Uganda  Students Loan Scheme : Loan Amount

Uganda  Students Loan Scheme : Loan Amount

Initially the loan amount is put at a capping of a weighted average Unit cost of Ugx. 4 Million to cater for the pedagogical component (tuition and functional fees) while the non pedagogical component such as accom- modation, meals, transport costs etc will be cost shared by the students.

HESFB Student Loan Application

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application Form

Universities Participating in HESFB Student Loan Scheme

Background of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda

History of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda 

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Mission and Vision

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Requirements

Uganda  Students Loan Scheme : HESFB Loan Amount

HESFB Uganda  Students Loan Scheme Beneficiaries

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Loan Coverage

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Application Procedure

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Contact Details

International Scholarships for Ugandans to Study Abroad

Admission Lists for Universities in Uganda

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UNEB ( Uganda National Examinations Board )

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