Undergraduate Courses Offered at Busitema University

Undergraduate Courses Offered at Busitema University

Below is a list of Busitema University Undergraduate Courses Offered

  1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  2. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  3. Bachelor of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering
  4. Bachelor of Computer Engineering
  5. Bachelor of Science Education
  6. Diploma in Education Primary
  7. Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering
  8. Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering
  9. Bachelor of Science in Water Resources Engineering
  10. Bachelor of Science in Agro-Processing Engineering
  11. Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Economics
  12. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Water Resource Management
  13. Diploma in Ginning Engineering:
  14. Bachelor of Business Administration
  15. Diploma in Agricultural Engineering
  16. Diploma in Computer Engineering
  17. Bachelor of Animal Production & Management
  18. Diploma in Animal Production & Management
  19. Diploma in Crop Production & Management
  20. Certificate in General Agriculture
Candidates who did not take Agriculture at A-Level should have passed it with at least a Credit at O-Level to be
eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering (AMI)
– Available Subject Combinations include:
Mathematics, Physics, Education
Mathematics, Computer Studies, Education
Physics, Computer Studies, Education
Mathematics, Chemistry, Education
Biology, Chemistry, Education
Economics, Mathematics, Education
Economics, Computer Studies, Education
Entrepreneurship, Mathematics, Education
Entrepreneurship, Computer Studies, Education
Agriculture Double Main, Education
Geography, Biology, Education
Geography, Mathematics, Education
– Available Subject Combinations include:
Mathematics/Physical Education
Mathematics/Computer Studies
English/Computer Studies
English/Development Studies
English/Religious Studies
Candidates who did not take Chemistry at A-Level should have passed it with at least a Credit at O-Level to be
eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering (TEX) and Diploma in Ginning