UNEB Subjects | Uganda National Examinations Board
Subject | Papers | Subject | Papers |
English | 112/1, 112/2 | Mathematics | P425/1,P425/2 |
Mathematics | 456/1, 456/2 | Biology | P530/1, P530/2, P530/3 |
Geography | 273/1, 273/2 | Physics | P510/1, P510/2, P510/3 |
History | 241/1, 241/4 | Chemistry | P525/1, P525/2, P525/3 |
Commerce | 800/1 | Economics | P220/1, P220/2 |
Biology | 553/1, 553/2 | Entrepreneurship | P230/1, P230/2 |
Physics | 535/1, 535/2, 535/3 | Geography | P250/1, P250/2, P250/3 |
Chemistry | 545/1, 545/2, 545/3 | History | P210/3, P210/6 |
IRE/CRE | 225/1,2 or 223/1 | IRE | P235/1, P235/2, P235/3 |
*Turkish | 242/1 | CRE | P245/1, P245/2, P245/4 |
*Computer Studies | 840/1, 840/2 | Fine Art | P615/1, P615/2, P615/3 |
*Literature | 208/1, 208/2 | Sub Computer Studies | S840/1, S840/2 |
*Fine Art | 610/1, 610/2, 610/5 | Sub-mathematics | S475/1 |
*Kiswahili | 336/1 | General Paper | S101/1 |
1. General paper and either of computer studies or sub mathematics are compulsory for A level while
2. * indicates optional subjects for O level.
3. S.1 students take all the 14 subjects where CRE is compulsory for Christians and IRE for Muslims no option.
4. Turkish is compulsory for O-level students.
S.2 students take 12 subjects, i.e. subjects 1- 9 compulsory by Uneb, Turkish and computer compulsory by school and chooseone from Literature, Fine Art and Kiswahili, (option A)
S.3 students take 11 subjects, i.e. subjects 1- 9 compulsory by Uneb, Turkish and choose one from either computer or option A made in S.2.
S.3 subjects are carried on to S.4.
S.5 students on admission are guided on choosing subject combinations throughA-level by DOS’ office.
Number of Subjects Taken
The school adapts to the flexibility of O and A Levels but the normal number of subjects recommended by the school in a single sitting is 10 and 3 subjects respectively. For A level science students, the school adapts the flexibility of Uneb i.e. 3 principal subjects and two subsidiaries i.e. general paper and either subsidiary ICT for science students offering mathematics or subsidiary mathematics for those offering Economics.
Below is a list of Combinations offered at A level:
1 | BCM/SC | 1 | AEEnt/SM | 1 | GEntD/SC | B | BIOLOGY | |||
2 | PCB/SM | 2 | GEA/SM | 2 | GEntA/SC | C | CHEMISTRY | |||
3 | PCM/SC | 3 | GEEnt/SM | 3 | DEntA/SC | M | MATHEMATICS | |||
4 | MEA/SC | 4 | GEI/SM | 4 | HEntI/SC | P | PHYSICS | |||
5 | MEG/SC | 5 | HEA/SM | 5 | HEntG/SC | E | ECONOMICS | |||
6 | MEEnt/SC | 6 | HED/SM | 6 | HEntD/SC | Ent | ENTREPRENUERSHIP | |||
7 | MEntG/SC | 7 | HEEnt/SM | 7 | GEntI/SC | G | GEOGRAPHY | |||
8 | PAM/SC | 8 | HEG/SM | 8 | HAG/SC | H | HISTORY | |||
9 | PEM/SC | 9 | HEI/SM | 9 | A | ART | ||||
10 | PEntM/SC | 10 | 10 | ID | IRE/CRE |
For A level Arts students, the school adapts the flexibility of Uneb i.e. 3 principal subjects and two subsidiaries i.e. general paper and either computer studies for Arts students not offering Economics or sub mathematics for those offering Economics.
This shall be verified automatically by the registration programme. Head teachers should verify and confirm that candidates provide the correct index number and year of sitting.
There is no age limit for candidates taking the UCE and UACE Examinations.
