UNEB UCE Agriculture Past Papers Year 1993
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Papers
Answer all the questions in this part. Write all the answers in the spaces provided. You are advised not to spend more than 30 minutes on this part.
1. Circle the letter corresponding to the best alternative.
a) A horned bull is crossed with a polled cow and the offspring is polled. This means that
A. The gene for horned condition is recessive.
B. The polled condition is recessive.
C. Genes controlling the two conditions are homologous.
D. The offspring is homozygous for the polled condition.
b) One reason why legumes are planted in pastures is to
A. Reduce cases of bloat in the grazing herd.
B. Suppress the growth of pasture weeds.
C. Increase the energy content of the pasture.
D. Improve the soil nitrogen content for healthy grass growth.
c) Which of the following processes that occurs in animals requires the least amount of protein?
A. Reproduction
B. Growth
C. Fattening
D. Milk production
d) Which of the following is a mounted tractor implement?
A. A trailer
B. A moldboard plough
C. A seed drill
D. A roller.
2. a) Name four major insect pests of stored procedure.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) What four precautions should a farmer take when storing a grain crop in order to avoid insect damage?
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The figure below shows the internal structure of an egg.
a) Name the parts labelled P, Q, R, S, T and U on the diagram.
b) State the function of P.
c) Why should eggs be stored with a hen?
4. a) (i) What is meant by inelastic demand?
(ii) What kind of commodities has this type of demand?
b) Give four factors that may cause changes in demand for a commodity.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. A farmer has a rectangular piece of land measuring 1000m by 500m around which a 4 strand perimeter barbed wire fence is to be constructed. Given that the length of one roll of barbed wire is 600m and the spacing between the fence posts is 15m. Calculate.
(i) The number of rolls of wire required.
(ii) The number of fence posts required.
Answer four questions, including at least one from each section. Write all your answers in the answer booklets provided.
6. a) What are the benefits of draining farm land?
b) Discuss the environmental problems that swamp drainage is likely to cause in Uganda.
7. a) State the importance of farm structures in production.
b) What factors should a farmer consider when choosing a site for and constructing a building for farm animals?
8. The table below shows the quantity of rice produced at various levels of fertilizer application.
Amount of fertilizer total yield of rice
(In 20kg bags) (In bag)
0 4
2 10
4 28
6 42
8 52
10 60
12 66
14 68
16 64
a) Using a suitable scale plot a graph of amount of fertilizers applied against the total yield of rice.
b) From your graph, how many bags of rice would be produced if 9 bags of fertilizers were applied?
c) Why does the yield of rice drop after the 14th bag of fertilizer?
9. a) Describe how you would prepare a good nursery bed for raising vegetable seedlings.
b) State the various operations carried out in caring for seedlings growing in a nursery bed.
10. a) Name and explain the factors that encourage soil erosion by running water.
b) What measures can be taken to prevent the development of gullies in the field?
11. a) Describe the single and multiple stem pruning systems in coffee.
b) How does pruning increase production in coffee?
12. a) What are the advantages of the following practices in livestock production?
(i) Castration
(ii) Dehorning
b) Describe how you would dehorn a calf using the chemical method.
13. a) Outline the factors that may lead to a disease outbreak in a poultry house.
b) How would you identify a sick bird in a flock of layers?
c) Give control measures that should be taken against egg eating among layers.
14. How would you ensure the production of good quality hides and skins from farm animals?
1. You are provided with
– Two filter funnels
– Glass wool
– 2 soil samples labelled A and B.
– 2 measuring cylinders.
a) Label the two filter A into funnel A and all the soil labelled B into funnel B. add 100 cm3 of water to each of the funnels and collect the water passing through the soil samples for 15 minutes.
Measure the volume of water that has passed through each soil sample
Record your observations in the table below:
Vol. of water added | Vol. of water that passed through soil | Vol. of water retained by soil |
Soil A 100cm3 | ||
Soil B 100cm3 |
b) (i) Name the soil properties being tested in the experiment.
(ii) How are the two properties related to size of soil particles?
c) From your experiment, state with reasons which of the two soil samples is more suitable for crop production.
2. Specimen G, D, E and F provided are common livestock feeds observe them and fill in the table below:
Specimen | Identity | Type of feed | Why it is fed to livestock |
C | |||
D | |||
E | |||
F |
3. Specimen G is a component of the electrical system of a tractor.
a) (i) Identify the specimen
(ii) What is its function in the tractor?
b) In the space below, draw and label specimen G. state your magnification.
c) Mention three factors that may affect the performance of specimen G.
d) How would you service specimen G to ensure it performs efficiently?
4. Carefully observe the sick bird provided.
a) List the signs or symptoms of sickens you observe on this bird.
b) From the signs or symptoms you have listed in (a) above suggest the disease this bird is suffering from.
c) How is the disease you have identified treated?
d) What measure would you take on a poultry farm to prevent the outbreak of this disease?
5. Observe specimen H which is a crop plant.
a) State, with reasons, the family to which the plant belongs.
b) How do the structures on the roots of H develop?
c) What type of association has resulted in the development of the structures in (b) above?
d) Of what benefits is this association?
(i) To specimen H,
(ii) To other crops plants?
6. Observe specimens P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W which are common weed plants.
a) Identify each of the specimens.
P ……………………………………………… T …………………………………………………
Q …………………………………………….. U ……………………………………………….
R …………………………………………….. V ……………………………………………….
S ……………………………………………… W ……………………………………………..
b) Classify each of the specimens according to the headings.
Annual weeds perennial weeds
……………………………………. …………………………………………………..
c) (i) Which three cultural practices would you use to control the weeds above?
(ii) Which one of the weeds can be controlled by biological means?
Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages