UNEB UCE Food and Nutrition Past Papers for Year 1998
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions
Answer all questions in this section.
1. a) Why is egg an important item in the diet of an invalid? Give three reasons.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) The four methods of incorporating air in rough puff pastry are:
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c) What are the effects of heat on a queen cake mixture?
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d) State two methods of heat transfer in each of the following:
(i) Boiling rice
(ii) Roasting potatoes on a charcoal stove
e) The effects of deficiency of citrus fruits in the diet are:
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
f) Name the vitamin that aids in the absorption of iron.
g) State the aim of grilling and steaming.
(i) Grilling
(ii) Steaming
h) Give two differences between a roux and sauce
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Write the correct answer A, B, C or D against each question in the box on the right hand side of each question.
2. The transparent connective tissue in meat which ties the fibers together to form muscles is called
A. Elastin
B. Collagen
C. Globules
D. Tendon
3. Which of these vitamins facilitates the release of energy during glucose oxidation?
A. Cobalamin
B. Thiamine
C. Pyridoxine
D. Folic acid
4. Milk is not quite a perfect food because it is
A. Deficient in vitamin C and roughage
B. Deficient in iron and sugar
C. Bland and lacks color
D. Curdles easily and contains a lot of water
5. The set which can be broken down by enzyme pepsin is
A. Milk and beans
B. Rice and beans
C. Spinach and millet
D. Millet and cassava
6. Which method of cooking is most economical I fuel and labour?
A. Roasting
B. Grilling
C. Steaming
D. Shallow frying
7. Pellagra is caused by deficiency of
A. Nicotinic acid
B. Thiamine
C. Riboflavin
D. Vitamin A
8. Which of the following fats is most suitable for a patient suffering from heart problem?
A. Lard
B. Suet
C. Butter
D. Corn oil
9. Cellulose is most valuable in the body in order to
A. Aid oxidation
B. Supply vitamin A
C. Aid digestion
D. Decrease the feeling of hunger
10. Hypervitaminosis A occurs when
A. No vitamin A is taken
B. Less vitamin A is taken
C. Enough vitamin A is taken
D. Too much vitamin A is taken
11. Which cut of mutton is best cooked by roasting?
A. Cutlets
B. Scrag end
C. Middle neck
D. Shoulder
12. Elastin in beef can be made tender by
A. Subject it to moist heat
B. Marinating it in acidic substance
C. Cutting it into pieces
D. Grilling
13. The mineral salt which has its absorption enhanced by the presence of vitamin D is.
A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Fluorine
D. Potassium
14. Which of these raising agents does not destroy thiamine (B1)?
A. Yeast
B. Baking powder
C. Bicarbonate of soda
D. Tartaric acid
15. In cookery gelatin is used for
A. Improving flavor and making a mixture light
B. Thickening and improving nutrient
C. Making a mixture light and improving color
D. Improving nutrient and texture
16. Which of the following is a suitable rule for braising meat?
A. Stock is added to cover the meat
B. Meat is cooked directly at the base of a pan
C. Meat is browned before cooking
D. Mirepoix is put on top of the meat
17. What may cause the cracking of a baked Swiss roll?
A. Over cooking
B. Too hot an oven
C. Opening the oven during baking
D. Less flour used
18. The rate at which calcium is absorbed is as high as 60% of ingested calcium during
A. Athletic exercise
B. Sickness
C. Pregnancy
D. menstruation
19. Which of the following is the most active organ in the production of energy from glucose?
A. Intestine
B. Stomach
C. Kidney
D. Liver
20. What is the function of vitamin K in the body?
A. It acts as an oxidant
B. Assists in the formation of prothrombin
C. Assists in the coagulation of milk
D. It is important in reproduction
21. Frequent bleeding of the gum is a sign of
A. Infrequent visits to the dentists
B. Lack of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous
C. Poor intake of vitamin C in the diet
D. Poor hygiene and care of teeth
Answer only one question from this section
22. a) Explain three ways by which vegetation can obtain all the essential amino acids in the correct proportions.
b) What are the functions of protein in the body?
c) What factors affect protein requirements in the body?
d) State the dangers of taking protein in excess.
23. a) Define the following terms as applied in the study of nutrition:
(i) nutrients
(ii) basal metabolism
(iii) calorie
(iv) obesity
b) With the help of examples, outline the importance of polysaccharides in the diet.
Answer two questions from this section.
24. a) What points would you consider when choosing meat?
b)(i) Explain what happens, when meat is cooked by boiling.
(ii) Name two cuts of beef that can be cooked by each of the following methods: boiling, roasting and grilling.
c) What is the value of meat in the diet?
25. a) Define the following means of heat transfer during cooking and give example of a dish cooked by each.
(i) Conduction
(ii) Convection
(iii) Radiation
b) How can an electric cooker be intelligently use so as to economize fuel?
26. a) Give a detailed account of the food value of milk.
b) Describe two ways of introducing milk in the diet of an infant.
c) Suggest two ways by which your local staple diet can be improved by using milk and milk products.
d) What precautions should be taken in the production and storage of the dishes produced in 26.(b) above?
27. a) Explain the importance of preserving fruits.
b) Describe the following methods of food preservation.
(i) Bottling
(ii) Curing fish
c) State the principle underlying the methods in (b) (i) and (ii) above.
1. a) Prepare rough puff pastry and use it to make two varied dishes of your choice.
b) Prepare two other items and together with one of the dishes in (a) above, serve a complete main course of meal for three teenagers.
c) Make groundnut cake to be served at evening tea.
2. The netball team of your school will be having a friendly which a neighboring school.
a) Make use of the following items to make attractive dishes for their packed lunch:
(i) Minced meat
(ii) Yeast
(iii) Green vegetables
(iv) Cassava
b) Prepare a refreshing drink to accompany the lunch.
3. a) Prepare and serve a light mid day meal for a nursery school teacher. Include a milk pudding.
4. a) Prepare a dish using each of the following:
(i) batter
(ii) baking powder
(iii) pastry
b) Prepare one suitable weaning dish for an anaemic child.
c) Prepare a suitable drink to be served with one of the dishes in 4(a) above.
5. Year school is receiving visitors from U.S.A
a) Prepare two attractive dishes for them using the following methods of cooking:
(i) Steaming
(ii) Roasting
b) Prepare three suitable accompaniments to complete a two course lunch for them. Include a drink.
c) Make snort bread biscuits for them to carry when going back.
6. Your sister is wedding and you are to arrange for the dinner for four guests.
a) Using locally available foodstuffs make.
(i) Four interesting dishes which will be served at the occasion.
(ii) A refreshing drink as an accompaniment.
b) Make an interesting centre piece.
7. a) Make use of the following to prepare interesting dishes.
(i) Meat
(ii) Milk
b) Prepare two other dishes to complete a two course meal for two teenagers.
c) Prepare a Victoria sandwich cake for their afternoon tea.
8. a) Using fish as a main dish. Prepare. Cook and serve a light mid day meal for a child recovering from malaria fever. Include a drink.
b) Make biscuits and meat balls and pack for a children’s party.
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