UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 1992

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 1992

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 1992


1. In which way is Lake Kyoga important to the people living around it?

2. Why was the railway line extended to Pakwach?

3. Which mountain top in Uganda is covered with snow throughout the year?

4. What major problem is faced by cotton growers in Uganda today?

5. Why does the sun rise earlier in Mombasa than in Kampala?

The map below is of Uganda. Use it to answer the questions 6 to 11.


In questions 6 to 9 compare areas A and B in terms of:

6. Physical features

7. Population

8. Climate

9. Crops Grown

10. What National Park is found in the region marked C?

11. What group of people (not tribe) is found in the region marked C?

12. IN what way was the River Nile responsible for the coming of the first European into Uganda?

13. Of what historical importance is Bagamoyo in Tanzania?

14. What was the result of the Lamogi rebellion?

15. Name one of the founder members of the O.A.U from West Africa.

16. Which lake in East Africa lies within the Eastern Rift Valley?

17. What is meant by “indirect Rule” as practised by the British in Uganda?

18. Why was the cultivation of cash crops introduced into Uganda by the British colonial rulers?

19. Why was a Fort built in the area where Fort Portal is located today?

20. How did the first Africans in Uganda join the legislative Council (Legco)?

21. How did the Kabaka Yekka help Obore to become the first Prime Minister of Uganda?

22. What is a government?

23. Why did the people of Somali Republic change from cattle keeping to crop farming?

24. What is the main export of Zambia?

25. What is a national budget?

26. In what way did William Mackinnon help in the development of East Africa?

27. Name one country located in the horn of Africa?

28. Give one way in which the problem of reaching the Indian Ocean by Rwanda is different from that of Uganda.

29. Which is the leading mineral export of South Africa?

30. Give one way in which the UNHCR is different from the Red Cross.

37. EITHER: why did Pope Paul VI visit Uganda in 1969?

OR: why is the importance of zakat?

38. EITHER: What lesson does Jesus want us to learn from the parable of the prodigal son?

OR: when is a sin not forgiven by Allah?

39. EITHER: when Jesus was arrested and brought before Pontius Pilate. What was he accuses of?

OR: how does a Muslim show his faith?

40. EITHER: what was the work of Mathew before becoming an apostle?

OR: which one pillar of Islam is similar to one pillar of faith?


41. When then European first came into Buganda they were received well. After sometime the rulers of Buganda turned against them.

a) Besides missionaries, name two groups of Europeans who came to Buganda before 1990.



b) Why did the rulers of Buganda turn against the early European later?



42. Below is the map of Tanzania. Use it to answer the questions that follow.


a) Name one major cash crop growth in the area.

(i) Marked P

(ii) Marked T

b) What is the name of the lake marked R?

c) Name the port marked Q:

43. What should be done to encourage people to move from urban (town) areas to rural arrear.



(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

44. In what ways can one become a citizen of Uganda?





45. a) state two reasons why it is not profitable to build a fish processing factors tororo.



b) Name two countries to which Uganda exports fish.



46. Coffee is grown on large scale in Uganda white cocoa is grown on large scale in Ghana.

a) In what ways is cocoa growing in Ghana similar to coffee growing in Uganda?

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) How do the two crops differ in the way they are harvested?

(i) Coffee

(ii) Cocoa

47.a) Give two reasons for the formation of the common wealth of nations.



b) Name two major activities organised by the commonwealth.



48. State one important thing each of the following did for his country;

a) Julius Nyerere

b) Dedan kimathi

c) Benedicto Kiwanuka

d) Ronald Ngala

49. The east African development bank was set up by the east African community.

a) What is the main function of the bank?

b) Name two other bodies which were also set up by the east African community.



c) State one advantage of cooperation among nations.

50. a) What do you understand by

(i) Weather?

(ii) Climate?

b) State two factor that affect climate of an area.



51. State any four factors which affect tourism in Uganda.





52. How was the policy of apartheid practiced in south Africa?



(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

53. EITHER: Jesus came to save man. He also cared for the needs of man.

a) How did Jesus show that he cared for the bodily needs of his followers?



b) How is the church today caring for the body needs?



OR: why do Muslims perform pilgrimage (hajj)?

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

54. EITHER: a) name any two disciples who were with Jesus on the mountain when he ascended into heaven.



b) Why is the resurrection of Jesus important to Christians?



OR: a) what do you understand by Sunnah prayers?

b) Why are Sunnah prayers useful to a candidate?



c) What time of the day is dhuha prayer performed?

55. EITHER: a) Why do Christians worship God?



b) Give two ways in which the African traditional ways of worship differ rom Christian ways of worship.



OR: a) Why do Muslims worship Allah?

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

b) Give two ways in which the African traditional ways of worship differ from muslim ways of worship.



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