UHAI EASHRI East Africa Grants for Sex Workers and Gender Minorities

UHAI EASHRI East Africa Grants for Sex Workers and Gender Minorities

UHAI EASHRI East Africa Grants for Sex Workers and Gender Minorities

UHAI’s Peer Grants Portfolio is one of four grant portfolios through which they resource the movement; the others being the Secretariat determined Opportunity grants through which they support the movements to seize unanticipated opportunities and respond to emergencies; the Strategic Grants for supporting high impact, high value work, and the Uwezeshaji grants to provide complementary capacity support to the grantees.

UHAI EASHRI is Africa’s first indigenous activist fund for sex workers and sexual and gender minorities.

They support civil society organising for and by sex workers and sexual and gender minorities’ with:

flexible and accessible grants; capacity support; support for Pan-African organising and advocacy, including support for activist-determined convening; and knowledge building and documentation.

Funding Information

Msingi Grants: These are 1-year General Support grants with a funding ceiling of USD 7,500. Traditionally, Msingi grants have been awarded to organisations that have not received a grant from UHAI EASHRI before, but existing grantees of UHAI EASHRI are welcome to apply to this category as well.

Tujenge Grants: These are also 1-year General Support grants with a funding ceiling of USD 20,000.

In the past, Tujenge were used to contribute to ongoing programmes, and/or cover the core support costs of developing organisations.

Imarisha Grants: These are 2-year core operating support grants of up to USD 60,000 allocated at a maximum of USD 30,000 per year.

Imarisha grants are geared towards consolidating and sustaining organisations that have long-term and large-scale strategies.

UHAI EASHRI created Imarisha Grants in response to feedback from the grantee partners that, while many funders could support activities, few funders were willing to support the core and operational costs of the work of organisations.

Eligibility Criteria


  • If yours is a civil society organisation led and managed by sex workers and by sexual and gender minorities in one of the following countries: Burundi,Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo[DRC], then you are their priority.
  • UHAI’s also consider requests from mainstream organisations that demonstrate meaningful engagement of their communities in decision-making, and whose programmes have a direct, large-scale impact on their movements.The funding is not thematic and responds to the needs identified and prioritised by sex workers and sexual and gender minorities movements in Eastern Africa.

    Applications Accepted All Year Round.


    For more information and application details, see; UHAI EASHRI East Africa Grants for Sex Workers and Gender Minorities

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