HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Loan Coverage

Uganda Students Loan Scheme Loan Coverage

The Students’ Loan will cover tuition fees, functional fees and research fees. The loan shall also cover aids and appliances

for persons with disabilities.


1.The loan shall NOT cover meals, accommodation and other incidental welfare expenses.

2.Seek for the loan ONLY IF YOU NEED IT.

3.The application form is NOT FOR SALE, its entirely free but a fully filled application form should be submitted to any Centenary Bank Branch after payment of Ugx. 50,000 (Uganda Shillings Fifty Thousand Only exclusive of Bank Charges) as non-refundableLoan processing fees to HESFB A/C No. 3740300006

4.Student loans will strictly be awarded to students pursuing programmes in year I

5.Students who have received

Government or other scholarships are not eligible for the Financing Scheme.

6.You will be informed of the outcome of your application through the Print media, your respective email addresses, the HESFB website, and or via SMS on your private mobile telephone contacts.

The closing date for receiving applications is Friday, 4th August 2017 at 1700 hours’ local time.

HESFB Student Loan Application

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application Form

Universities Participating in HESFB Student Loan Scheme

Background of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda

History of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda 

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Mission and Vision

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Requirements

Uganda  Students Loan Scheme : HESFB Loan Amount

HESFB Uganda  Students Loan Scheme Beneficiaries

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Loan Coverage

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Application Procedure

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Contact Details

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