UCE: Only candidates who have passed PLE (Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4) or its equivalent and have attended a full lower Secondary (i.e. four years of Ordinary Level) may be registered for UCE examination. Only candidates who sat PLE in 2012 or earlier shall be allowed to register. Candidates registering under USE must be those who sat PLE in 2012 only.
A candidate who is 20 years old and above and did not sit for PLE may be allowed to register for UCE examination as an ADULT PRIVATE CANDIDATE without considering his/her PLE result, with special permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB. This condition applies to Ugandan Citizens only.
UACE: Only candidates who have passed UCE (Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4) and obtained the Uganda Certificate of Education, or an equivalent qualification, and have pursued an Advanced Level course of at least two years can be registered for UACE examination. Candidates registering under UPOLET must be those who sat UCE in 2014 only.
N.B (i) The minimum number of candidates to be registered by a center is 10 at each level (UCE & UACE). Centers with less than 10 candidates should seek permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB, to register under other centers as school private candidates.
(ii)Do not register candidates beyond the maximum capacity assigned to your center by UNEB, except after re-validation and expansion of your center capacity, or with special permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB. This applies to USE and UPOLET schools as well.
A Centre that does not abide with the above condition will be subjected to a penalty of 50,000/= per candidate
(b)Accuracy of Candidates’ Registration
It is the responsibility of the candidates and Heads of Centres to ensure that their entries are in order and correctly entered. Candidates must proof read and sign on the printed copy of registered candidates.
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(d)The correct age, entry code, gender, funding, disability, citizenship and district code should be properly filled for the corresponding categories of candidates.
(i)The Index Numbers
(1)Give index numbers systematically, without skipping any index numbers for candidates who are absent or are pending registration for one reason or another. Index numbers for UCE start with 001, while those for UACE start with 501 onwards, after writing the center number.
(2)Candidates must not share index numbers.
(3)A candidate must not have more than one index number, i.e. he/she must entered once.
(4)Do not substitute or alter the names and subject choice of already registered candidates.
(5)Any additional candidate must be given the next index number on your registration list.
(6)Once a candidate’s registration is submitted under a given index number, this WILL NOT be changed.
NB: All candidates from the same center must use the same district code, i.e. where the School/Centre is located. District codes are appended at the end of this circular. Any relocation of a school/examination centre to another district must be communicated to UNEB by the Head of centre in writing immediately.
(ii)The different entry codes for UCE candidates are as follows:
CODE 1: for school candidates and private school candidates sitting for the first time
CODE 2: for school candidates repeating the examination
CODE 3: for purely private candidates sitting for the first time
CODE 4: for private candidates repeating the examination
CODE 0: for visually impaired candidates sitting for the first time or as repeaters.
(iii)The different entry codes for UACE candidates are as follows:
CODE 5: for school candidates and private school candidates sitting for the first time
CODE 6: for school candidates repeating the examination
CODE 7: for visually impaired candidates sitting for the first time or as repeaters
CODE 8: for purely private candidates sitting for the first time
CODE 9: for private candidates repeating the examination.
(iv)Entry codes for disabilities/special needs A-G must be filled by all the affected candidates in their respective categories. These should be accompanied with separate written explanations for categories A-F to enable UNEB make the necessary arrangements to meet the needs of such candidates during examinations.
(e)Subject/Paper Codes
Candidates should be informed about the correct subject/paper codes in PART 3. They should also be informed of compulsory subjects i.e. at UCE 112 English Language, 456 Mathematics, 535 Physics, 545 Chemistry and 553 Biology; and at UACE, S101 General Paper.
Special attention must be given to optional subjects and subjects with optional papers.
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There are THREE options of PRACTICAL PAPERS in 535 Physics, 545 Chemistry and 553 Biology. All centres should first of all register candidates for practicals (535/3, 545/3 and 553/2). It is only where the number of candidates is too large to be handled in a day, that some candidates can be registered for option 535/4,5; 545/4,5 and 553/3,4.
The minimum number of candidates for each option is 10. A centre should not have more than TWO SHIFTS of candidates for any practical paper in a day.
It should be noted that 241 History has the following independent papers:
241/1 |
Paper One |
East Africa (Compulsory) |
241/2 |
Paper Two |
West Africa |
241/3 |
Paper Three |
Central Africa |
241/4 |
Paper Four |
South Africa |
A candidate must offer Paper One and any other one paper chosen from options 2-4, by entering only one of the optional papers.
Candidates offering 610 Art at UCE must register for 3 papers including Paper 5 (compulsory) and any other two papers chosen from 1-4.
Candidates registering for IPS subjects (612 Art and Design, 654 Textile Science and Garment construction, 665 Foods and Nutrition, 736 Mechanical Practice, 745 Building Practice and 753 Electrical Practice), must not confuse them with the traditional subjects of similar nature. Candidates offering 612 Art and Design must register for
Paper 1 and any other 3.
(i)UCE School candidates and private school candidates must register for a minimum of 8 and maximum of 10 subjects. These subjects must include: Group I (English Language), at least one subject chosen from each of the Group II (Humanities), IV (Mathematics), and Visually impaired candidates may offer 500 General Science and/or 527 Agriculture in Group V. However, they should not register for Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Home Science, Art and Technical subjects.
Candidates with other special needs/disabilities must get clearance from the Executive Secretary, UNEB, on presentation of written explanations from the Headteacher.
Private candidates attending full time lessons in licensed or registered schools by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports must register for a minimum of 8 and maximum of 10 subjects (which must include the core science subjects); while Repeaters may register for one or more subjects but not exceeding 10.
Purely private candidates register for a minimum of 8 subjects and a maximum of 10 subjects.
(ii)UACE candidates must register for General Paper and EITHER
∙3 Principal subjects and Subsidiary Mathematics OR
∙3 Principal subjects and Subsidiary Computer.
Repeaters and Private candidates should register for General Paper and at least one Principal subject or any of the above combinations. No candidate should register for more than 3 Principal and 2 Subsidiary subjects including General Paper(maximum is 5 subjects).
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●All candidates offering Principal Mathematics (P425) must register for
Subsidiary ICT (S850).
●All candidates offering combinations that include Economics (P220), but without Principal Mathematics (P425), must register for Subsidiary Mathematics (S475).
●All Candidates offering Science combinations without Principal Mathematics (e.g. PCB, BAG, GCB) must register for Subsidiary Mathematics (S475).
●The rest of the candidates outside the above categories are free to choose between either Subsidiary ICT (S850) or Subsidiary Mathematics (S475) at their discretion.
●Blind candidates, Purely Private candidates and Repeaters cannot register for Subsidiary ICT and Subsidiary Mathematics but General Paper only.
In no case can a student attending a school recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports be accepted for examination as a pure private candidate.
●Candidates offering P615 Art at UACE must register for any four papers. Check carefully that candidates’ choices of subjects comply with the regulations stated in the syllabus.
●Candidates are advised to avoid selecting more than one subject from groups that are usually timetabled together. UACE candidates are particularly advised to avoid combining Science subjects with Arts subjects, e.g. Sciences with Languages, Physics with Geography, and Biology with Economics etc. (Refer to 2015 timetable).
(iii)Ensure that all candidates have entered the correct subjects and Papers,
whether they are compulsory or optional, to avoid paying 50,000/= Under Protest fee per paper.
NB: Candidates’ well developed permanent signatures, and not names or initials should be used where they are to sign personally. Initials and names will not be accepted for signatures. No other person should sign for a candidate.
Blind candidates can use thumb prints. Candidates must be able to reproduce the same signatures whenever required.
(f)A Centre should submit a generated/typed list of the candidates with their corresponding index numbers, names, gender, entry code, age and total number of subjects offered by each candidate, whether USE or Non-USE, UPOLET or Non-UPOLET, when submitting the Entries to UNEB for registration. For manually registered candidates this information must correspond with those on entry forms and albums.
(g)All the candidates at a Centre should be registered once. When registering any additional Candidate(s) avoid duplicating index numbers.
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(h)Where there are blind or visually impaired candidates, another list of such candidates (extracted from the main list) indicating their index numbers, names, gender, whether totally/partially blind, subjects and papers, should be submitted separately to UNEB at the time of registration. Indicate whether a candidate needs Braille or enlarged print. For enlarged print, please state the font size.
Centres registering candidates electronically should have normal digital passport size photographs. Get a professional photographer to take colour photographs with high resolution. The prescribed dimensions shall be 1.5 inch width by 2 inch height and edit them for clarity. A camera of 9 mega pixels and above preferably should be used to take the photographs then, stored in digital form.
NB: Do not interchange photographs of candidates. Candidates must verify and confirm the correctness of the photographs posted against their index numbers and names
9.LOCATION OF THE CENTREOn a separate sheet of paper:-
(i)Draw a sketch map clearly showing the location and direction to your school from the storage station, indicating the approximate distance in kilometres.
(ii)All centres should submit the sketch map to UNEB Ntinda together with electronically generated class list signed by all candidates confirming their data, not later than July 15, 2016.
(a)In addition to the above mentioned points, it should be noted that Centres branded asPrivate Halls register candidates as “PRIVATE”. Such Centres may register up to
150 candidates only except with special permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB.
(b)Private Halls managed by DIS/DEO must register candidates for General Science, but not Pure Sciences (Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Home Sciences, Art 610/4 at UCE and P615/4 at UACE and Technical subjects involving practicals, except with special permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB. Such halls can register purely private candidates but not school candidates attending full time lessons in schools licensed or registered by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports. This is because Halls have no facilities such as laboratories, workshops and specialists to set the apparatus and try out the experiments.
(c)Private Halls managed by the Area Supervisors or attached to schools with recognized UNEB centers may register private candidates for pure/core sciences, but not Art 610/4 at UCE and P615/4 at UACE. Such Halls can register private school candidates attending full time lessons in licensed or registered schools.
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A school with a UNEB center number is not allowed to register candidates from another school without a UNEB Centre Number, except with special permission from the Executive Secretary, UNEB. Such candidates must register for core science subjects at UCE and be given Entry Code 1. They should be declared as private school candidates and pay private candidates fees of Shs 15,000/= for UCE, and Shs 18,000/= for UACE at registration.
Heads of Centre (except Private Halls) who do not seek permission to register private candidates or do not declare them at registration time will be considered for disciplinary action, which may include withdrawal of the centre number or an extra surcharge of Shs 50,000/= per candidate.
The registration fees for both UCE and UACE 2016 has been indicated in a separate detailed circular.
Closing Date for Registration
(i)Heads of Centre should make sure that all candidates at their Centres are
registered for examinations before the deadline. Critically observe the closing dates for normal and late registration of candidates, because the Board will not accept registration of candidates after the deadline. Late conversion of results from other examination bodies and verification of results will not be considered as valid reasons for late registration.
(ii)Centres awaiting re-validation results for expansion of their centre capacities must register candidates up to the current ceiling before deadline to avoid late registration surcharge.
Transfer of registered candidates from one Centre to another is discouraged by the Board, except in some very special circumstances such as illness, or the occurrence of natural disasters. Suspension and dismissal of students do not fall under these special circumstances. In case a candidate has to transfer, a written permission must be obtained from the Executive Secretary, UNEB by 31st August, 2016. There is a transfer fee of Shs 250,000/= per candidate to be paid. A transferred candidate shall be de-registered from the former centre, and will be required to register afresh at the new centre.
Heads of Centre who accept or encourage illegal transfer of candidates will be considered for disciplinary action and such candidates will not get their results.
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(b)Withdrawal of candidature
If a candidate has withdrawn his/her candidature, the index number of such a candidate should not be given to another candidate. Examination fees are notrefundable nor transferable after withdrawal.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to identify candidates during examination time. Identity cards are issued as late as on the day of sitting the first paper. UNEB will only accept (as valid) identity cards issued not later than the last date of registration – July 15, 2016.
NB: Registering for UNEB Examinations implies that one has understood and is in full agreement with Entry Regulations and these guidelines.