UNEB PLE English Past Papers for Year 2001
Uganda National Examinations Board PLE English Past Questions for Year 2001
Sub-section I
In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill the blank the blank space with the correct word.
1. The athlete…………………………….won the gold medal died in a motor accident.
2. …………………………………you carry packed lunch, you will not find anything to eat on the way.
3. She travelled…………………………….train from tororo to Mombasa.
4. If I went home late, I………………………………….find the gate locked.
5. I do not know………………………………………..to go after P.7.
In each of the questions 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to complete the sentence.
6. Our class prefect is a very …………………………………girl. (beauty)
7. Bad weather delayed the ………………………………of the plane. (depart)
8. I…………………………………very happy to receive your invitation letter last week. (be)
9. I told him to stop …………………………….rotten mangoes. (silent)
10. We should not be afraid of snakes because most of them are not …………………….(poison)
11. The priest prayed……………………………………in his heart.(silent)
12. Ofwono’s son passed in……………………………………..one.(divide)
13. He got lost because he had ……………………………..the way to the clinic. (forget)
14. This book is …………………………………..than that one. (good)
15. The more he becomes hungry the………………………………….he pays attention to the teacher. (little)
In each of the questions 16 to 18, write the plural form of the given words.
16. Furniture……………………………………………………………………………………..
17. Thief ………………………………………………………………………………………………
18. Secretary ………………………………………………………………………………………
In each of the questions 19 to 20, arrange the given words in alphabetical order.
19. Listen, lesson, link, learn.
20. Cork, coil, cook, comb.
In each of the questions 21 and 22, re-write the sentences giving the opposite of the underlined word.
21. The roads in Uganda are narrow.
22. The headmaster is in the office.
In each of the questions 23 and 24, use each of the words in a sentence to show that you know the difference in their meaning.
23. Coat
24. Court
In each of the questions 25 and 26, re-write the sentence giving a single word for the underlined group of words.
25. Opoka made up his mind to do that job again.
26. Asuman’s health is getting better and better everyday.
In each of the questions 27 and 28, re-arrange the given words to form a correct sentence or questions.
27. is gave who present my a uncle man the me
28. that been you reading long how book have?
In each of the questions 29 and 30, give the abbreviations of the given words.
29. Member of Parliament……………………………………………………………………………
30. Company ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Sub-section II
In each of the questions 31 to 50, re-write the sentence as instructed in the brackets.
31. I prefer matooke to rice. (Re-write beginning: I like……………………..)
32. The class monitor likes him. He is not his friend. (Re-write as one sentence beginning: although…………………)
33. The photograph became clearer as he moved closer to it. (Re-write beginning: the closer …………………………..)
34. My brother was knocked down by the lorry. (Re-write ending: …………………….my brother.)
35. Mugisha asked if anybody had seen his exercise book. (Re-write beginning: “Has …………………………………..?” Mugisha asked.)
36. We need peace in Uganda. (Re-write beginning: what we need……………………..)
37. My friend who lives in Arua will visit me next moth. (Re-write beginning: a friend……………..)
38. She is a beautiful girl. (Re-write beginning: what a ………………………!)
39. It was not necessary for the headmaster to come. (Re-write using: ………….needn’t have………………)
40. All the teachers were not invited to dinner. (Re-write beginning: none………….)
41. His umbrella was blown off by a strong wind. (re-write ending: ……………………his umbrella)
42. Mukasa is my teacher. His father is a pilot. (Re-write as one sentence using: ……………………whose…………………..)
43. All the teachers were disappointed when he performed poorly in the examination. (Re-write beginning: his poor……………..)
44. She is a woman of wealth. (re-write ending: …………………….woman)
45. I intend to buy a new bicycle. (Re-write beginning: my……………………)
46. Akello is not as fat as Atim. (Re-write using: ……………………is fatter……………)
47. The students of jinja college managed to climb the Rwenzori mountains.(re-write using: ………………………succeeded in…………………)
48. The headmaster told us to remove all the rubbish. (Re-write beginning: we were…………………..)
49. He wants to buy a car but he has not got the money. (Re-write beginning: if he gets………………………….)
50. “Do you think the examination results will be out in January?” Asaba asked. (Re-write beginning: Asaba wanted to know…………………………)
51. Read the following passage carefully and answer, in full sentences, the questions that follow.
There are more species of insects than all animals added altogether. The study of insects is called entomology. It is extremely important that we learn about insects since some of them do some damage to man, his animals, crops, stores of food and materials.
