Uganda Temperature

Uganda Temperature

Uganda Temperature

Uganda Climate : Uganda time :East Africa Standard time GMT + 3 Uganda Climate Change

What’s the Weather Like in Uganda?

Uganda’s weather conditions are ideal , ranging from the warmth of the lowland areas to the coolness of the highlands in the South West Kigezi.

Temperature in Uganda

For the most of the year, Uganda is sunny with temperatures rarely rising above 29 degrees. The average temperature is about 26 degrees C, with a maximum of 18-31 degrees and minimum of 15-23 degrees depending on the part of the country.

When is the Best time to visit Uganda?

Seasons The rain season is March-May. Light rain season is November and December.Wet seasons are March –May & October-November; dry seasons are December to February & June to August. Rainfall ranges between 500mm to 2500 mm & the relative humidity is 70% -100% The rainfall regime allows two planting and harvesting seasons a year in most parts of the country, without the use of irrigation. Terrain About 34% of the country is covered in wetlands with a dense network of rivers,lakes and swamps. Generally, the country is endowed with fertile soils. Uganda has Lake Albert,Lake Victoria which is the 2nd largest fresh water lake in the world and also the source of the Nile. Time Uganda moves with East African Standard time. GMT+3Uganda climate & time Uganda is the best destination to visit because of its year around holiday climate. Mountain Gorillas can only be tracked during the dry seasons. The reason why Uganda has a favorable climate is because of its position on the equator and altitude; this has attracted many tourists who love adventuring with the wildlife and also having their holidays in Uganda. Most interesting about Uganda’s climate is that during the wet season, rain usually occurs in the morning or at night with a beautiful thunderstorm and after the sun’s rays appears to dry up the land. Sunrise and Sunset: This usually differs throughout the year. Sunrise and dawn happens at around 6.30am in the morning. In case you are close to the Mosque, you will hear the first prayer in the morning around 5am.The sun sets off at 7pm providing the rest of the hours to daylight. Rainy Seasons of the Year in Uganda: Uganda is blessed with two rainy seasons in a year and these are known as short and long rains. But this may vary depending on which of the part of the country you are in, just In case you are around lake Victoria or western Uganda, these places receive rain almost every day although it occurs for short times. Uganda is not USA where can consider to rain for an entire week nonstop. Short rains occur during the months of April to May with amazing thunderstorms that are not found anywhere. Long rains take place in September to November followed with fantastic thunderstorm in the night or morning. By 10am, the beautiful sun is out and brightens the day; you stay in the morning sun for some time as this is good for your health. This time around, the long rains come a bit early. Uganda has some dry areas that receive little or rain, the amount of rain they receive ranges from 100mm or less and yet some parts of the country receive rain of about 1000 to 2000mm. Best Time of the Year to tour Uganda: The best time to enjoy your visit in Uganda and particularly the month would actually be December to February and also June to September. Within this time, you will delight in gorilla tracking and hiking as well. From my own view point, rainy season may be a bit hard for people to understand and i would like to make it clear. When it comes to the pacific Northwestern part of USA, the rains occur nonstop for almost a week and yet in Uganda it rains and later on the sun comes out. The most exciting element about this weather is the thunderstorm then followed by the sun dries up the land and it appears as if it has not rained at all. Your visit to Uganda will make you love the amazing weather. Temperature Vary in different towns of Uganda: Kampala –It has an altitude of about 1,155meters with high temperatures differing by 3*C over the year. The mean being at 27 degrees Celsius and the low temperatures ranging from 16 and 18 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Entebbe –with an altitude of 1,145 meters and the high temperatures ranging by 2 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The mean being 26 degrees Celsius. The low temperatures differ by 16 and 18 degrees Celsius over the year. In the past Entebbe used to be the capital city of Uganda and this was during colonial period, this was because of Lake Victoria and its cool climate Fort Portal – It has an altitude of close to 1,540 meters. The high temperatures differ by 2 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The mean being 25 degrees Celsius. The low temperature ranges between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius over the year. It’s found in the western part of Uganda and has a higher altitude than Kampala. Kabala –It has an elevation of about 1,950 meters. The high temperatures vary by 2 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The daily mean by 23 degrees Celsius. The low temperature ranges from 9 and 11 degrees Celsius over the year. It has the highest elevation in the western party of Country. Because of its cool climate, it favors the growth of apples. Gulu –Altitude 1,110 meters. The high temperature differs by 5 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Daily mean being 29 degrees celsius.The low temperature ranges between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius over the year. Masindi – It has an altitude of about 1,145meters.The high temperatures vary by 3 degrees Celsius throughout the year, daily mean at 28 degrees Celsius. The low temperatures differ between 12 and 13 degrees Celsius over the year. Jinja –It as an elevation of close to 1,145 meters. The high temperatures differ by 3 degree Celsius throughout the year, daily mean at 28degree Celsius. The low temperatures ranging from 14 and 15 degrees Celsius over the year.

Uganda Climate Change

Right from this information, you can judge for yourself that Uganda is a perfect holiday destination. Even if the equator crosses through the country, its altitude and temperatures make it pleasant country. It has standard hotels and lodges with better facilities. It has beautiful beaches with fine sandy that will make you get memorable moments. Pack the best clothes and these may include both light and heavy just in case the weather changes you have clothes to wear and still make you comfortable. With this information about Uganda, you can plan for holiday and believe me you will get the best experience of a lifetime.

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