UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 2006

UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 2006

Uganda National Examinations Board Science Past Questions for Year 2006


Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each.

1. What good health habit should be practised after visiting a latrine or toilet?

2. Give any one way in which animals are important during the process of photosynthesis.

3. What form of energy does a falling stone have before it reaches the ground?

4. State any one reason why some plants climb others.

5. Give any one use of sand at home.

The diagram below shows a glass with water and a straight ruler in it Use it to answer question 6.

6. What causes the ruler to appear bent?

7. What First Aid would be given to Jamada who has burnt his fingers with a hot meal?

8. Give any one practice that can help to control the spread of cholera in a school.

9. Give any one reason why people plant trees around their houses.

10. Apart from the skin and lungs name any one other excretory organ.

11. Give any one way in which the breathing of a housefly is different from that of a rat.

12. Give any one way in which soil is important to a plant?

13. Why is a wet cloth put on a body of a person with fever?

The diagram below is of a blood cell. Use it to answer questions 14 and 15.

14. What type of blood cell is shown in the diagram?

15. Give reason for your answer in question 14 above.

16. Give any one reason why plants are grouped among living things.

17. Give any one example of a leguminous crop.

18. How does a snail protect itself from enemies?

19. Give any one disadvantage of keeping poultry on a free range system.

20. Give any one reason why air is considered to be matter.

21. Give any one reason why people like the brick makers, need to feed on more carbohydrates.

22. Which part of air is necessary for burning to take place?

23. Give the meaning of drug abuse.

24. State any one way of making a magnet.

25. Which part of the human body does Trachoma attack?

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26. Suggest any one way in which the use of solar energy helps in the protection of the environment.

27. Why is a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) left without a cover?

28. How do some people become passive smokers?

29. Draw a prop root system.

30. Name any one crop with a root system similar to the one you have drawn above.

31. What causes an echo?

32. Why does a stone sink when it is put in a bucket full of water?

33. Give any one way through which worms enter our bodies.

34. Mention the instrument used to measure the temperature of a human body.

35. What is the process by which seeds grow into seedlings?

36. State any one use of an axe in a home.

37. Give any one reason why white objects are seen easily even at a distance.

38. Give any one way in which people benefit from bees.

39. Which bone in the human skeleton protects the brain?

40. Give any one characteristic which is common in all the invertebrates.

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Question 41 to 55 carry four marks each.

41. John fell off a bicycle and broke his thigh bone.

a) Name the injury which John got.

b) State any two ways in which John can be given First Aid.

c) What is the importance of giving First Aid to a person like John?

42. The diagram below shows a human heart. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) What is the function of the part marked with letter Y?

b) Give the difference between the blood in the regions marked with letter A and B.

c) Put arrows on the short lines marked with numbers 1 and 2 to show the direction of the movement of blood.

43. a) Name any two parts of a plant which provide human beings with food.

b) Give any two in which plants benefit from animals.

44. Below is a list of activities carried out by people in the environment. Use it list to answer the questions that follow.

– Fishing

– Producing a lot of smoke in the factories

– Draining swamps

– Throwing polythene bags on the soil

– Crop rotation

a) Which activity is likely to decrease the amount of rainfall?

b) Which activity is likely to spoil the fertility of the soil?

c) Which activity is good for controlling crop diseases?

d) Which activity is likely to cause pollution of the atmosphere?

45. The table below show s different groups of vertebrates. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

Birds Mammals Amphibians


a) To which group of vertebrates does each of the following belong?

b) Give any one way in which the reproduction of animals in group B is different from that of animals in group C.

c) Give any one other group of vertebrates which is missing from the table.

46. a) What is the importance of taking children for immunization?

b) Which vaccine is given to the child in the mouth at birth?

c) Give any two ways the child’s health card is important to the parents.

47. a) Give any two reasons why a mushroom is not a plant.

b) Give any two plants that reproduce in the same way like a mushroom.

48. The diagram below shows wooden poles with electricity wires. Use it to answer the questions that follow.


a) State any one reason why wires are loosely fixed.

b) What would happen to the wires if they were tightly fixed?

c) Give any one reason why wooden poles are usually used to carry electricity.

d) Why are the wires placed very high up?

49. a) Give any one part of the human body where each of the following joints is found.

i) Ball and Socket joint

ii) Hinge joint

iii) Gliding joint

b) Which one of the above joints can make an all round movement?

50. a) What is a chemical change?

b) Give any one example of a chemical change.

c) When water changes to ice the process is called freezing. Name the process in each of the following changes:

i. Ice to water

ii. Steam to water

51. a) Give any one reason why people include proteins in the diet.

b) What is importance of fruits in a diet?

c) State any two ways of protecting children against malnutrition.

52. The list below gives some of the methods farmers use to control soil erosion. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

– Terracing

– Planting trees

– Contour ploughing

– Mulching

Which two of the methods given above are best for:

a) Land with a gentle slope?

b) Land with a steep slope?

53. Give any one sign you would see on cattle suffering from the following diseases:

a) Anthrax

b) East coast Fever

c) Nagana

d) Foot and Mouth

54. The diagram below shows two simple machines. Use it to answer questions that follow.

a) Name the machine with the letter A

b) State the class of lever to which each of the above machines belongs.

i) Machine A

ii) Machine B

c) Give any one example of a machine which works in the same way as the machine marked with letter B.

55. The diagram shows a rabbit house. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) Give any one reason why the rabbit house is raised above the ground.

b) Give any two reasons why wire mesh is used in building a rabbit.

c) State any one thing that should be provided to the rabbit in the house.

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