UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2013

UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2013


In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word.

  1. Don’t play with a razor blade because ………………………………can hurt you.
  2. We should thank our teachers ………………………………teaching us well.
  3. The carpenter will use a saw to………………………the wood into pieces.
  4. The man …………………………….defiled the little girl was imprisoned for life.
  5. The letter “e” appears……………………..in the word ‘Wednesday’In each of the questions 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentence.
  6. Most teachers arrange class registers ………………………………..(alphabet)
  7. That cyclist is riding with a lot of ……………………on that busy road(carefully)
  8. The triplets opened the door by ……………………………..(them)
  9. The nurse will ……………………………..all children who are below five years of age. (immunity)
  10. Ainomugisha is ……………………………..to their teachers usually succeeded in their studies. (obey)
  11. Pupils who are ………………………………..to their teachers usually succeeded in their studies. (obey)
  12. Which book gives the correct ………………………of each word? (pronounce)
  13. The …………………………………………of the twins was given a prize. (smart)
  14. The bride ………………………………….down to greet her husband. (kneel)
  15. Charlotte has baked very ………………………………cakes today. (taste)In questions 16 and 17, arrange the given words in alphabetical order
  16. Mbarara, kampala, jinja, Lira
  17. Blunt, blink, blast, block
    In questions 18 and 19, use each of the given words in a sentence to show that you know the difference in their meaning.
  18. Sew ……………………………………………………………..
  19. Sow …………………………………………………………………………..

    In each of the questions 20 and 21, re-write the sentence giving the opposite form of the underlined word.

  20. Please sir, may I come in?
  21. The baby was awake when the Reverend arrived.

    In questions 22 and 23, write the plural form of the given words.

  22. Box……………………………………………………………………………………..
  23. Point of order…………………………………………………………………….

    In questions 24 and 25, write the abbreviation of the given words

  24. Father’s I name his know.
  25. School value garden Of a what is

    In questions 26 and 27, write the abbreviation of the given words.

  26. Will not ………………………………………………………………………….
  27. Assistant ……………………………………………………………………….

    In each of the questions 28 to 30, re-write the sentence giving one word for the underlined group of words.

  28. The figure is shaped in form of a circle.
  29. Catching fish is one of the activities in my district
  30. Bright sister solves problems with ease

    In each of the questions 31 to 50, re-write the sentence as instructed in the brackets.

  31. Animals need protection. People need protection.
    (join as one sentence using ………………………….as well as …………………..)
  32. Mother did not withdraw the money. Father did not withdraw the money.
    (Re-write as one sentence using:………………..and neither…………….)
  33. That is the police woman. I am related to her.
    (Re-write as one sentence using: …………………………….to whom………………..)
  34. The fruits will be eaten by the birds.
    (Re-write as one sentence ending: ………………………………………fruits.)
  35. We didn’t go for a tour, did we?
    (Re-write as one sentence ending:………………………………, didn’t we?)
  36. As the girls were reciting a poem, the boys were reading a story book.
    (Re-write as one sentence using ……………………….while………………………..)
  37. You will not fail the examination. I will not fail the examination.
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: None………………………………..)
  38. The visitors arrived at the bus park at noon.
    (Re-write as one sentence using: …………………………..reached………………..)
  39. What a busy road that is!
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: That is……………………………………)
  40. car knocked down a goat.
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: A goat………………….)
  41. “what is your name?” the shopkeeper asked Brenda.
    (Re-write as one sentence using …………wanted to know……………)
  42. The knife is too blunt to cut
    (Re-write as one sentence using ……………………….so………….that……………….)
  43. The bag of rice has been sold expensively.
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: Those………………………………………)
  44. Who swept our classroom today?
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: By whom………………………..)
  45. The old man did not buy palm leaves. He did not make mats.
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: If……………………………….would have…………….)
  46. Juma owns the two taxis.
    (Re-write as one sentence using: ………………………………belong…………….)
  47. The tailor made a suit. The tailor also ironed a suit.
    (Re-write as one sentence beginning: Besides……………………….)
  48. Both Ichat and Manja are clever.
    (Re-write the sentence using………………..as clever as……………………)
  49. Although you loaded Airtime on the phone, it was not necessary.
    (Re-write the sentence using …………..needn’t……………….)
  50. Girls who leave school for early marriage usually get problems in future.
    (Re-write the sentence using ………………………..often………..)
  51. Read the passage below and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.

Zawadi was broken up by the loud crowing of a cock in the neighborhood. She sat on her bed and this time, forgot to pray, like she used to do. She jumped out of her bed only to realize that everybody was still asleep. She tip-toed to her parents’ bedroom. Just at the door way, she heard some snoring. This confirmed her expectation. “Now is the chance to let everybody know that I can wake up before them,” she said to herself happily.

In a few minutes she was already dressed and set for school. Opening the door quietly, she got out. She started her journey to school. She was surprised walking for some distance without meeting anybody. This didn’t scare her. She continued with her journey until she met a man. The man looked unkind but proved to be kind when he asked to give her a lift on his bicycle. Zawadi accepted and thanked him.

The man rode very fast and even faster towards the school. She told the man that he had passed the school but he pretended not to have heard. The louder she shouted, the faster he rode. Zawadi realized that she was in danger. She immediately prayed to God and contained her tears. When they reached a trading center and saw some people, she shouted for help. “This man is kidnapping me! kidnapping me! kidnapping me! “ she shouted. People at the trading center started running after them. Those who had bicycles rode faster after him. Finally, they caught up with him. The man realizing danger abandoned the bicycle and fled for his life.

The strong men ran after him while women remained with Zawadi listening to her story. Luckily enough, the man was caught and brought back to the trading center. He was handed over to police. The man was taken to court and charged. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment for attempted kidnap.

Zawadi was handed over to her parents.

  1. What woke Zawadi up?
  2. How did Zawadi move to her parents’ bedroom?
  3. What made Zawadi confirm that her parents were asleep?
  4. How did Zawadi open the door?
  5. When did Zawadi realize the man’s kindness?
  6. What did the man do when Zawadi told him that he passed the school?
  7. What happened to the man at the end?
  8. Give one word or group of words with the same meaning as the underlined words in the passage.
    (i) confirmed ……………………………………………………………………….
    (ii) scare ……………………………………………………………………………
  9. Give a suitable title to the passage

    52/ Pictures A-F tell a story.

Study them and write one sentence to describe what is happening in each picture. You may use (if you want) any of the following words to help you.

Children   mangoes       drink   cry     draw   fetch     water         worried       cows       carry       containers         river

UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2013
UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2013
  1. Picture A………………………………………………………………………..
  2. Picture B………………………………………………………………………..
  3. Picture C ……………………………………………………………………….
  4. Picture D ……………………………………………………………………..
  5. Picture E …………………………………………………………………….
  6. Picture F……………………………………………………………………
  7. Why have the children put down their containers?
  8. What are the cows doing in picture E?
  9. Suggest a suitable title for the story

    53. Read the poem below carefully and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.

Birds are singing in the forest

Waves are moving on River Nile,

And leaves are all shaking, in the sun

The clock’s hands go on turning, and the school boys and girls of P7 go on learning

But I’m crying, simply crying

For the lesson to end

When I am old, not strong

When iam at school, no longer

When lesson times and school days are over

If there is singing in the forest

If there are waves on the River Nile

If leaves are all there

And the sun is out

I will greet all of them.

(adapted, A poetry Anthology pg; 20)

  1. Where are the birds?
  2. Give the name of the River mentioned in the poem
  3. What are the boys and the girls doing at school?
  4. Why do you think the leaves are shaking?
  5. What does the writer want to end?
  6. In which class is the writer?
  7. Is the writer a strong child?
  8. Give one word or group of words with the same meaning as the underlined words in the passage.
    (i) waves ……………………………………………………………………………..
  9. over…………………………………………………………………………….

What will the writer do when the sun is out?

  1. The information below shows the program of Doho District Primary Sports day. It was held in Buzibira Primary School on 15 Oct 2013.

Study it and answer in full sentences the questions that follow.

  1. 00 am.-8.30a.m
  2. am.-9.00a.m
  3. 00 a.m-9.30a.m
  4. 30a.m-10.00a.m
  1. 00am
  2. 00am -11.30a.m
  3. 00p.m – 1.30p.m
  4. 00p.m -3.00pm
  5. 00 -3.30p.m
  1. 30pm -4.00p.m
  1. 30p.m -4.00p.m

Arrival of participants

Participants assemble

Arrival of invited guests

Singing the National Anthem, school Anthem then prayer

Competition begins

Arrival of DEO(chief guest)

Lunch break

Various field activities taking place

Relays for pupils, teachers and


Presentation of trophies to the best three schools.


District Sports Officer

  1. Where was the sports day held?
  2. When was the sports day held?
  3. When did the participants assemble?
  4. What happened after singing the National and School Anthems?
  5. At what time did the competition begin?
  6. How long did lunch break take?
  7. Apart from pupils and teachers, who else took part in the relays?
  8. Who was the chief guest?
  9. Who wrote the program?
  10. Why is sports important to our bodies?
  11. (a) Mr. Jamwan, a teacher at Peta Primary School, wrote and put the following information on the school notice board. Study it carefully and answer in full sentences the questions that follow.
                               DABATE!         DEBATE!

MOTION : ‘’children should be represented in parliament’’.

PROPOSERS: Peta primary school

OPPOSERS : Nkondo primary school

VENUE: Merikit Town Hall

DATE : Friday, 8th Nov. 2013

TIME : 2.00p.m .-4.30p.m

NOTE: a free soda will be given to all speakers.

  1. Where can we find this information?
  2. What is the information about?
  3. Which school will support the motion?
  4. How long will the debate take?
  5. Why do you think many people may try to speak during the debate?

55(b) Net media phone dealers put the following advertisement in Etop Newspaper. Study it carefully and answer in full sentences the questions that follow.


Maama mobile phones on sale at only shs 60.000each.

Buy one cellular phone and get a free sim card.

This special offer is valid until 1st January 2014.



1st No. 2013

  1. Which company is advertising?
  2. What does this company sell?
  3. According to the advertisement, how can one get a free sim card?
  4. How long will this offer last?
  5. Who wrote the advertisement?


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