Uganda Police Training School Kabalye Admissions /Recruitment

Uganda Police Training School Kabalye Admissions /Recruitment

PTS Kabalye Admissions and Recruitments


We normally enroll/recruit students of two categories namely:

  1. Civilians
    These are normally from the civilain walk of life and are trained and transformed into professional Police officers. They normally enroll for the intial courses either as;
  • Probatonary Police Constbales (18-25 years of age) or
  • Cadet Police officers (25-35 years)
  1. In-service Police officers
    This category comprises of in-service police officers who are enrolled either for technical or specialised courses say Crime Investigations, Electoral Crime Management, Traffic Induction to mention but a few or Refresher courses in specific fields of Police Disciplines


    We also train students from brotherhood countries like Southern Sudan and Somalia

Students recruitment
Regarding the general recruitment exercise the following are the procedures;

  • Advertisement in the Gazette/Newspapers with the specific requirements
  • Applications are submitted
  • Candidates are short listed for both oral and written inveterviews
  • Successful candidates are displayed at various Police stations in the country and Local government offices with the specific date of reporting

Trainees/students are recruited according to the quotas systems which covers every region of the country.


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