UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers for Year 2007
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions for Year 2007
1. Apart from sunshine, give an one other element of weather which helps people to dry their clothes.
2. Name the country that borders Uganda on the eastern side.
3. Give any one reason why symbols are put on a map instead of a real objects.
4. How did Dr.I,K Musaazi contribute to the struggle for independence in Uganda?
5. In which way was the formation of Mt. Elgon different from that of Mt. Rwenzori?
6. Give any one reason why you think that Lake Victoria is at a higher altitude than lake Kyoga.
7. Why does kalangala district receive convectional rainfall?
8. In which way was the coming of Captain F. D Lugard of an advantange to the Tooro Kingdom?
9. In which way is the work of the Judiciary different from that of the Legislature?
10. State any one way in which the coming of Asians to East Africa helped in the economic development of East Africa.
11. In Uganda, which type of coffee grows best in volcanic soil?
12. State any one economic advantage that Uganda gets as a result of being a member of the East African Community.
13. Which type of climate fovours the growing of citrus fruits?
14. Give any one reason why the people of Northern Nigeria practice nomadic pastrolism.
15. State any one way in which traditional leaders are important in Uganda.
16. State any one bad fishing practice in Uganda
17. Give any one advantage of growing crops by irrigation.
18. Give any one reason why Africans are not able to make use of all the natural resources in Africa.
19. Suggest any one reason why the Bachwezi are remembered in Uganda.
20. Which important latitude lies at 23 ½ degrees north of Equotor?
21. Give any one reason why Africans in Kenya refused to work on the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway.
22. Why is it generally hot at Dar-es-salaam and yet it is near the Indian ocean?
23. Give the meaning of the physical feature known as a “Plateau”.
24. Why was Ethiopia not colonized?
25. Give any one use of a class time-table in a school.
26. Give any one reason why most of the early Europeans who came to Uganda used a route through Tanganyika (Tanzania) and not Kenya.
27. State any one way in which democracy is practiced in Uganda today.
28. Apart from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, name any one other country which is a member of the East African Community.
29. Mention any one month of the year when the sun is directly overhead at the Equator.
30. In which way are taxes important to the government?
31. What do you understand by population density?
32. Mention the ethnic group of people in East Africa who originated from the Cameroon highlands.
33. Give any one method which Europeans used to extend their rule in East Africa..
34. Why is Olduvai goerge a very important historical place in East Africa?
35. Give any one reason why there are few large-scale industries in East Africa
36. What is the work of person called a Speaker of Parliament?
For each of the question 37 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic question but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate who attempts both alternatives.
Mention the last creation God made before resting.
Who is believed to be the first prophet on earth?
What message did Mary receive from Angel Gabriel?
What message did Mohammed (P.B.U.H) receive from Angel Gibril?
why was Jesus sent to Earth?
State any one thing that a Moslem must fulfill before performing salat.
As a Christian, what should you do to a person who does something wrong to you?
As a Moslem, what should do to a person who does something wrong to you?
41. Use the map of East Africa given below to answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the country marked with the letter A.
b) Name the mountain marked with letter D.
c) Name the shaded Ocean marked with letter X.
d) Draw Lake Edward on the map.
42. (a) Name the two parts of the Budget.
(b) If you were given shs20,000 as pocket money, give any two reasons why you need to budget before you spend that money.
43. (a) Give any two reasons why Europeans colonized Africa.
(b) Suggest any two reasons why Africans disliked the colonial rulers.
44. (a) Apart from Libya, Gabon and Egypt, name any two other oil producing countries in Africa.
(b) Suggest any two ways in which oil producing countries in Africa have benefited.
45. (a) Suggest any two reasons why the Portuguese came to settle in Mombasa.
(b) Why did the Portuguese build Fort Jesus?
46. (a) Name any two lakes in Uganda found in the Western rift valley.
(b) Give any two characteristics of a rift valley lake.
47. (a) State any two factors that influence vegetation distribution in an area.
(b) State any two ways in which people destroy vegetation in Uganda.
48. (a) What is population census?
(b) Give any two ways in which population census is important to the government.
(c) Suggest any one problem faced by a government when conducting population census.
49. Study the monthly temperature and rainfall shown in the table before and answer the questions that follow.
Months | J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Temp (o) | 23 | 23 | 20 | 21 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 21 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 24 |
Rainfall in mm | 40 | 80 | 200 | 250 | 170 | 70 | 110 | 150 | 250 | 220 | 90 | 5 |
(a) Name the type of climate shown in the table.
(b) Give any one characteristics of the climate shown in the table.
(c) State any one reason why this climate is good for growing crops.
(d) Suggest any one way in which the people living in this area can protect their environment in order to continue with the climate shown in the table
50. (a) Mention any two pastrol tribes in East Africa who lead a nomadic life.
(b) Suggest any two problems that they face in their occupation.
51. (a) Give any two reasons why the Mau Mau rebellion took place in Kenya.
(b) State any two disadvantages of the the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya.
52. (a) Name any two elements of climate.
(b) Suggest any two things that can be done to maintain good climate in an area.
For each of the questions 53 to 55, answer EITHER the Christians OR Islamic question but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate who attempts both alternatives.
(a) Who received the ten commandments from GOD ?
(b) State the place where these commandments were given to the person you have named (a) above.
(c) What should a Christian do when he/she breaks any commandments?
(d) Give any one way in which commandments are important in the Christian Faith.
(a) Give any two reasons why Moslems perfom salat.
(b) State any two ways in which Imam is important during Prayers
(a) Give any one way in which prophets are important in the Christian faith.
(b) Give any one reason why each of the following people is remembered in the Christian faith.
(i) Abraham:
(ii) John the Baptist
(iii) Moses
(a) Give any four reasons why Moslems fast.
In the parable of the ‘Lost Sheep’, Jesus teaches that if one sheep out of one hundred is lost, the shepherd will leave the ninety-nine and look for the lost one.
(a) Who is the shepherd in the parable?
(b) Who are the sheep?
(c) Whom did Jesus refer to as the lost sheep?
(d) Why are the ninety-nine sheep not as important as the lost one, according to Jesus?
(a) What is Zakat ?
(b) Give any one reason why Moslems should give Zakat to others
(c) Give any categories of people who should be given Zakat.
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages