UNEB UACE General Paper Past Papers Year 2004

UNEB UACE General Paper Past Papers Year 2004

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Papers


1. Explain the causes of domestic violence in your community and suggest ways that can be used to control the problem.

2. Assess the contribution of education to national development.

3. Examine the benefits and challenges of regional integration.

4. ‘polygamous marriages should be abolished.’ Discuss.

5. To what extent has the decentralization policy in Uganda been successful?

6. What are environmental problems in Uganda and how can they be controlled?


Answer one question from this section.

7. Study the information provided below and answer the questions that follow:

Rubarara systems housing corporation is an organization that builds houses for sale. A person who wishes to buy, has to make a down payment of 5% of the value of the house excluding insurance, as soon as the application has been accepted. It is also a requirement by government that each house is insured at 1% per annum of the initial value of the house, payable by the purchaser through the corporation. In case of death of the purchaser, if payments have been made to the corporation:

i) For less than 5 years, the house will be sold and the payment refunded to the beneficiaries.

ii) Between 5 years and 10 years, the family of the purchaser will acquire the house on condition that the payments are completed in time.

iii) For more than 10 years, the beneficiaries are given a grace period of one additional year in which to complete payment.

The house is repossessed by the corporation if the beneficiaries if the beneficiaries fail to abide by the stipulated date.

There are 50 houses for sale grouped in four categories: A, B, C and D according to value as shown below:

Category A B C D
Value in millions(sh.) 80 90 100 120
Number of houses 15 16 9 10

According to the information available, all the application for houses in category A, half of those in category B, none in category C and only two in category D have been accepted.


a) How much money:

i) Has been received by the corporation as down payment?

ii) Will be received by the corporation after 15 years?

b) For each category, how much money must be paid per annum if the payment has to be completed with 15years?

c) If houses in category A are meant to benefit low income earners, what challenges is this scheme likely to face?

d) How fair are the terms of sale?

8. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow, using your own words wherever possible:

There is another feature of present day society which has played a part in the development of a counseling profession. It is the instability generated by the rapid changes that have been occurring in our ways of life. Sociologists as well as poets have labeled this an “age of anxiety”. Various writers have called attention to factors creating insecurity in the individual, factors ranging all the way from broken homes to the threat of atomic annihilation. It is true that it would be very difficult to prove that this age is even more impossible to gauge the comparative frequencies of neuroses and the lesser varieties of disequilibrium. Nevertheless, in the books we write and the pictures we paint there is much to suggest that the prevailing mood of our time is one of uncertainty and apprehension.

The most serious of the social instabilities for the individual, if the conclusions of psychiatrists and other mental health workers are sound, is the threat to the family. Among the clients who come to a counselor with personal problems, very considerable proportions are children of divorced parents. Sometime during their childhood, long before emotional growth was completed; they have been confronted with problems of conflicting loyalties that would have strained even the capacities of maturity. The counseling process constitutes for them a new opportunity to think the whole thing through and assimilate the experience and its consequences in their later development.

If divorce itself were the only problem, however, our task would be considerably easier than it is. It is the emotional conflicts that lie at the back of these break ups rather than the separations themselves which unsettle children. Naturally, not all persons seeking psychotherapy are the products of divorce, but most if not all of them reflect in their attitudes the strains to which their childhood homes were subject. For every marriage that ends in the divorce courts there are probably several more which generate tensions almost as severe. Children in these homes have had to learn to cope with bitterness, hatred, neglect and confusion and to put up some sort of defenses against the anxiety such attitudes bring.

It goes without saying that social problems are not to be solved by counseling alone. Many agencies and organizations are concerned with the family and are attempting to improve an unsatisfactory situation there. To the extent that long range educational programmes aimed at improving family relations succeed, counseling to ameliorate the effects of bad family situations will become less necessary. For the present, however, home difficulties are a major source of problems for workers in three types of setting. Child guidance clinics are attempting to help the children themselves at the time when their problems are most acute. Marriage counselors have developed a specialized service for men and women who wish to try to salvage their relationship rather than to break it off. General counseling agencies in schools, even when their principal function is to help students make good educational and vocational choices, also help individuals to understand and modify emotional attitudes that have grown out of home environments.

Many other social problems of our time are reflected in the insecurities clients bring to counselors. The rapidity with which urbanization has proceeded has brought into the incredibly complex city environment large numbers of individuals whose upbringing has not prepared them to cope with it. Threats of war, and actual wars in which our country is involved, ……..not only add to the complexity of the task of career planning, but also face young men and women most of whom have no control over their own jobs. The emphasis a competitive society places on success inevitably produces anxiety in persons who cannot be sure that they are “winners”.

While the counselor, as a citizen may be vitally concerned with these social problems in their entirety, it is particular aspect of them not the most important, that confront him in his day to day work. The possibility of sudden death and destruction does not seem to produce as much anxiety as do the minor worries about one’s own immediate future. Will I be drafted this year or not? Shall I enlist now or wait? What good will it do me to study this term if Iam not going to be allowed to finish my education anyway? It is through such questions that the troubled international situation makes its impact on the individual: will I ever be able to get my grades up high enough so that I will be admitted to medical school? How can we keep up our country club membership and the social activities that go with it unless I can make more money? How can I ever face mother if her sorority doesn’t pledge me? How can I get over my inferiority complex? Whether I go I never feel good as other people. It is such problems that our competitive economic and social system raises for each person. They may seem trivial by comparison with the larger social issues, but they are the stuff of individual human experience.


a) Suggest an appropriate title for the passage.

b) Explain what the author means by:

i) “conflicting loyalties”. (line 18)

ii) “but they are the stuff of individual human experience.” (lines 65 – 66)

c) In not more than 100 words, give a summary of the problems a counselor has to deal with.

d) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage using your own words wherever possible.

i) Annihilation (line 06)

ii) Gauge the comparative frequencies (line 09)

iii) Of uncertainty and apprehension (line 12)

iv) Assimilate (line 20)

v) Lie at the back of (line 22)

vi) Ameliorate (line 33)

vii) Salvage (line 38)

viii) Principle function (line 39)

ix) Technology changes (line 48)

x) Inferiority complex (line 63)

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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