UNBS Standards |Uganda National Burea of Standards

UNBS Standards |Uganda National Burea of Standards

Standards are documents that contain technical and other requirements that products and services have to comply with. These requirements could include design, material, performance, manufacturing and testing requirements, including packaging and labeling.

Standards are the result of a consultative process involving all interested parties in a consensus manner. Standards are a representation of the current state of technology.  They are updated to ensure their continuous applicability.  Generally every five years published standards are reviewed and either re-affirmed, revised or withdrawn.

For more information, please contact:

Manager, Standards Department
Tel: +256 414 505 995

Mobile: +256 776 332 658

: +256-705 516 106
Fax: +256 414 286 123

Email: david.eboku(at)unbs.go.ug

Background of Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Contact Address

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Certification

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Imports Inspection and Clearance Scheme

Uganda National Burea of Standards PVoC

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Metrology

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Product Testing

Uganda National Bureau of Standards FAQs

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