UHTTI Mission, Vision and Mandate |Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute

UHTTI Mission, Vision and Mandate |Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute


The Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (HTTI) is mandated to:-

  1. Organize and conduct courses in Tourism, Hotel management and catering and to make provision for advancement, transmission and preservation of knowledge.
  2. Conduct examination and grant certificates, Diplomas and other higher awards of the Institute.
  3. Consult and cooperate with anybody or organization in or outside Uganda having similar functions.


The leading hands on trainer in Uganda of highly skilled workforce for the Hospitality industry.


To produce highly skilled and competent workforce for the national and International hospitality industry.

Background of Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Courses Offered

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Contact Address

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Admissions

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (UHTTI) Facilities

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