UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 2009

UNEB PLE Science Past Papers for Year 2009

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 2009


1. Name one domestic animal used for protection in a home.

2. Give the function of a micropyle to a germinating seed.

3. What general name is given to animals with a backbone?

4. Name the type of preservation where slow burning fire is used to dry food.

5. Give one pest which destroys the roots of root crops in gardens.

6. What state of matter is smoke?

7. Give a reason why a tsetse fly is dangerous to cattle.

8. How is reproduction in beans different from that in ferns?

9. Write one activity that can help to reduce snake bites in a home.

10. The diagram below is of an irish potato tuber.

Use it to answer the question that follows.

What is the use of the part marked S?

11. Why is immunisation of children carried out free of charge in Uganda?

12. Write one reason why people work in dirty areas should wear gumboots.

13. Why should young girls avoid getting pregnant?

14. What type of farming should a farmer use in order to harvest both crops and wood?

15. The diagram below shows a method of making water clean.

Use it to answer the questions that follows.



Name the method used above

16. Why do objects thrown in the air fall back on the ground?

17. Why shuld communities fence open spring wells?

18. State one way of preventing athlete’s foot disease.

19. Why is an ostrich unable to fly?

20. Apart from trachoma, name one other eye disease.

21. State ne way holes in the soil created during brick-making may contribute to the spread of malaria in an area.

22. State one natural cause of a family failing to have enough food.

23. Name one material used to guard against electric shocks.

24. Give one activity the community can do to reduce road accidents.

25. Name ne activity carried out by farmers to remove unwanted plants from their gardens.

26. Give one way in which claws are important to birds.

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27. To which group of simple machines does a ladder leaning aganist a wall belong?

28. Why is it bad practice to store cooked food in a room where domestic animals are kept?

29. Write one method of rearing cattle used in towns.

30. State one similarity in structure between a small and an earthworm.

31. Apart from the rock particles and living organisms, name one other part of soil.

32. What happens when an opaque object is placed in a path of lights?

33. Name the kind of energy possesed by water at 1000C.

34. Give one factor to be considered when choosing a site for a school garden.

35. The diagram below shows a stage of development of an animal.

Use it to answer the questions that follow



Name one animal that develops from this stage.

36. State one common problem which adoloscence face.

37. Why is breast feeding very important to a mother?

38. How do plants reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

39. Name the part of a flowe that holds the anther head.

40. Give one reason why people who get badly burnt are given plenty of fluids.

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Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.

41. The following diagram shows two types of teeth in human beings.

Use it to answer the questions that follows


a) Name the type of tooth marked

i) A

ii) B

b) Give the use of each of the teeth in the diagram above.

i) A

ii) B

42. a) How does a guitar produce sound when the string is plucked?

b)How can the pitch of a guitar be changed?

c)Name one way of storing sound.

d)Give a reason why sound cannot travel through a vaccum.

43. The diagram below is of a sugarcane plant.

Use it to answer the questions that follow.





a) Name the parts marked with the letters M and L

b) What food value is got by eating sugar cane?

c) How is such a sugarcane plant propagated?

44. a) State one way in which a nursery bed is important to a farmer/.

b) Name two vegetable crops commonly grown in a nursery bed.

c) Give one wway in which a farmer can care for crops in a nursery bed.

45. a) Write one dangerous substance found in tobacco smoke.

b) Give the meaning of each of the folloewing:

i) active smoking

ii) passive smoking

c)What piece of advice can you give to smokera to help them to stop the habit?

46. The density of sand is 3 grams per cubic centimetre. Its mass is 270 grams. Find its volume.

47. a) What is First Aid?

b) List any two things found in a First Aid box.

c) State why every school should have a first Aid box.

48. Equal amounts of water were poured onto soil A and b in the diagram below:


a) From which soil did mre water drop?

b) State why more water dropped from the soil you have named in (a) above.

c) Name the type of soil on B.

d) Give one use of the type of soil in A.

49. a) Write two activities that help to promote good sanitation in a home

b) Name two diseases that may attack a family due to poor sanitation.

50. The diagram below shows a human eye.

Study it and use it to answer questions that follow.



a) Name the parts marked P and Q.

b) What is the function of the part marked R?

c) Which letter on the diagram shows where images are formed?

51. The table below shows weather instruments and what they measure. Match the items in list A with those in list B


List A List B
Wind Vane Amount of rain
Barometer Speed of wind
Rain guage Amount of air pressure
Anemometer Direction of wind

a) Wind Vane

b) Barometer

c) Rain guage

d) Anemometer

52. a) What name is given to the process that turns sugar to alcohol?

b) Apart from making alcohol, state two other ways the process you have named in (a) can be useful to human beings.

c) Name the fungus used in this process.

53. a) Name the process that takes place in the air sacs of a human lung.

b) What prevents the trachea (wind pipe) from closing during breathing?

c) Give two products found in the air we breathe out.

54. a) Stae the function of each of the following structures in the human skeleton.

i) ligament

ii) tendon

b) Give one example of a long bone in a human skeleton.

c) Name one disease that affects a human skeleton.

55. a) Name the germ that causes gonorrhea.

b) Give one sign of gonorrhea in a newly born baby.

c) How does gonorrhea infection increase the chances of a person getting HIV/AIDS?

d) How can a person avoid getting gonorrhea?

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