UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 1995

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 1995

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 1995


1. What is the use of a compass to a pilot?

2. It was reported in the New Vision newspaper of May 15, 1995 that locusts had “invaded Kumi district and destroyed all leafy crops.” State one possible effect of this reported destruction by locusts.

The map of Uganda below is drawn to scale. Use it to answer questions 3 to 5.


3. What is the distance, in kilometres, between A and B?

4. Kerchan travelled to town A from B by road. Why was the distance he covered different from that in question 3?

5. What is the direction of town B from A?

6. Ethopia is not a land locked country. State one difficulty it faces in transporting its exports to the sea.

The graph below shows average monthly rainfall and temperature recorded at a primary school. Study it carefully and use it to answer questions 7 to 10.


7. During which month was average temperature highest?

8. During which month was the highest increase in average rainfall recorded?

9. How does the average rainfall vary with average temperature during the year?

10. What type of natural vegetation is likely to be found in this area where the school os located?

11. State one way in which the occupation of the Karamojong is similar to that of the Masai.

12. Why is it not correct to say that Speke discovered the source of the Nile?

13. State one reason why Kabaka Muteesa I welcomed the British.

14. In 1921, the colonial governor in Uganda set up a legislative Council. What was the main function of the legislative Council in Uganda before independence?

15. Why did the size of Bunyoro-Kitara empire contribute to its decline?

16. How was the power of the Kabaka reduced by the 1900 Buganda Agreement?

17. State one way in which the achievement of independence in Kenya was different from that of Uganda.

18. State one way by which the civil war in Rwanda affected trade in Kabale.

19. Why were political parties formed in Uganda before 1960?

20. What was Nelson Mandela’s main political achievement for the people of South Africa since his release from prison?

21. What is the most important use of the River Nile to the people of the Sudan?

Use the map below to answer questions 22 to 25.


22. What is the function of the structure marked A?

23. Give two reasons why this is a good area to settle in.

24. What suitable crops could be grown in the area marked K?

25. What economic activity could be carried out in the area marked p?

26. Why are the Turkish in northern Kenya practising nomadic way of life?

27. Why does government control hunting of animals in National Parks?

28. What is the main difference between the duties of the police and those of the prison service?

29. What is the most immediate effect of the wide spread of charcoal making?

30. Both the radio and the telephone are means of communication. State one advantage of the telephone over the radio.

31. Give one factor which might have encouraged the Nilotics to change from pastoralism to mixed farming.

32. State one factor which contributes to the development of Masindi town?

33. Give one reason why Uganda African Farmers Union was formed in 1945.

34. Why is water transport between Jinja and Pakwach not developed?

35. How did Mwalimu Julius Nyerere contribute to the achievement of independence of Tanganyika?

36. Both Christianity and Islam teach people to serve others. State one way a Christian or Muslim can care for a prisoner.

For each of questions 37 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic question but not both.

37. EITHER: State one message which prophet Elijah preached to the people of Israel.

OR: State one reason why prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) became successful after many hardships.

38. EITHER: What is the Christian teaching on divorce?

OR: What is the Islamic teaching on divorce?

39. EITHER: According to Christian teaching, what event marked the end of creation?

OR: According to Islamic teaching, what is the difference between the mind of man and that of an Angel?

40. EITHER: What is the difference between the sacrament of Baptism and that of confirmation?

OR: What is the difference between Salat and Zakat as forms of worship?


41. The drawing below represents Uganda’s Coat of Arms. Explain the meaning of the symbols marked (a) to (d)

42. State four reasons why it was easier for Ugandans to buy goods from Kenyan in 1964 than it is today.

43. Uganda traders with developed countries.

a) Name two major exports of Uganda to developed countries.

b) State two reasons why Uganda traders with the developed countries.

44. a) Give any two problems faced by cattle keepers in North Eastern Uganda.

b)State two ways in which Uganda is trying to improve on the quality of livestock.

45. a)Name two minerals which are mined in Zaire.

b)State two problems Zaire is facing in mining the minerals.

46. a)Why is coffee in Uganda grown on small plantations?

b)State two problems created by growing coffee on small plantations in Uganda.

c)Apart from earning money, state one other use of coffee to a farmer.

47. a) Which country ent Sir Samuel Baker to Uganda?

b)State one reason why Sir Samuel Baker was sent to Uganda.

c)How did the Acholi benefit from the presence of Sir Samuel Baker?

d)Give one reason why Sir Samuel Baker was not welcomed by Kabelega of Bunyoro.

48. a)State two factories which have contributed to the existence of natural forests around Lake Victoria.

b)State two factories contributing to deforestation in Uganda.

49. Libya used to be one of the poorest countries in Africa.

a) State two factories which have helped to improve the standard of living of the Libyans.

b) State one reason why northern Libya is more developed than southern Libya.

c) Libya is a desert country. How does it produce its food?

50. Cocoa and coffee are cash crops grown in Africa.

a) Name one country in Africa where cocoa is grown on a large scale.

b) State one way in which the consumption of cocoa and coffee.

c) Give one way in which the consumption of cocoa is different from that of coffee.

d) Suggest why you think the African producers of that two crops do not get the full benefits of their production.

51. a)Give two ways by which the growth of the population of a country may be controlled.

b)Suggest two ways in which the control of population growth would benefits our environment.

52. a) State two reasons why the African Unity (O.A.U) was formed.

b)State two main problems the O.A.U has met while trying to achieve its objectives.

For each of the questions 53 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic question, but not both.

53. EITHER: a) State two reasons why the Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified.

b) State two unusual things that happened as Jesus died on the cross.

OR: a) In each of the following, state what was unusual about Issa:

i) How he was conceived

ii) His speech

iii) His end while on earth

b) What do you conclude about Issa based on the unusual happenings?

54. EITHER: a) State two ways by which Abraham showed his faith in God.

b) Give two ways in which early Christians in Uganda demonstrated their faith in God.

OR: a) State two ways by which prophet Ibrahim showed his faith in Allah.

b) Give two ways in which the early Muslims in Uganda demonstrated their faith in Allah.

55. In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus teaches that if one sheep out of one hundred is lost, the shepherd would leave the ninety nine and look for the lost one.

a) Who are the sheep?

b) What Jesus mean by the lost sheep?

c) What is the result of finding the lost sheep, according to Jesus?

d) Why are the ninety nine not as important as the lost one, according to Jesus?

OR: a) Why is Islam referred to as the religion of obedience?

b) Give any two ways by which a Muslim shows obedience to Allah.

c) What reward has Allah promised to a Muslim who is obedient to Him?

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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