UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 2005
Uganda National Examinations Board Science Past Questions for Year 2005
1. Give any one reason why animals move from one place to another.
2. Give any one form of energy produced when a carpenter drives a nail into a piece of wood with a hammer.
3. Give any one animal fibre found in the environment.
4. What change of state takes place when water is frozen to ice?
5. What structures on a leaf of a plant help in the process of transpiration?
6. How are houseflies able to spread germs?
7. Give any one proper way of disposing of rubbish in a home.
Use the diagram of the seed given below to answer in question 8 and 9.
8. How is the seed in the diagram dispersed?
9. Give reason to support your answer in question 8 above.
10. In which way is crop rotation a good method of controlling crop pests.
11. Give any one reason why people commonly use free range system of keeping poultry.
12. What structures in an insect work like lungs in a mammal?
13. How is a stretcher useful in giving First Aid?
14. Give any one use of saliva in the digestive system.
15. In which state of matter does heat travel by convection?
16. Why is thunder heard after lightening has been seen during a rainy day?
17. How does painting a metal prevent it from rusting?
18. What structures enable the absorption of food to take place in small intestines?
19. Give any one characteristic that make a butterfly and a cockroach to be classified as insects
20. Suggest any one problem of early pregnancy to a school girl below 18 years.
21. How can the School Health Committee tell whether a child already immunized against tuberculosis without referring to the child-health -card?
22. Mention any one reason for thinning crops like cotton.
23. Why is clay soil able to retain water much longer than the other types of soil?
24. What force enables a match-stick to light when it is struck at the side of its box?
25. Give the difference between heat and temperature.
26. Give any one way in which bees benefit from plants.
27. How is the method of propagation of a sweet potato different from that of an Irish potato?
28. How does the breathing of an adult frog differ from that of a tadpole?
29. Draw a compound leaf in the space provided below.
30. What is the importance of immunizing a pregnant woman against tetanus?
The diagram below shows a garden tool. Use it to answer questions 31 and 32.
31. Name this garden tool.
32. Give any one use of the tool to the farmer.
33. Give any one reason why doctors prescribe drugs for patients.
34. The diagram below shows an object 2 meters away from the mirror. Draw the image of the object.
Two magnets A and B were suspended as shown in the diagram below. Use it to answer question 35.
35. If the pole marked N on magnet A is the north pole, what is the pole marked X on magnet B?
36. A cow and a bat are classified as mammals. To which class of animals do the tortoise and lizard belong?
The diagram below shows a simple lever system. Use it to answer the questions 37, 38 and 39.
37. Show on the diagram, with an arrow, the direction of movement of the effort at P as the load is being lifted.
38. At which of the two points D and P shown on the diagram will less effort be used to lift the load?
39. Give a reason for your answer in 38 above.
40. Why does 1 Kg of iron have less volume than 1kg of cotton wool?
41. Give any four ways in which plants depend on each other.
42. a) What is the use of the hairs found in the nose of a human being?
b) Name any one disease that attacks the respiratory system.
c) What happens to the diaphragm when we breathe:
i. In?
ii. Out?
43. a) What are communicable diseases?
b) Give any two examples of communicable diseases.
c) State any one practice in a community that would help in the control of communicable diseases.
44. a) Give any two ways in which bacteria are useful to human beings.
b) Give any two ways in which bacteria are dangerous to human beings.
45. Give any two ways of controlling the spread of the following diseases without using drugs:
b) Malaria
46. The diagram below shows a stone being put into a measuring cylinder A containing water. The level of water rose to that shown in cylinder B.
Use the information to answer the questions that follow.
a) Work out the volume of the stone.
b) If the mass of the stone is 60g, calculate its density.
47. a) Give any three characteristics of living things.
b)How are plants different from animals in the way get their food?
48. The diagram below shows the seven colours of a rainbow. Complete the missing colour bands in the space provided in the diagram below.
49. Mulokole kept one goat and one rabbit in different houses. He used to put different types of food in their houses. He recorded the number of times they ate each type of food. The following was his daily record:
Animal | Number of times each food was eaten | |||||
Sweet potato leaves | Cassava leaves | Sorghum leaves | Grass | Maize | Banana Leaves | |
Goat | 3 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Rabbit | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
a) What was the most favourable food for the:
i) Goat?
ii) Rabbit?
b) What was the least favourable food for the rabbit?
c) If Mulokole were to use only one type of food, which one would be the most favourable for both the goat and the rabbit?
50. In the space provided below, draw a diagram to show the germination of;
a) A monocotyledonous seed.
b) A dicotyledonous seed.
c) What is the importance of a cotyledon in a seed?
d) In which way is a seed important to a plant?
51. a) Why does blood move from the heart to the lungs before it moves round the body?
b)Give any one function of each of the following:
i. White blood cells
ii. Red blood cells
iii. Platelets
52. The diagram belowis of an electric circuit. Use it to answer the questions that follow:
a) Name the parts labelled Y and X in the diagram.
i) Y
ii) X
b) Apart from light, give any other form of energy produced by the part labelled X and Y is closed.
c) Show with the help of arrows the flow of current in the above diagram.
53. Health Committee members in your school visited an old man’s home and found out that the home did not have the main requirements for proper sanitation.
Suggest any four activities they should carry out to ensure proper sanitation in the old man’s home.
54. a) Give any two ways in which an umbilical cord is important to a baby in the womb.
b)Suggest any two things a pregnant woman must do to promote the health of her baby in the womb.
55. Explain how to prepare Oral Rehydrate Solution (ORS)
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