UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 1998

UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 1998

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 1998


1. Give any one reason why you think that brushing of teeth prevents tooth decay?

2. Give any one example of where refraction of light can be a disadvantage.

3. How does a person get infected with tetanus?

4. Suggest any one way of preventing poultry birds from pecking each other.

5. What is drug abuse?

6. Give the importance of bacteria found in the root nodules of leguminous plants to the soil.

7. Metals are usually painted to prevent them from rusting. How does the paint help in stopping the metal from rusting?

8. If your friend accidentally pours hot milk on his/her hand, what first aid would you give him or her?

9. Give any one reason why you think that mushrooms are similar to fungi.

10. Suggest any one way through which foot and mouth disease is spread among cattle.

11. Give any one sign of syphilis.

12. How is the habit of bees visiting the flowers important to plants?

13. Suggest any one reason why dew is usually formed at night but not during day time.

14. What is the importance of mineral salts in the diet of a child?

15. How do the human actions which are controlled by the spinal cord different from those which are controlled by the brain?

16. Give any one example of the Ball and Socket joint in a human being.

17. Give any one way in which friction is a disadvantage.

18. State any one function of the human kidney.

19. What is the importance of the nursery bed to a vegetable farmer?

20. Give any one reason why you think that a plant is living thing.



21. John poured paraffin onto the bottle as shown in A below. He added water to the bottle as shown in B. Use the diagram to answer questions 21 and 22.


22. Give a reason for your answer in question 21 above.

Use the diagram of a seesaw below to answer question 23.

23. Isaac who weighs 30kg and Susan who weighs $5km sit on the seesaw above, such that Isaac sits at point X and Susan at point Y. Which side of the seesaw will go down?

24. How does leprosy spread?

25. Apart from being states of matter, in which way are liquids similar to gases?

26. Give one way in which a child can acquire immunity against a disease without being given a vaccine.

27. Give one example of how many uses water to produce energy.

The diagram shows an animal commonly found in the school surroundings. Use it to answer questions 28 and 29.


28. To which group of animals does it belong?

29. How does the animal protect itself from its enemies?

30. What advice would you give a mother whose child is suffering from Kwashiorkor?

31. Which structure of an insect has the same function as gills in a fish?

32. John threw a blanket onto a burning fire and the fire was put out. How did the blanket help in putting out the fire?

33. Complete the rays through the lens in the diagram below.


34. Suggest one reason why blood goes to the lungs first before it circulates to all the parts of the body.

35. Why do electricity wires hanging on electric poles sometimes appear loose and at other times tight?

36. Which part of the eye functions like a film in a camera?

37. Which body organ is damaged when you drink s lot of alcohol?

38. Give any one reason why it is not advisable to buy and use medicine from local shops.

39. Peter’s friend is suffering from survey. Suggest a reason why Peter’s friend is suffering from that disease.

40. Give any one way a farmer can improve on the local breed of cattle.




41. Most of our health problems can be solved without the use of drugs.

Suggest any four ways in which this can be done.

The diagram below shows a lantern lamp. Use it to answer question 42.


42. a) How does paraffin move up through the wick?

b) Name two forms of energy that are produced by this lantern lamp.

c) What is the use of the part marked S?

43. a) Give two ways in which you can prevent in your home.

b) Suggest two reasons why HIV/AIDS infection tends to be more common among female adolescents than among the male adolescents.

44. The diagram below shows breaks and feet of birds. Use it to answer the questions that follow.


a) Suggest the type of food the bird labelled A eats.

b) How does the bird used the claws (foot) labelled C for feeding?

c) What type of food is suitable for the bird’s beak labelled B?

d) How useful is the foot labelled D to the bird?

45. a) Give two functions of nerves in the human body.

b) In which two ways is food important to the human body?

46. Give any four methods commonly used to preserve meat.

47. The graph below shows the number of eggs laid daily on a poultry farm.


a) On which day was the highest production recorded?

b) What was the average number of eggs produced per day?

c) If an egg costs shs.100, how much money did the farmer get that week?

d) Suggest one problem which could have caused the low production on Monday and Thursday?

48. a) What is the use of a fuse in a circuit?

b) Give three reasons why the bulb of a torch may not light even when the switch is on.

49. Describe an experiment to show that air has weight.

50. The diagram below shows a common instrument. Use it to answer the questions (a) to (d).


a) What is the use of the above instrument?

b) Name the liquid labelled A.

c) Why is the liquid named in (b) above used in that thermometer.

d) What is the importance of the part marked X?

51. a) Name three things requires by leaves for the process of photosynthesis to take place.

b) Give the importance of photosynthesis to the flowering plants.

52. What type of immunity does a child get in each of the following:

i) From mother to child?

ii) After immunisation?

iii) After suffering from a disease like measles?

b) Why should pregnant women be immunised against tetanus?

53. The diagram below shows a charcoal flat iron box.


a) Why is the handle of the iron box made of wood?

b) State two uses of the holes on the iron box.

c) How does heat from the iron box reach the users body?

54. The diagram shows three metallic rings Q ,P,T.


a) Which ring will produce:-

i) Sound with a low pitch?

ii) Sound with a high pitch?

b) Name any two devices that can be used to store sound.

55. Suggest four reasons why physical exercises are important to our bodies.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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