UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2016

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2016

1. How can road transport across rivers and streams be made possible?

2. What does the black color on the Uganda national flag represent?

3. What does the symbol below represent on a map?

4. Mention the use of a barometer at a weather station.

5. State any one reason why it is important to care for the forests

6. Why is a hut not called permanent house?

7. State any one way in which peace can be developed among pupils at school.

8. What title is given to the political head of a sub-county in Uganda?

9. What is the use of a compass to a sailor?

10. Mention any one way in which children benefit from United Nations Children Fund(UNICEF)

11. State any one way in which people benefit from small scale industries in their areas

12. Give any one reason why elections are important in a country

13. Give any one reason why the British colonialists promoted road construction in Uganda.

14. Why are Ugandans below 18 years not allowed to participate in national elections?

15. Name the continent which is not suitable for human settlement

16. Name the country that borders Uganda in the East

17. Name any one river that flows out lake kyoga

18. How did the Masai make the movement of early explorers to East Africa difficult?

19. State any one danger of corruption in the economy of a country

20. What type of budget is represented by the diagram below?

21. Which group of people introduced the idea of salt mining in Uganda?

22. Mention any one way in which droughts affect cattle keepers in East Africa

23. Mention any one factor that make common wealth countries similar

24. State any one way in which vegetation helps in controlling soil erosion.

25. What term was used to mean the movement of the Dutch settlers from cape colony into interior of South Africa?

26. Mention one way in which good hotels promote tourism in a country

27. Which African Nationalist helped to unite Zanzibar and Tanganyika to form Tanzania?

28. Name the type of education which was introduced by the Christian missionaries in Uganda.

29. Mention any one condition of weather that affects water transport

30. State any one problem caused by civil wars to a country

31. Why does the leeward said of mountains receive very little rainfall?

32. Apart from archeological findings, how can we get information about the past?

33. State any one way in which a foreigner can become a citizen of Uganda.

34. Name the regional grouping to which Ghana belongs

35. State any one way in which a farmer can benefit from a commercial bank

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions BUT NOT BOTH.

Give any one example of work Jesus was involved in as a child at home

Give any one example of work prophet Muhammad got involved in as a child at home

Name any one of God’s promises to faithful Christians

Name any one of Allah’s promises to faithful Muslims

mention the father of Joseph who was sold to Egypt according to the Bible

who was the father of prophet Yusuf according to the Qur’an?

What Is sin according to Christianity?

what is sin according to Islam?

Name any one group of people in your Christian community who need special care

Name any one group of people in your Muslim community who need special care.


41. Study the sketch map of East Africa below and use it to answer the questions that follow

(a)Name the sea ports marked V and W

(b)Why was the railway built from Port V to country B?

(c)why is water transport difficult on the lake marked X?

42. (a)What is barter trade?

(b)Give one factor that made barter trade possible before colonial rule.

(c)state any two effects of local trade among different societies before the coming of colonial rule

43. The pie chart below shows a country’s earning. Use it to answer the questions that follow

(a)which is the major export earner of this country?

(b)Name the second biggest export earner of this country

(c)If the total earning of the country is US dollars 240 million, find how much money was earned from tourism

44. Study the sketch map of Uganda below and use it to answer the questions that follow

(a)Name the river marked X

(b)How was the mountain marked Y formed?

(c)Give the major cash crop grown in the same area marked S.

(d)Why does robusta coffee grow well in the area marked V?

45. (a)Name the policy practiced in South Africa which separated the blacks from the whites.

(b)Name the first black president of South Africa who fought against the above mentioned policy.

(c)State any two ways in which the policy mentioned above negatively affected the blacks in South Africa

46. (a)Name the animal which is used for transport in desert areas.

(b)mention any two factors which have enabled the animal you have mentioned in (a) above to survive desert conditions.

(c)state any one area that can support farming in the desert.

47. (a)Name the source of solar energy

(b)Give any two uses of solar energy

(c)Give any one advantage of using solar energy over hydro-electricity

48. (a)Name the type of farming where a farmer both grows crops and rears animals

(b)State any two advantages of the above mentioned type of farming

(c)How do the crops benefit from the animals in the farm?

49. (a)Name the place where the Nilotics first settled when they arrived in Uganda.

(b)State any two reasons why the Nilotics left their original home lad

(c)state any one positive effect of the migration of the Nilotics

50. (a)Apart from hospitals, mention any two other health service centers in your community

(b)Mention any two problems faced by the government in providing health services to the people.

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions BUT NOT BOTH.

(a)what was the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah?

(b)Mention the mountain where Noah’s Ark rested after flood

(c)why did Noah curse his son Ham?

(a)What was the symbol of Allah’s covenant with prophet Nuhu?

(b)Mention the mountain where prophet Nuhu’s boat rested after the floods

(c)where did one of the prophet Nuhu’s sons fail to enter the ARK?

(a)Name any two voluntary organizations that offer free services to the people

(b)state any two ways in which the organizations you have named above help the people

(a)Name any two voluntary organizations that offer free services to the people

(b)State any two ways in which the organizations you named above help the people

52. Name any two persons that were raised from the dead by Jesus Christ

(b)mention any two things that helped Jesus Christ to keep his Father’s Glory on earth.

Name any two persons who suffered when they followed prophet Muhammad

(b)Mention any two things that helped Prophet Muhammad to accomplish his work.

(a)According to the Christian teaching, what is the greatest commandment?

(b)Give any three ways in which some Christians go against the commandment you have mentioned in (a) above

(a)According to the Islamic teaching, what is the greatest pillar?

(b)Give any three ways in which some Muslims go against the pillar you have mentioned in (a) above.

Match the days in List A with events in list B correctly

Ash Wednesday

Holy Thursday

Ascesion day

Pentecost day

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven

Christians begin fasting

Disciples recieved the Holy spirit

Jesus Christ institutes the Holy Eucharist

(i) Ash Wednesday

(ii)Holy Thursday

(iii)Ascension day

(iv) Pentecost day

Match the events in list A with those in list B correctly


Idd-el fitri



holy journey to mecca

prophet muhhamad’s from mecca to medina

festival that marks the end of Ramadan

festival to remember prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice to Allah


(i) Idd-adhuha


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