UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2017

UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2017

n each of the questions 1 50 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word.
1. Either Joan……………………………………..Joel will feed the baby

2. Besides using a hammer, carpenter ………………………………………..uses a drill

3. Sugar is normally measured ………………………. Kilograms

4. Number ……………………………comes after seven

5. Asio is my ……………………………………because she is a sister to my father

In each of the following questions 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentence.
6. I visited the zoo ……………..during Easter holidays (one)

7. Luganda is ………………………spoken in Uganda (wide)

8. My friend was…………………………..on the ear by a wasp. (sting)

9. The plumber reported the ……………………….of his identity card to the police. (lose)

10. There are ………………………..teachers than doctors in our country. (Many)

11. He married a …………………………wife (beautiful)

12. The man who repaired our computer is a ……………………. national (Kenya)

13. Abaho is …………………………. With the shopkeeper to reduce the price of a shirt (bargain)

14. Disciplined children ………………..perform well in class. (usual)

15. I like my teacher of English because of his ………………. during lessons. (explain )

In questions 16 and 17, write the full form of the given words
16. He’ll___________

17. cc _____________

In each of the questions 18 to 20, rewrite the sentence giving one word for the underlined group of words.
18. I always eat a lot of pawpaws , oranges, guavas and ovacados

19. Most birds make homes of grass in which to lay their eggs

20. The children ran to the kitchen at once

In questions 21 and 22, give the plural form of the given words.
21. Goose______________

22. Sister –in-law__________

For Questions 23 and 24, use each of the given words in sentences to show that you know the difference in their meaning.
23. Meat

24. Meet

In questions 25 and 26, re-arrange the given words in alphabetical order.
25. Cassava, yam, potatoes, maize

26. River, yam , roof, rise

For questions 27 and 28, rewrite the sentences giving the opposite of the underlined words
27. Mzee Kija rears bulls on his farm

28. It is not good to undress in public

In questions 29 and 30, re-arrange the given words to form a correct sentence
29. Motor is the wear didn’t careless his helmet

30. John’s picked who his from desk pen?

In each of the questions 31 to 50, rewrite the sentence as instructioned in the brackets
31. I have to pass this examination highly. (Rewrite the sentence using ………………..must …………………)

32. If Mariam had gone to the internet café, she should have sent an e-mail to Teddy. (re-write the sentence using ………went….)

33. She was talking to someone, wasn’t she? (Rewrite the sentence ending: ……………,” the proposer say.)

34. The proposers say that water is better than fire. (rewrite the sentence ending ………………………,” the proposers say)

35. My little sister Is very ill. She can’t eat any food. (rewrite as one sentence using ………….so …………..that)

36. Beda junior was sewing. The needle priced him. (rewrite as one sentence using…………….while………………)

37. Obonyo has a very kind mother. (rewrite the sentence beginning What………)

38. You should say sorry whenever you make a mistake. (rewrite the sentence using …………………….apologise ……………………….)

39. None of the garments was clean. (rewrite the sentence beginning All………………..)

40. Some cartoons that appear in the newspapers are drawn by Clare. (rewrite the sentence using …………………some of…………….)

41. Michael is short. Mathew is very short. (rewrite as one sentence using ………………..than………….)

42. Nancy is a hardworking girl. Jane is also a hard working girl. (rewrite as one sentence using:….both…)

43. The mechanic repaired my father’s car. (Rewrite the sentence and end:….by the mechanic.)

44. Nakubulwa Shalom prefers reading story books to playing. (Rewrite the sentence using: ….more interested…)

45. Our school has not organized any tour for two years. (Rewrite the sentence ending:…………ago.)

46. The journalist needn’t have written false reports (Rewrite the sentence using:……necessary….)

47. We shall have fantastic Christmas carols in the afternoon. (Rewrite the sentence using:………..going to……..)

48. Every time I fall sick, I see a doctor. (Rewrite the sentence using………whenever…..)

49. If Lubanga does not obey the school rules, he will be expelled from school. (Rewrite the sentence beginning. Lubanga will not ….)

50. That book is Mary’s. (Rewrite the sentence using:……belongs….)

Question 51 to 55 carry ten marks each
51. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow in full sentences.
Last term, Malindo Primary School held an election. Ms. Dorothy Awor, the chairperson of the school electoral commission, organized the elections. She pinned the lists of posts on the notice board. She asked the pupils to apply for the posts. Many pupils applied including the well-known boy, Bouncer Bino also known as BB. He was known in the school because of his pride. He applied for the post of Head boy. As soon as BB handed in his application, he changed his style of walking.

Friday was the day for general campaigns. The chairperson called candidates to address the pupils. When BB was called upon, pupils cheered him “Our boy BB! Our boy BB! ” However, he was disturbed by something: he had no money to please his supporters.

When he returned home that evening, he asked his dad for some money for the campaigns. BB was very excited when his dad gave him some money. he bought sweets, pan-cakes, buns and gave them quietly to every pupil he believed was his supporter. On the day of the elections, the head teacher, Mr. Matovu was there to monitor the process. He wanted to ensure that there was no rigging Indeed, there was free and fair elections.

When Ms. Dorothy Awor announced the results, a very humble boy who did not spend money was elected head boy. Bouncer Bino, had lost. He was very disappointed and so were his parents.
BB accepted the results and advised his supporters to work together with the newly elected prefects. Mr. Matovu appreciated BB’s action and thanked him for the good spirit of togetherness

a) What was held in Malindo Primary School?

b) Who was the chairperson of the electoral commission?

c) Where was the list of the posts pinned?

d) Why was Bouncer Bino well-known in the school?

e) When did the pupils have general campaigns?

f) Why do you think BB’s dad gave him money?

g) Why was the head teacher monitoring the process of the elections?

h) Give another word or a group of words with the same meaning as each of the underlined words in the passage.

i) What made the head teacher to appreciate Bouncer Bino’s action?

52. Study the advertisement below carefully and then answer the questions that follow in full sentences

a) What is the advertisement about?

b) Who has organized this event?

c) Where will the event take place?

d) How long will the event take?

e) On what date will the event start?

f) What do you think will excite children at the venue?

g) How much would your parents pay if they were to go for the event?

h) Why do you think most people will arrive early?

i) Who wrote this advertisement?

j) When was the advertisement written?

53. Read the poem below carefully and then answer the questions that follow in full sentences.
Teacher, Oh! My teacher!
What should I call you?
I wish to choose a name for you
But I can’t get one, not at all.

I hear you command children,
Go to classrooms! Class! Class!
Don’t step on grass! No trespassing.
Teacher, are you a policeman?

Class time, you make me forget home,
Teaching me skills, skills!
To make my future bright.
Teacher, are you a care taker?

Break time, you tell me to share, share!
Packed snacks, water, juice, everything.
You sing, please share with friends,
Teacher, are you a parent? You are!

Akunamatata Brenda

a) What can’t the writer get?

b) Who commands children at school?

c) Which people should not step on the grass?

d) When does the writer forget home?

e) Why should the writer think of a teacher being a policeman?

f) What can make one’s future bright?

g) Mention any two things to share.

h) Who do you think packs the snacks?How many stanzas are in the poem?

i) Who wrote the poem?

54. Pictures A- F tell a story. Study them carefully and then write one sentence to describe what is happening in each picture.

You may use any of the following words to guide you.

boy dog bitten Clinic
bicycle help father pulling
leg trying playing crying

a) Picture A

b) Picture B

c) Picture C

d) Picture D

e) Picture E

f) Picture F

g) What mistake has the boy made in Picture B?

h) Where is the man taking the boy in Picture F?

i) What feeling do you think the boy had towards the dog afterwards?

j) Suggest a suitable title for the story.

55. Imagine you were playing with a friend in the classroom at lunch time. While playing, you accidentally hit a window pane with a ball and it broke. Using your address, write an apology letter to your class teacher. Ask him for forgiveness. Tell him what happened. Mention that you wil talk to your parents to replace the window pane. Promise never to play in the classroom again.


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