
  • Department of Research, Planning & Development:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Edward Ochom. The Department is tasked with carrying out ongoing assessment of UPF with a view to identifying areas for strategic development.
  • Department of Special Duties:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Andrew Sorowen who reports directly to the IGP so as to ensure efficient functional command and control of the force. A number of units including the Fire Brigade, Tourism Police, Marine Unit and Canine Unit operate under the coordinated supervision of the Department.
  • Department of Welfare:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Elizabeth Muwanga. The role of the Department is to maintain and enhance the welfare of Uganda Police officers and their families. One way in which this is achieved is through the provision of a duty free shop for officers where they may purchase essential goods at reduced prices.
  • Department of Administration:
    The Department is headed by Assistant Inspector General of the Police, Moses Balimwoyo and its main role is to undertake and improve the general administration and management of the Uganda Police Force.
  • Department of peace support operations:

The Department is head by Assistant Inspector General of Police Grace Turyagumanawe; and its main role is to ensure and prepare the Uganda police force to effectively fulfil Uganda’s regional and international obligations in peace support operations and develop systems, plans and procedures for effective peace support operations in liaison with the African Union and United Nations.

Background of Uganda Police

Uganda Police ranks

Uganda Police Force Transfers

Uganda Police Act

Uganda Police Promotions

Uganda Police Uniform

Uganda Police Force Contacts

Uganda Police Salary

Uganda Police Annual Crime Report

Uganda Police Address

Uganda Police Armoured Vehicles

Uganda Police Air Wing

Uganda Police APC

Uganda Police Act Chapter 303

Uganda Police Band

Uganda Police Badge

Uganda Police Budget

Uganda Police Bio Data Form

Uganda Police Box Number

Uganda Police Barracks

Uganda Police Cars

Uganda Police Cement Mixer

Uganda Police Clearance

Uganda Police Directorates

Uganda Police Dog section

Uganda Police Database

Uganda Police Traffic department

Uganda Police Emergency Number

Uganda Police Email Address

Uganda Police force Standing Orders

Uganda Police form 3

Uganda Police Headquarters

Uganda Police Hotline

Uganda Police housing Project

Uganda Police Headquarters Naguru

Uganda Police Information Center

Uganda Police Insignia

Uganda Police Interpol

Uganda Police Inspector General Police IGP

Uganda Police ICT Department

Uganda Police Force Jobs

Joining Uganda Police

Uganda Police Training School Kabalye

Uganda Police Recruitment

Uganda Police Recruitment List

Uganda Police Mission Statement

Uganda Police marine unit

Uganda Police Mandate

Uganda Police Medical Form

Uganda Police certificate of Good Conduct

Uganda Police Code of Conduct

Uganda Police Professional Standards Unit

Uganda Police Structure

Uganda Police SACCO

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