UNDP Call for Proposals for Small Grants in South Sudan

UNDP Call for Proposals for Small Grants in South Sudan

UNDP Call for Proposals for Small Grants in South Sudan

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is requesting proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NGOs and/or CBOs for its Access to Justice, Security and Human Rights strengthening programme (2020-2023) that aims at improving the linkages between rule of law actors and communities through different activities including awareness raising, capacity building and community policing through Police Community Relations Committees (PCRCs) meetings and community outreach activities.

UNDP seeks to issue grants to expand community involvement in local security arrangements the participation of youth, women, minority groups such as IDPs.

Measures will be taken to establish PCRCS and facilitate the holding of monthly PCRC meetings and training of police and community members to strengthen the functioning of 4 PCRCs in at least two Payam in Yei, Terekeka, Rumbek, and KuajoK-Gogrial for 12 months.

The objective of the grants mechanism is to enhance local community security and support building trust and confidence between the police and the community with special focus on women and girls.

Funding Information


  • A grant not exceeding US$ 20,000 in each location will be made to the organization in one tranche for smooth operations. <li?the funds=”” will=”” be=”” disbursed=”” within=”” two=”” weeks=”” after=”” signing=”” of=”” the=”” grant=”” agreement.=”” <p=””>Scope of WorkLocal NGOs/CBOs are requested to submit a proposal in one or two of the locations below:



  • Yei;
  • Terekeka
  • Rumbek
  • Kuajok-GogrialEligibility Criteria

    Interested parties must submit a proposal along with the following documents:


  • Proof of registration as a non-governmental/non-commercial organization including copies of registration certificate and constitution or another governing document. Organizational profile with the following details:
  • A clearly defined management structure;
  • Experience and expertise in training and capacity building; Knowledge of international human rights norms and experience of working on human rights and protection issues
  • Work experience in South Sudan or in post conflict situations of at least two years prior to the application;
  • Details of the local partners if application is made jointly by two or more local NGOs/CBOs.
  • A member of NGO forum South Sudan Curriculum vitae of two key staff members involved in the implementation of the Project.Apply by 9th October.


    For more information and application details, see; UNDP Call for Proposals for Small Grants in South Sudan

1 thought on “UNDP Call for Proposals for Small Grants in South Sudan”

  1. we need to be apart of UNDP LIST FOR FUNDING


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