UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2015

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2015

1. Name any one domestic animal kept for milk

2. What landform covers most areas in Uganda?

3. Give nay one modern way of preserving fish.

4. Apart from Rwanda, name one other landlocked country that boarders Uganda.

5. What is the direction of Uganda from Burundi?

6. Mention any one activity that the Bachwezi are remembered for.

7. Give any one way in which children can help to keep security at home.

8. Which element of weather is measured using a Barometer?

9. Mention any one part in East Africa that handles Uganda’s imports and exports.

10. Name any one tribe in Uganda that belongs to the plain Nilotes

11. How does the heading of a map help a map reader?

12. How are trees in a school compound useful to pupils?

13. What was the major item of trade from Africa to America during the triangular trade (Trans Atlantic Trade)

14. Give any one main crop grown in Doha Irrigation Scheme

15. State any one way in which democracy is practiced in schools

16. What does the road sign shown below mean?

17. Mention any one way in which Africans showed that they were not happy with the European rule.

18. State any one advantage of getting a leader through inheritance

19. Name the type of soil that is used in pottery industry

20. Name any one of the tools used in schools to change from the daily activity to another.

21. What was the bolas used for during the Stone Age period?

22. Give any one reason why a re-cycling factory can be useful in an area.

23. Why is it important for a farmer to have the knowledge of seasons of the year?

24. Mention one group of leaders who serve without payment

25. Give one social reason for the construction of the Kenya-Uganda Railway in 1896.

26. Name any one group of people who help to keep rules and regulations in a community

27. How is the work of a veterinary officer different from that of an agricultural officer?

28. Why is tourism called an industry?

29. Mention any one way in which government spends its income

30. Name the rapids along river Niger where Mungo park drowned.

31. Name any one relief agency that cares for the people who have been affected by land slides in Uganda

32. State any one way in which an Oasis is important to the people who live in the Sahara desert.

33. Give any one factor that attracted the Bantu cultivators to settle within the lake regions of East Africa.

34. Mention any one island country found in West Africa

35. State any one way in which the Judiciary promotes peace in a country

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions BUT NOT BOTH.

Name the son of Adam who killed his brother

Name the son of Adam who killed his brother

How did Abraham show his faith to God?

How did prophet Ibrahim show his faith to Allah?

what was the work of Mathew before he became an Apostle?

What was the work of Khadijah the wife of prophet Muhammed?

In which way can a Christian reconcile with others?

in which way can a moslem reconcile with others?

why is the Bible called Holy book?

why is the Qur’an called a Holy Book?




41. (a)Name the two European explorers who made two journeys to East Africa.

(b)Mention any two ways in which the work of the early explorers contributed to the development of Africa.

42. (a)what title is given to the highest civil servant in a ministry?

(b)state the way in which one can become a chairperson LCV in any district of Uganda.

(c) give any two ways in which leaders can improve on the welfare of the people in their communities

43. Study the sketch map of East Africa below and answer the questions that follow.

(a)Name the mountain peak marked with letter A

(b)why is the shaded area marked with letter N not suitable for plantation farming?

(c)Give one advantage country marked with letter Z has over Rwandan when carrying out international trade.

(d)give any one reason why settlement is not allowed in the area marked S.

44. (a)Name the elements of wind that are measured at weather station.

(b)why are the North-East and south-Eastern monsoon winds called trade winds?

(c)Give one reason why the North-East trade winds that blow towards the horn of Africa do not bring rainfall.

45. (a)Name the organization that was replaced by the African Union

(b)Mention one country in Africa which is not a member of the African Union

(c)Give any major organs of the African Union

46. (a)What mineral is mined from Wit waters and in South Africa?

(b)mention any two factors that have promoted the development of mining In South Africa

(c)State any one danger of the mining industry to the environment.

47. Study the graph below and answer the questions that follow

(a)During which month of the year does this place experience no rainfall at all?

(b)Name the months in which the highest amount of rainfall was received

(c)What type of climate is shown on the graph?

(d)Mention any one economic activity suitable in this area

48. Study the sketch map of Africa below and answer questions that follow

(a)Name the port marked with letter P on the map above

(b)In which one way does port P benefit its country?

(c)Name the regional economic grouping to which the shaded countries belong.

(d)Mention any one problem faced by country marked R on the map

49. Complete the table below correctly


country political leader plitical party
Tanganyika Mwalimu Julius Nyerere …………………………………….
Uganda ……………………………………… Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC)
………………………………… Nelson Mandela African National Congress (ANC)
Kenya ……………………………….. Kenya African National Union (KANU)

50. The diagram below shows a method of farming practiced in some parts of Uganda. Use it to answer the questions that follow

(a)Name the method of farming shown in the diagram above

(b)state the importance of the planted grass in the method of farming shown in the diagram above

(c)state any two problems faced by farmers in the above named physical feature

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions BUT NOT BOTH.

(a)Name any one church founded organization promotes youth activities in Uganda

(b)state any two challenges faced by the organization you have mentioned in (a) above.

(c)mention any one example you can copy from the activities of the organization named in (a) above

(a)Name any one Islamic founded organization that promotes youth activities in Uganda

(b)state any two challenges faced by the organization you have mentioned in (a)above

(c)mention any one example you can copy from the activities of the organization named in (a) above

52. EITHER: we are going to Jerusalem, where the son of the man will be handed over to the chief priest and teachers of the law.
They will condemn him to death (Matt.20:18-19

(a)who said these words

(b)Name the group of believers to whom the above words were said

(c)Mention any two things which happened shortly after the death of the person named in (a) above

OR: There is no god except Allah. Death really causes pain. Oh God! Cover me with your forgiveness and mercy(reported by : Abu Hurairat)

(a) who said these words?

(b)who was the most beloved wife of the person you named in (a) above?

(c)mention any two things which you learn from the person you have mentioned in (a) above

(a)Mention any two types of prayer in Christianity

(b)Apart from praying, state any one other way Christians communicate to God.

(c)state any one way prayer is important in Christianity

(a)Mention any two types of Islam

(b)Apart from praying, state any other way Muslims communicate to Allah

(c)State any one way pray is important in Islam

(a)Which sacrament joins a man and woman as husband and wife in church?

(b)What do the following represent during the Holy Communion?



(c)Why do Christians get the sacrament of Holy Communion?

(a)Which Pillar of Islam brings the rich and the poor together?

(b)Give two types of pillar you named in (a) above

(c)What is the importance of the pillar you have mentioned in (a) above?

55. EITHER: use a pen and match correctly the days of the Christian calendar in List A to their event in List B.

OR: Match the information in List A to that in List B




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