UKPHS Large Health Grants for Myanmar

UKPHS Large Health Grants for Myanmar

UKPHS Large Health Grants for Myanmar

Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) is pleased to announce the launch of the first wave of Large Grants for UK Partnerships for Health Systems (UKPHS).

UKPHS is managed by the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) and the partners the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), who are providing technical assistance in the areas of health systems strengthening, gender equality and social inclusion, and monitoring, evaluation, research and learning.

The key aims of the programme are to:


  • Support the development of stronger and more resilient health systems through, for example, better governance, information, and management of health institutions
  • Improve the quality of health services through systematic approaches to improving the skills and knowledge of health workers and other professionals in the health sector, especially in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent services where this aligns with country priorities
  • Build on institutional capacity to decrease any reliance on external support.THET welcomes grant applications from Health Partnerships addressing the identified health priorities in the following four countries:


  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Themes The UKPHS aims to contribute to SDG 3: ensuring healthier lives and promotion of well-being for all at all ages, including supporting countries to achieve universal health coverage.Funding Information

    Grants of up to £350,000 are available. All funded projects are expected to last between 24 and 30 months. Project activities will be implemented from May 2021 until October 2023.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The core requirements for applications are:


  • Applications must be made by a Health Partnership between a UK health institution and an LMIC health institution based in one of the countries identified in this Call.They welcome applications from Health Partnership models that involve a number of partners if there are eligible partners from both the LMIC and the UK.

    Partnerships will be expected to demonstrate how each of the partners contribute to the project

  • Grants are for single, time-bound projects that are deliverable within the budget and timeframe proposed and agreed with THET
  • Projects must operate within Myanmar, Nepal, Uganda or Zambia
  • Projects must respond to the priorities identified in the relevant Country Health System Priority document
  • Applications must be made in English. Unfortunately, THET cannot accept applications written in other languages.Apply by 21st December.


    For more information and application details, see; UKPHS Large Health Grants for Myanmar

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