UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2017

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2017

1. Give any one effect of lightning on buildings

2. What name is given to laws made and passed by local authorities?

3. Name one basic need provided by a school.

4. What is population growth?

5. Mention any one challenge faced by the National Forestry Authority as it carries out its work.

6. What is the main role of a Speaker of parliament?

7. Give one example of a volcanic mountain found in South Africa

8. Apart from using elections, state any one other way of getting leaders in a community.

9. Name the water passage that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.

10. The diagram below shows a wind vane. Use it to answer the question that follows

Use letter K to show the direction to which wind is blowing.

11. State any one reason why early missionaries in Uganda taught people how to read and write.

12. Name the landlocked country located in the horn of Africa.

13. State any one way in which the government of Uganda benefits from mobile telephone companies.

14. Name the line of latitude where Equinox is experienced.

15. Why are pipelines the best means of transporting water to homes?

16. Give any one danger of fishing using undersized nets.

17. Mention any one human activity that affects wild life.


18. State any one way in which political parties have contributed towards promoting democracy in Uganda.

19. How does Sudan benefit from River Nile?

20. Which missionary built the first hospital in Uganda?

21. In which one way do mangrove forests promote the fishing industry?

22. State any one advantage of having a nuclear family.

23. What is the main function of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces?

24. State any one advantage Kenya has because of being at the coast.

25. Name any one lake that forms a natural boundary between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

26. State any one use of a class register to a teacher.

27. Name one country in East Africa which is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Study the diagram below and answer questions 28 and 29

28. What name is given to the diagram above?

29. Name the direction marked P in the diagram above.

30. Which means of transport helped the Arab traders to cross the Indian Ocean>

31. What does the red color on the Uganda National Flag represent?

32. Mention any one Island country in the African continent that is found in the Indian Ocean.

33. Mention any one natural forest found in Uganda

34. State any one way in which the stone Age people protected themselves from wild animals.

35. How are the Sabiny of Uganda similar to the Chagga of Tanzania in terms of settlement?

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions but not both.
Accordiing to the Bible, who was instructed to build the Ark?
According to Islam, which prophet was instructed to build the Ark?

Why do Christians visit Namugongo on 3rd June every year?
Why do Muslims visit Mecca every year?

Mention the first commandment according to the Bible.
Mention the first pillar of Islam according to the Quran.

State any one way in which Christians show respect to God during prayer.
State any one way in which Muslims show respect to Allah during prayer.

Name any one gospel book in the Bible
Name the book that was revealed to prophet Isa.

41. The diagram below is of the Uganda Coat of Arms. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the features marked B and D.

b) What does the feature marked A represent?

c) Why was the feature C chosen as the national emblem?

42. a) State any two rights that children should enjoy.

b) Give any two responsibilities that children must observe

43. a) State any two ways in which human activities can negatively affect the climate of an area.

b) Give any two reasons why farmers should know the weather patterns in their area

44. a) Apart from Tanzania, name any one other East African country that was colonized by the Germans.

b) Why did Germany lose her colonies in East Africa after the First World War?

c) Mention any two ways in which the people of Tanzania reacted to the German rule.

45. a) Name any one place at school where waste materials can be disposed.
b) State any two problems caused by poor waste management in schools.

c) Why is recycling important in waste management?

46. a) Which plantation crop is grown in Kericho in Kenya?

b) Mention any two factors that favor the growing of the crop named in (a) above.

c) Write any one advantage farmers get through exporting processed produce instead of raw materials.

47. Study the sketch map of Africa below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the ocean current marked with letter A.

b) How do the winds marked W affect the climate of the eastern part of Africa?

c) State the type of climate experienced in the shaded region marked P.

d) Why does the shaded region marked P experience very cold nights?

48. a) Name the type of budget in which the expected income is equal to the expected expenditure.

b) State any one disadvantage of not preparing a budget for a home.

c) State any two duties of the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

49. a) Name any two permanent member countries of the United Nations Security Council.

b) State any two challenges faced by the United Nations.

50. a) Mention any two positive contributions of the Portuguese at the coast of East Africa.
b) State any two causes of the decline of Portuguese rule at the coast of East Africa.
For each of the questions 51 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions but not both.

a) Mention any one marriage symbol in Christianity.

b) Give any three ways in which couples get happiness

a) Mention any one Islamic Symbol.

b) Give any three ways in which couples get happiness.

a) Who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world?

b) Mention any two ways in which Christians reconcile with God.

c) Give any one benefit of reconciling with one another.
a) Name any one animal a Muslim can give as a sacrifice to Allah.

b) Mention any two ways in which Muslims reconcile with Allah

c) Give any one benefit of reconciling with one another.

a) Who was the first apostle to be called by Jesus Christ?
b) What was the work of the person you mentioned in (a) above before he was called by Jesus Christ?

c) Mention any two ways the apostles were helpful to the people after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven.
a) Who was the first adult male to convert to Islam?

b) What was the work of the person you mentioned in (a) above before he converted to Islam?

c) Mention any two ways the caliphs were helpful to the people after prophet Muhammad’s death.

a) According to Christianity, who is the controller of all authority?

b) State any two miracles Jesus Christ performed on earth.

c) What helped Jesus Christ to exercise His authority?
a) According to Islam, who is the controller of all wuthority?

b) State any two miracles Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed.

c) What helped Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be accepted by people?

“I say to you, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you” Luke 6:27.
a) Who said the above words?

b) To whom were the words said?

c) Mention any two things you learn from this quotation
“Verily we have granted you Al Kauthar, turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice…” 108:1-3
a) Who said the above words?

b) To whom were the words said?

c) Mention any two things you learn from the above quotation.

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