UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 1991
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 1991
1. What instrument is used for measuring the direction of wind in the school?
2. Why is the government encouraging the production and export of non traditional cash crops e.g. maize and simsim?
3. Why do people in most parts of Uganda wear light clothing?
The bar graph below shows rainfall and the line graph shows temperature in one part of Uganda. Use it to answer questions 4 to 7.
4. In which month does the area receive the heaviest rainfall?
5. How many rainy seasons does the area have?
6. What type of climate is found in this area?
7. What can you say about the temperature in this part of the country?
8. How is cotton grown in Northern Sudan?
9. Give one disadvantage of overgrazing.
10. In which ways are forests useful to carpenters in Uganda?
11. In which direction is Uganda from Zaire?
12. Why is Uganda known as a landlocked country?
13. Give one reason why Southern Nigeria is economically important in the development of Nigeria.
14. What is the importance of Newspapers?
15. Which cash crop is grown by both the Baganda and the Chagga?
16. What is the main economic activity in the drier areas of East Africa?
17. In which East African country was the railway line first built?
18. What role did missionaries play in improving the health of the people in Uganda?
19. What is the importance of the Uganda Agreement of 1900?
20. Where was the administrative headquarters of Uganda before independence?
21. What is Uganda’s Motto?
22. Which political party won the first general election in Uganda?
23. The three arms of government are: the executive, legislature and the judiciary. Which one of these is responsible for maintaining Law and order?
24. Why do people in Uganda pay taxes?
25. Why is a cement factory situated at Hima?
26. Name one quick method of sending a message through the Post Office.
27. Who were the first colonial rulers of Tanganyika?
28. Which political movement fought for the Independence of Kenya?
29. Which major cash crop is grown in Zanzibar?
30. Name ne organisation under which the independent East African countries opened before 1977.
31. Who is Nelson Mandela?
32. Why was the United Nations Organisation formed?
For each question 33 to 40 answers EITHER the Christian OR Islamic questions but not both.
33. EITHER: Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem?
OR: At what age did Muhammad (PBUH) become a prophet?
34. EITHER: Who were the first people to hear about the birth of Jesus?
OR: What is the first and fore most duty of a Muslim?
35. EITHER: what message did Isaiah give to the people of Israel?
OR: what does Isaiah teach his followers to do to people who have done wrong to them?
36. EITHER: After meeting zacchaeus, the sinner, what did Jesus do to show that he loved sinners?
OR: what is the importance of Ramadan to Muslims?
37. EITHER: In which way did the apostle Judas Iscariot contribute towards the death of Jesus?
OR: Name any one of the two angels who record each person’s deeds.
38. EITHER: What is the importance of Pentecost to Christians?
OR: Who was the first person to believe that Muhammad (PBHUH) was a prophet of Allah?
39. EITHER: Why is Namugongo important to Christians?
OR: Why do Muslims make hidja?
40. EITHER: Which bishop was killed in Busoga while on his way to Buganda?
OR: What is shahadat?
41. Study the map of Uganda below and answer the questions that follow.
a) What is the name of the latitude marked A?
b) In the space provided name town B.
c) Which one of the areas marked C and D has the highest rainfall?
d) Name one cash crop which grows well in the area marked E.
42. a) What problems do people who live in hot deserts of Africa face?
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b) Although Libya is a desert country, give two reasons why it has developed faster then most African countries.
43. The events below are connected with governments in Uganda. Arrange them according to the order in which they happened.
a) Independence.
b) Legislative council (legco)
c) Amin’s army coup
d) Self government
i) …………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
44. With the help of the diagram below, answer the questions that follow.
a) In which area of the diagram is tea likely to grow very well?
b) Give one reason why the area you have chosen in (a) above is suitable for tea growing.
c) What cash crop in Uganda best in area A?
d) Give one district in Uganda where tea is grown.
45. Choose four names from list A and write each against the correct description given in B.
David Livingstone
………………………..the first European explorer to see the source of the nile.
…………………………introduce Christianity in central Africa.
…………………………an explorer who came to Uganda through north Africa.
…………………………built a fort in kampala.
46. a) Why did the missionaries come to Uganda?
b) State three problems which the early missionaries met in east Africa.
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
47. a) Of what value are national parks in Uganda?
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) What are the main dangers which animals in national parks of Uganda face?
48. a) What is the main economic activity of the Masai?
b) Mention two problems which the Masai face as they carry out the activity named in (a) above.
c) How is the government of Kenya trying to help them overcome these problems?
49. The map below is a country in central Africa. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(i) What name was given to this country before independence?
(ii) What major economic activity is carried out in town marked B?
(iii) What is the name of the railway marked C?
(iv) Name the dam marked A.
50.a) State two ways in which farmers help the community.
b) What are the duties of a good citizen?
51. a) Why is conservation of trees important?
b) How can the people contribute towards the conservation of trees in Uganda?
52. Give two ways in which the following international bodies are helping the people of Uganda.
For each of the questions 53 to 55 answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic questions, but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate who attempts both alternatives in a number.
53. EITHER: Jesus taught using parables. In the parable of the good Samaritan,
a) What happened to the traveller?
b) What did the Good Samaritan do?
c) What does Jesus want us to learn from the parable?
OR: Give any four conditions a Muslim should fulfil before he begins praying.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
54. EITHER: a) when does one become a Christian?
b) When is a Christian allowed to take Holy Communion?
c) What do bread and wine taken by Christian during Holy Communion represent?
OR: a) When is a Muslim allowed to practice dry ablution (tayammun)?
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
b) What name is given to prayers which Muslims hold on Fridays?
55. EITHER: Match the names in list A with correct description in list B
……………………………….preached justice and repentance.
……………………………….brought news of Jesus’ birth.
……………………………….preached the good news to the gentiles.
………………………………..was an apostle.
OR: Match the books in list A with the correct prophet given in list B.
A Qur’an
Torah (taurat)
Bible (enjir)
Psalms (zabur)
……………………………………..Jesus (Isa)
……………………………………. Daud (David)
…………………………………….Moses (musa)
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages