UNEB UACE General Paper Past Papers Year 2005
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Papers
1. To what extent have military governments satisfied the aspirations of the masses in post independent Africa?
2. ‘Sex education should be introduced in Ugandan schools.’ Discuss.
3. Assess the contribution of the youth to the development of your community.
4. To what extent is language a unifying factor in society?
5. Account for the increase in the level of unemployment in Uganda.
6. Assess the impact of swamp reclamation on the environment in Uganda.
Answer one question from this section.
7. Study the information provided below and answer the questions which follow:
Dupe, a university undergraduate and the only son of a prominent business was abducted from his home town of Rumeno one early morning. He was bundled into the black corona saloon car and blindfolded. He guessed that the abductors were driving him westwards from Rumeno. From the shouts of taxi touts, he confirmed that they had reached the town of Kepot. The abductors made a right turn travelling northwards before turning right again speeding in a north east direction for quite a long distance. They entered Busito town where they were confronted by police patrol and made a U- turn until they reached half way the distance to Kepot. Here they branched off in a north – west direction towards the town of Mudin. From here they went to their hideout which is south – west of Mudin.
On learning of his son’s abduction from the telephone call of the abductors demanding a ransom of 300 million shillings. Dupe’s father alerted the police instead. The police went into action immediately and from the information gathered from the public and the telephone call they were soon able to rescue Dupe after a bitter and fierce exchange of gun fire with the abductors.
Give that it is:
i) 160 km from Rumeno to Kepot
ii) 10km from Kepot to the second right turn
iii) 210 km from Kepot to Busito
iv) 155 km from Busito to Mudin
v) 20 km from Mudin to the hideout.
Questions :
a) Draw to scale a map showing the route taken by the abductors to reach their hideout.
b) (i) What was the total distance travelled by the abductors?
(ii) What is the direct distance in kilometers between the hideout and :
– Rumeno?
– Kepot?
c) If you wanted to construct a direct road from the hideout to a point along the road from Rumeno to Kepot in a south – eastern direction, how many kilometers would this point be from Rumeno?
d) Supporting you were present at the scene of the abduction, what would you do as a responsible citizen?
8. Read the passage below and answer the questions which follow, using your own words wherever possible.
The last group of teachers to discuss is one of the most important and effective. However, it is not really a group but a collection of individuals, hardly any of whom knew or cared anything about the others. It exists now. It is self – perpetuating. It is given far less credit than it earns. Usually it is forgotten altogether by the public and sometimes by its pupils. But its work has been invaluable and ranks as teaching of the very finest type.
These teachers are the fathers of great men who taught them much of what they needed to become great. The idea that a ‘genius’ is a human being of a superior species who creates himself like a ghost materializing is a poor over simplification. So is the opposite mistake that every eminent man is nothing but the product of his social environment, as brass is the product of zinc and copper. Or diabetes the result of a pancreas deficiency. Individuals differ of work on themselves. By their long exertion of will their disregard of others and their development of slowly maturing plans. Certain existentialists would say that they really create themselves. And obviously their social life affects them very deeply. But the first influences upon them, which often create the most lasting impressions, are received from their own families. When the parents deliberately set out to teach them, these impressions are deeper and certainly more systematic. Many distinguished men were produced not only physically but also spiritually by their fathers.
For a woman the physical act of producing a child is a long tremendous enterprise which fills her (whether she likes it or not) with purpose and responsibility and vitality. For a man it is brief and in feeling almost purposeless. The rest of his share in the child’s life before birth is auxiliary at best. But after it is born he can begin to share equally with the mother in helping it to live and learn. As it grows able to think and talk he will share that job more and more, whether he knows it or not. Whether he wants to or not. Large numbers of fathers do not know this, do not care and hope it is not true. They try to live as though the child had never been born. They leave it to its mother, or to the schools, or to the other children. Sometimes they try completely ignoring it. Nearly always they refuse to adapt themselves to it when it brings in new ideas and lets loose new forces in the home. Yet by doing all that they are teaching the child just as carefully and emphatically as though they were concentrating on it several hours a day. They are giving it ideas, patterns of emotion and thought standards on which to base future choices. A child cannot make up its own mind with nothing to work on. It has to see how people behave. For this, it watches other children and people in films and characters in books: but the people who bulk largest and whose acts have most authority in the time when its formless mind is being shaped. Are its mother and its father. Enormous in size, terrible in strength, unbelievably clever, all seeing and all knowing frightful in anger, miraculously bountiful, unpredictable as a cyclone, cruel even in kindness, brave and impressive, mostly incomprehensible even when they speak a child’s mother and father are its original king and queen . Ogre and witch fairy and giant, mother Goddess and savior God. It obeys them and makes itself to suit them, it watches them to copy them and often without knowing it, it becomes them or else it becomes an opposite of them in which their power is still expressed.
Whatever the father does his child will learn from him. It is far better then for him to decide what to teach it and how. As he does so, he will be giving up some part of his own personality and some of his time and energy. But afterwards when the results begin to show, he will be astonished to see that the sacrifice is repaid: his character (when he was perhaps becoming a little tried of its inadequacies) reappears with new strength and new originality in his child. Then he really be able to say that he made it and that he is its father.
It would be interesting to write a book on the fathers of great men, those who educated their sons by neglecting them, those who educated their sons by bullying and thwarting them, those who educated their sons by being their friends. These all taught their sons something about the world for the world gives us all these treatments. It would be interesting too, to write a book on the last of these groups. It would not mention the fathers who taught their sons badly, like chesterfield. It would spend some time on those families in which many talents have been kept flowing through several generations, not only by heredity, but by the activity of successive fathers maintaining a traditional of excellence in their sons, the Bachs…..the churchills….the Montmorency. It would study the psychological links between brilliant well taught sons And their fathers, so often based on rivalry and conflict. Acknowledged or unknown, sometimes built on genuine selfless affection and forming part of a rich happy family life, occasionally expressing the father’s bitter frustration, which the son must grow up to compensate, to average. Here we can point out only a few of the fathers whose sons, through their teaching became great and famous.
a) Suggest a suitable title for this passage.
b) According to the passage, what is an eminent man a product of?
c) What is effect of presence of a child in a home?
d) In not more than 100 words, summarize the influence of the parents on the child.
e) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
i. Self perpetuating (line 04)
ii. Social environment (line 11)
iii. Exertion of will (line 14)
iv. Existentialist (line 15)
v. Lasting impressions (line 17 – 18)
vi. Tremendous enterprise (lines 22 – 23)
vii. Auxiliary (line 25)
viii. Patterns of emotion (line 36)
ix. Thwarting (line 58)
x. Heredity (line 64).
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages