UNEB UACE General Paper Past Papers Year 1993

UNEB UACE General  Past Papers Year 1993

Uganda National Examinations Board Accounts Past Papers


1. ‘It is the mind of the citizen but not the economy of Uganda that needs rehabilitation’. Discuss.

2. To what extent has the AIDS scourge changed the lifestyle of the people of Uganda?

3. Why is environmental degradation a cause of great concern all over the world?

4. How justifiable is it to describe politics as “a dirty game “?

5. Assess the role of the mass media in Uganda today.

6. ‘Economic rather than political factors explain the brain drain problem in Uganda’. Discuss.


Answer one question from this section.

7. Study the following information carefully and then answer the questions which follow.

A group of thugs are planning to stage a fake road block long a busy road with the intention of looting the travelers along it. Each of the thugs must have three good quantities for the plan to succeed. The qualities required, in order of merit, are:

Know target shooting.

Be a driver and mechanic.

Must think and act fast.

Be able to speak several languages.

Be a fast runner.

Below are the names of the thugs and their qualities:

1) Ndalira – driver and mechanic, thinks and acts fast and is a linguist.

2) Mafwora – fast runner, target shooter and linguist.

3) Musoke – target shooter, driver and mechanic and fast runner.

4) Achomi – linguist, fast runner and acts and thinks fast.

5) Angiru – driver and mechanic, target shooter and acts and thinks fast.

The various duties required to carry out the plan are as follows:

– Interceptor.

– Driver.

– Looter.

– Guard.

a) Which one of the above thugs has the best overall qualities? Show how you arrive at your answer.

b) Assign each thug a duty based on his qualities.

c) If the person you had assigned to guard had a mishaps during the execution of the plan. Who would take over his work? Give reasons.

d) After a successful execution of the plan, each of the thugs must take a different route to disguise evidence. However, one of them must remain to mix freely with the local residents while the whole loot is driven away to a particular destination. Each route has a definite problem as listed below:

Route A – has a regular security patrol.

Route B – is straight but very long.

Route C – has a road block.

Route D – has forest and wild animals.

Who should take which route and why?

e) Which of the thugs should remain?

8. Read the passage below and then answer the questions which follow, using your own words wherever possible.

My mother was ambitious for her boys. Having discovered that it was impossible to push her husband on to accept larger and wider responsibilities, either in his work or more generally in life, she turned to jack and me. We were still too young for her to be specific in her plans for our future; but she talked frequently of careers, the advantage of a good education, and the stark need of ensuring that we should equip ourselves for “the battle of life”, a phrase that still echoed from the receding walls of the nineteenth century.

Jack’s steady development obviously bolstered her hopes, though I still cannot understand why she did not fasten on his outstanding talents and guide him toward a career where they could be used. It may have been that father prevented her by his stubborn resistance to any course outside his ken. About that time, I first heard him state the axiom that what was good enough for him should be good enough for his boys, bless them. This statement was made then, as always subsequently, with warmth of parental love that demonstrated itself by a tremolo in his voice and an outstretched arm to gather us to him.

No doubt the poverty and hardship which he known in boyhood had fixed in his character an obstinacy born of dread of hunger and degradation. He was too innocent and too lacking in intellectual confidence, perhaps even too fundamentally cowed, to contemplate going out to fight for himself in the open market. He had a curious belief that money making was a dirty game, something not even talked about and all he asked was that he should be assured of a regular income no matter how small.

He saw the civil service as the only way for himself and therefore his sons must follow him. This acceptance of his own course as the best was evidence of the contradictions and self thwarting in his nature. Humble is his claim on society, he was enclosed in an arrogance that made him incapable of accepting another point of view, even if he were taught to see it. Mother had given up trying to teach him. She got her way only by her periodical outbreaks of angry masterfulness, before which he instantly succumbed.

His loyalty to the civil service and to his colleagues in it, was that of a soldier to the regiment. But he remained content without promotion, and whenever a junior was posted above him he professed to prefer it that way, though his explanations of this unworldliness dwindled away into incoherent phrases and vague gestures in dismissal of the subject. It had the effect of a smoke screen through which mother’s reproaches could not penetrate.

“that’s enough, old girl; that’s enough,” he would say, deeply hurt, at every attempt to prod him into competitive action. His mind Havered at any form of mental or moral conflict, and he was incapable even of argument or debate. This gave him great advantage, maintaining him in a perpetual age of innocence. But it gave mother the task and burden of two. Her double daily chores as housewives and school teacher were paralleled by her double responsibility in bringing up her sons.

Perhaps she too was afraid of jack’s talent and perplexed by the way in which it showed itself so variously; in music, in drawing, in mechanical inventiveness. How to harness it to the pursuit of a career would have puzzled parents with much more knowledge of the professions, much wider cultural range and experience, than our mother and father possessed. Like most people at that time and in that walk of life, they were grateful for small assurances: a safe job, a respectable anonymity, a local esteem. Outside that limit lay a dangerous unknown which included crime, genius, fame, notoriety and exalted rank. All the people who came to our house (few and infrequent) were of this persuasion, unanimous in their social and moral quietism. Behind my own parents’ acquiescence in this lay an element of mystery, revealed only occasionally by oblique remarks and references and by my father’s perverse attitude toward the aristocracy and to all manifestations of ambition or of pursuits larger than he could comprehend.


a) What does the passage tell you about the author’s father?

b) What is your impression of the relationship between the boys’ parents?

c) “Perhaps she too was afraid of jack’s talent……” (Line 43). Explain why according to the author, his brother’s talents frightened his parents.

d) Explain what you understand by the following phrases and words as used in the passage:

i) Specific in her plans (line 4)

ii) Any course outside his ken (line 12)

iii) Fundamentally cowed (line 20)

iv) Incoherent phrases (line 34)

v) Reproaches (line 35)

vi) Havered (line 38)

vii) Were of his persuasion (line 50 – 51)

viii) Perverse (line 53)

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages


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