UNEB UACE General Paper Past Papers Year 1996
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Papers
1. Why should scientists be better rewarded than arts people?
2. How does an ‘all round education ‘help an individual grow up into a responsible citizen?
3. What purpose does a ‘national language’ serve? Why hasn’t Uganda developed a ‘national language’?
4. In your point of view, what would be the steps to take in order to fight corruption in Uganda?
5. How would Uganda best protect her natural environment?
6. Which religious practices would you encourage in your area? Which ones would you discourage? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer one question from this section.
7. Study the information provided in (i) and (ii) carefully and then answer the questions which follow.
i) A grocer will offer a particular kind of fruit for sale only on the day it is delivered. The delivery schedule is the same each week. The grocer’s store is open for business Monday through Saturday only.
Bananas are delivered only every other business day. Oranges are delivered every business day. Passion fruits are delivered on two non – consecutive business days, but not on Monday, Friday or Saturday.
Lemons are delivered on the same days as Bananas but also on Saturdays. Pineapples are delivered only on the two consecutive days on which lemons are delivered.
Answer the following questions, showing how you arrive at your answer, in each case.
a) What is the maximum number of days on which both lemons and passion fruits can be purchased?
b) On which days are fewest kinds of fruit mentioned above, for sale?
c) If each delivery of bananas during a week were delayed one day, but all other deliveries are made according to schedule, on what days could bananas, oranges and passion fruits be purchased on the same day?
d) On days when lemons and oranges are delivered, which fruit(s) is (are) also delivered?
ii) Offshore blasting in oil exploration at Lake Katwe does not hurt fishing; blasting started last year, and last year’s Nile perch catch has been the largest in a long time.
If the argument above is true, can each of the following inferences be validly drawn? Support your answers.
e) The noise of the blasts interferes with the food chain Nile perch depend on.
f) Factors that have nothing to do with the well – being of Nile perch may significantly affect the size of one year’s catch.
g) The rapid changes of water pressure caused by the blasts make Nile perch mate more frequently.
8. Read the passage below and then answer the questions which follow, using your own, whatever possible.
When, in the early twentieth century, the concept of the virtuoso – as – hero was retired, as a replacement came the scholar – pianist, the musician – pianist, the re – creator of the composers’ thoughts. With this change came the abdication of technique as technique. Virtuosity in and of itself, indeed, became something of a dirty word.
One of the important new figures, though she was a harpsichordist and not a pianist, was Wanda. Landowska, she was the one who demonstrated how Bach, Handel, Scarlet and Couperin sounded on the instrument for which their music was originally conceived. It would be a mistake to consider Landowska a classicist, however. She had been born in an age of romantic playing, an age dominated by the figures of Liszt, Leschetisky and their pupils. Thus she grew up with certain romantic traditions of performance and whatever the stringency of her musical scholarship, for Landowska knew how to hold an audience breathless and when she gave a recital, it was to the accompaniment that all great artists receive deathlike silence and rapt attention.
Her playing was romantic, but who is to say that it was not closer to Bach than the dry munching of some later harpsichordists? She had a miraculous equality of touch, with a left hand that seemed to say the least, colorful. But no artist in this generation (and, one is confident, in any generation) could clarify with such deftness the polyphonic writing of the baroque masters. And none could make the music so spring to life.
Her secret was a lifetime of scholarship, plus perfect technical equipment and resilient rhythm, all combined with knowledge of just when not to hold the printed note sacrosanct. Of course, that alone demands a lifetime of knowledge. She was a genius at underlining the dramatic and did have meaning and emotional significance. She took liberties, all kinds of liberties, but like all great artists she could get away with them. In short, her entire musical approach was romantic: intensely personal, full of light and shade, never pedantic.
Thanks to Landowska, Bach began to sound thick when played on the piano. One by one, pianists stopped playing Bach as adapted by Liszt, Bach as adapted by Tausig. Then they began to think twice before performing any kind of baroque music, including even Scarlatti. The piano repertoire, it began to be felt, was extensive enough without reverting to transcriptions and Bach and Scarlatti on the piano were in a way, transcriptions no matter how faithfully the original notes were played.
In line with this kind of purity came the emphasis on the back to nature study of the composers’ manuscripts that has continued to the present, will continue and is something new in the scheme of things.
a) Suggest an appropriate title for the passage.
b) According to the passage, on what previous emphasis did Landowska embody a rejection of?
c) What does the author want to point out when he mentions Landowska’s artistry as a performer (lines 19 – 23)?
d) Which music would Landowska probably have objected to most strongly?
e) Explain what the following words and phrases mean or refer to as used in the passage:
i. Was retired (line 2)
ii. Stringency (line 19)
iii. Hold an audience breathless (lines 20 – 21)
iv. Rapt attention (line 23)
v. Deftness (line 31)
vi. Resilient rhythm (line 34)
vii. Sacrosanct (line 36)
viii. She took liberties (line 40)
ix. Pedantic (line 44)
x. Scheme of things (line 58)
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages