UNEB UCE Agriculture Past Papers Year 2007

UNEB UCE Agriculture Past Papers Year 2007

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Papers




Answer all the questions in this part. For question 1, write the letter corresponding to the best answer in the provided. For questions 2 to 5, write all answer in the spaces provided.

1. a) Which one of the following hormones maintains pregnancy in a cow?

A. progesterone hormone

B. follicle stimulating hormone

C. luteinizing hormone

D. oxytocin hormone

b) The purple coloration of leaf margins in maize is a deficiency symptom of

A. magnesium

B. calcium

C. phosphorus

D. potassium

c) Which of the following features of a farm of a tractor enables the operator to turn the tractor in a narrow space during ploughing?

A. Small front wheels

B. The differential

C. Hydraulic power steering

D. Braking of rear wheels

d) Payment for casual labour on a farm is classified as

A. A fixed cost

B. An overhead cost

C. A variable cost

D. An implicit cost

2. Explain four precautions that should be taken storing grain.

3. Give four challenges of rearing exotic cattle

4. a) State a possible cause of each of the following faults in an engine faults in an engine.

(i) Engine stops suddenly

(ii) Engine does not start

(iii) Engine overheats

b) Suggest an action to be taken correct each of the following engine faults:

(i) Engine jerking

(ii) Engine producing black smoke

5. Give five criteria to use when identifying a good herdsman.


Answer four questions including at least one from each section. Write your answers in the answer booklets provided.



6. Explain how each of the following practices soil erosion.

i) Contour ploughing

ii) Minimum tillage

iii) Deep ploughing

iv) Diversion channels

v) Mulching

7. a) (i) Explain why root crops are popularly grown in Uganda.

(ii) Outline the disadvantages of root crops.

b) Describe how a cassava crop is raised from land preparation to harvesting.

8. a) Outline the objectives of crop breeding.

Describe the different methods of vegetative propagation.



9.a) Explain how diseases are transmitted among animals.

b) Describe the effects of disease on animals.

What factors encourage the development of mastitis in milking cows?

10. Explain the factors to consider when establishing a beef herd.

11.a) Explain the differences between a good and a poor layer.

b) Outline the factors that affect egg production in a laying flock.



12. a) Describe the functions of a cooperative society.

b) Give reasons for the collapse of cooperative societies in Uganda.

13. a) Outline the importance of farm structures in agricultural production.

b) Using examples, explain where you would locate different farm structures on a newly acquired farm.

14. a) Explain the functions of lubrications in an engine.

b) Name the different lubricants used in farm machines, citing where each is used, giving reasons.



1. Specimen A, B, C and D are used in building construction.

a) Identify the specimens.





b) Describe how each specimen is used in building construction.

i) A…………………………………………………………………..

ii) B……………………………………………………………………

iii) C…………………………………………………………………..

iv) D…………………………………………………………………..

2. Specimen K1 and K2 are parts of a farm tractor engine

a) Identify the specimens



b) To which system of the tractor do specimen K1 and K2 belong?

c) (i) Examine the specimens and state one operational difference between them

(ii) Suggest conditions under which each specimen is most suitable for use. Give reasons.

d) Suggest three maintenance practices that should be carried out on specimen K1.

3. You are provided with specimens M and N.

Measure 30 cm3 of M using a measuring cylinder. Add 30 cm3 of water to the sample and stir the mixture using a glass rod. Repeat the procedure using specimen N in another measuring cylinder. Allow the mixtures to settle for 30 minutes. (you may proceed with other work in the meantime.)

a) After 30 minutes, draw and label diagrams of the two measuring cylinders with their contents

b) State the difference between the two mixtures in the measuring cylinders.

c) From your observations, state the type of soil each sample is.

4. You are provided with specimens R, S and T.

a) Identify specimen R.

b) (i) Fit T and R and operate the equipment. Describe how the liquid comes out.

(ii) Now replace specimen T with S and operate the equipment. Describe how the liquid comes out.

c) (i)Compare the output of the equipment when using S with that when using T.

(ii) From your observation, suggest the task that each specimen is used for. Give reasons for your answer.



d) State two common faults that occur in specimen R.

5. Specimen X1 and X2 are domestic fowls.

a) Carry out the activities suggested in the table on the specimens and record your observations.

Activity Observation
Specimen X1 Specimen X2
Tap the specimen lightly on the back.
Observe the comb and wattle.
Examine the cloaca.
feel the abdomen using your fingers.
Place 2 – 3 fingers between the pelvic bones.

b) What conclusion can you make on the reproductive state of each specimen?

c) Suggest four factors that could have led to the condition of specimen X2.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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