UNAM of Bachelor of Arts

UNAM of Bachelor of Arts

University of Namibia Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


The BA (Hons) degree programme is a general programme in the sense that students select their own minor and major subjects from the available humanities and social sciences offerings, subject to University and Faculty regulations. Students therefore in effect compile their own degree programme.

It is recommended that the compilation of a student’s degree programme is done in consultation with the Faculty Officer, and where advised, with the relevant departments. Students should also consult the relevant subject regulations before they decide on their subjects. Apart from the general BA degree programme outlined in this section, specialised BA degree programmes exist for which set curricula are prescribed.

Curriculum Structure

The BA degree is a double-major qualification consisting of two (2) major subjects taken up to fourth year level, one (1) minor subject taken up to third year level and one (1) subject taken at first year level only (plus the University Core Curriculum Courses at first year level).

Students select their four (4) subjects in the first year from four different groups below, subject to the relevant Faculty and subject regulations (cf. F). A student may not select more than one subject from any one group.

Group 1
Afrikaans as Applied and Business Language
French as Applied and Business Language
German as Applied and Business Language
Oshiwambo as Applied Language
Otjiherero as Applied Language
Portuguese as Applied and Business Language
Spanish as Applied and Business Language
Group 2
Art for Advertising
French Studies*
German Studies*
Khoekhoegowab Studies*
Oshiwambo Studies*
Otjiherero Studies*
Group 3
English Studies*
Fashion Studies
Religious and Biblical Studies
Group 4
Geography and Environmental Studies
Clinical Psychology (Single Major)
Clinical Psychology (Double Major)
Industrial Psychology (Single Major)
Industrial Psychology (Double Major)
Group 5
Creative Expression
Group 6
Afrikaans Studies*
Political Studies
Portuguese Studies
Visual Culture
Group 7
Textiles Studies

Group 1: only as minor subject and only for Beginners in the respective language
*: NSSC level required

UNAM Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate Courses


UNAM Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Courses

UNAM Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Overview

UNAM Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Contacts

UNAM Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Prospectus

UNAM Humanities and Social Sciences Departments

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