UNEB UCE Food and Nutrition Past Papers for Year 2001
Answer all questions in this section
1. a) Define the following items used in cookery.
(i) Glazing
(ii) Coating
b) State the role of each of the following minerals in the body:
(i) Iodine
(ii) Calcium
c) Name the substance that gives wheat flour its elasticity.
d) Give the basic recipe for the following:
(i) Plain scones
(ii) Rough puff
e) Explain why cheese is difficult to digest.
f) Give two important factors to consider when planning family meals
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
g) What would you consider when buying cooking pans?
h) Name two important factors to observe in using left over foods.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
i) State the principles upon which a pressure cooker works.
j) Name two dishes you would cook in a pressure cooker.
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………..
k) State four effects of prolonged deficiency of protein to a young child whose diet is lacking protein over a long period of time.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Write the correct answer, A, B, C or D in the box on the right hand side of each question.
2. What are the essentials of a good soup?
A. Good color, cold, oily.
B. Good consistency, thin, good flavor, sweet.
C. Thick, salty, warm.
D. Rich color, good flavor, sufficient pouring consistency.
3. Osteomalacia is caused by deficiency of
A. Vitamin A and calcium.
B. Pyridoxine and phosphorus.
C. Vitamin D and calcium.
D. Thiamine and magnesium.
4. Obesity is caused by eating
A. Too many eggs.
B. A lot of carbohydrate foods.
C. A lot of fish.
D. A lot of roughage.
5. Which of the following is caused by deficiency of vitamin A?
A. Rickets.
B. Blindness.
C. Night blindness.
D. Beriberi.
6. The role of roughage in a diet is to
A. Make the food attractive and easy to digest.
B. Give bulk and prevent constipation.
C. Improve flavor and give bulk.
D. Make one satisfied and cut down costs.
7. When milk is treated to a high temperature of 720C(1620F) for 15 seconds the process is called
A. Pasteurization.
B. Homogenization.
C. Sterilization.
D. Ultra heat treatment.
8. Which of the following are suitable foods for invalids?
A. Egg nog and meat stew.
B. Scrambled egg and tomato soup.
C. Roast potatoes and roast chicken.
D. Beans and posho
9. The following foods are suitable as part of a meal of a manual worker.
A. Chapatti/beans/fruit juice
B. Scrambled egg/toast/ripe bananas.
C. Rice/fish/cabbage.
D. Rice/minced meat/ fruit salad.
10. Which of the following dishes are suitable for infants?
A. Omellette/poached egg/mashed potatoes/paw paws.
B. Mashed pawpaw/pureed pulses/porridge with milk.
C. Roast potatoes/mango/fruit juice.
D. Rice/meat stew/fruit-salad.
11. Select dishes you would serve for an afternoon tea party.
A. Doughnuts/biscuits/roast chicken.
B. Doughnuts/rock buns/queen cakes.
C. Biscuits/popcorns/fried liver.
D. Fried liver/roast groundnuts/doughnuts.
12. What role does egg play in the making of custard sauce?
A. Adds color to the sauce and makes it tasty.
B. Adds more liquid to the sauce and makes it thin.
C. Coagulates on heating and thickens the sauce.
D. Coagulates on heating and makes the sauce soft.
13.The protein found mainly in fish is called
A. Elastin
B. Collagen
C. Myosin
D. caseinogens
14.The following nutrients prevent rickets in children
A. Calcium and Vitamin D.
B. Vitamin D and iron.
C. Calcium and Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D and iodine
15. What conditions are necessary for the growth of yeast?
A. High temperature, moisture and sugar.
B. Flour, warmth and moisture.
C. Cold temperature, moisture and sugar.
D. Sugar, moisture and flour.
16. Which of the following methods of cooking economies fuel?
A. Grilling
B. Roasting
C. Pressure cooking
D. Boiling
17. The chemical substance which retains the green color in vegetables and yet destroys vitamin C is
A. tartaric acid
B. sodium chloride
C. acetic acid
D. sodium bicarbonate
18. What happens when meat is roasted?
A. Surface albumin is hardened
B. The juices and nutrients are sealed in
C. All tissues are rendered tender.
D. Collagen is converted into gelatin
19. Which of the sets of foods listed below are most easily contaminated?
A. Meat, fish, cabbage.
B. Maize meal, stocks and soups.
C. Meat, fish, milk.
D. Wheat flour, milk, soups.
20. What are the characteristics of an over cooked egg?
A. Very soft
B. Easy to digest
C. Very tough
D. Not easy to digest
21. Identify the complex sugar from the list below
A. Galactose
B. Maltose
C. Glycogen
D. Fructose
Answer only one question from this section
22. a) Discuss in detail the nutritive importance of pulses.
b) State the value of carbohydrate foods in a diet.
c) Explain the effect of dry heat on sugar.
23. a) Explain the importance of milk in the diet of an infant.
b) Apart from the nutritive value, state other functions of milk.
c) Select two milk products which are suitable for infants and explain why they are suitable.
Answer two questions from this section.
24. a) Give four reasons to explain why convenience foods are important in a diet.
b) Name two convenience foods and describe how you can use them to produce an interesting supper dish and a breakfast dish.
25. a) What points would you consider when buying the following
(i) vegetables
(ii) Fruits for jam making?
b) Describe how to prepare and make pineapple jam.
c) State two ways in which you would use jam in cookery.
26. a) How can milk be stored at home?
b) Outline the effect of heat on milk.
c) Describe how to prepare and bake bread and butter pudding. Suggest a suitable sauce for serving the pudding.
27. a) Compare the properties of lard and cooking oil.
b) Discuss in detail the correct method of deep fat frying.
c) Show how you can use left-over fried fish to make an interesting supper dish for a family.