Despite the terrible damage and diseases caused by some insects, there are benefits that man generally gets from insects. Insects play an important part in the pollination of crops. Some insects also produce commercially important products; bees produce honey and wax; the silk worms produce the silk threads that are used in the manufacture of expensive fabrics.
Insects are grouped under Arthropods and have common characteristics such as exoskeleton, joined legs and segmented bodies. Their bodies are divided into three distinct parts, that is, head, thorax and the abdomen. The head, the first part of the body, comprises of the feelers and the compound eyes.
The second part of the body is the thorax and this consists of three segments which bear three pairs of legs. The insect with its three pairs of legs can easily be differentiated from spiders which have four pairs.
The abdomen is the third part of the body. The segments of the abdomen have no legs but contain various organs of the reproductive system. In some insects there are some structures at the back end of the abdomen which have various functions, for example, egg-laying, as seen at the back-end of bush, crickets or for causing a painful sting, as seen at the back-end of wasps.
a) What do you call the study of insects?
b) How are insects harmful to man?
c) What is the most important role played by insects to man?
d) Which insect has a painful sting?
e) Which part of an insect contains various organs of the reproductive system?
f) Which type of skeleton system do arthropods possess?
g) Why are bees commercially important?
h) How would you distinguish between an insect and a spider?
i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
(i) Distinct
(ii) Segment
52. Read the notice below and answer, in full sentences, the questions that follow.
a) Who wrote this notice?
b) What is the notice about?
c) Why do you think a 15 year old will not vote?
d) Why do you think Mrs. Njoroge from Kenya will not vote?
e) When does vomiting end?
f) Who is an adult?
g) In which country are the elections taking place?
h) What is the last date for collecting voters’ cards?
i) Which organization in responsible for conducting these elections?
53. Below is the time-table of planes at J.K.International Airport in Nairobi. Study it carefully and answer in full sentences the questions that follow:-
SUN | British PP. | 11.00pm. | 11.30pm. | South Africa |
MON | Uganda PP | 10.00am. | 6.00pm | Uganda |
TUE | British PP.(RJ) Ethiopian PP | 11.00pm. 8.00am. | 11.30pm. 8.30am. | Europe. Europe via Lagos |
WED | Kenya PP Kenyan PP(RJ) | ……………………. 4.00pm. | 8.00am. …………….. | Uganda ………………….. |
THUR | French PP | 9.00am. | 9.30am. | South Africa via Maputo |
FRI | British CP. | 12.00 noon | …………………….. | …………………….. |
SAT | French PP.(RJ) British CP.(RJ) | 6.00am. …………… | 6.30am. 9.00am. | Europe. Europe. |
PP. – Passenger Plane
CP. – Cargo Plane
(RJ.) – Return Journey
a) On which days of the week does a cargo plane come to J.K airport?
b) Which plane arrives and leaves this airport late in the night?
c) Where does the British CP go on Saturday?
d) Which planes make a stop over on the way after leaving this airport?
e) If a person wanted to go to Europe over the week-end, which plane would he board?
f) How many times do planes arrive at J.K.Airport in a week?
g) In which country is this international airport?
h) On which day does the Ethiopian PP arrive at this airport?
i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used above.
(i) Cargo
(ii) Destination
54. The sentences given below are not in their proper order.
Re-arrange them so that they form a good composition about poverty in a developing country like Uganda.
1. I think, we can fight it by seriously using our life skills.
2. Thirdly, it has made them exposed to diseases, like AIDS.
3. In the end, we shall get rid of poverty in our country.
4. There are many problems facing people in the world today.
5. First of all, it has made them fail to get good education.
6. These skills will help us to work very hard.
7. This has made a lot of Ugandans commit many evils.
8. What shall we do to fight this great difficulty?
9. In Uganda, like in some other countries, people face a problem of poverty.
10. Secondly, it has led them to being idle.
55. You are a chairperson of the debating club in your school.
Write a letter to the Headmaster of Pong-Pong Primary School, P.O.Box 1 Kiddo. Asking him to allow your club to have a friendly debate with his club. Tell him that his club can suggest the motion for the debate.
The debate will take place on 6th novemebr, 2001, in their main hall at 2:00pm.
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages