UNEB UCE Food and Nutrition Past Papers for Year 2006

UNEB UCE Food and Nutrition Past Papers for Year 2006

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions




In the box provided, write the letter which represents the correct answer.

1. Absorption of fat soluble vitamins begins in the

A. Ileum.

B. Stomach.

C. Colon.

D. Duodenum.

2. A meringue can collapse because of

A. Presence of sugar.

B. Under whisking.

C. Addition of a pinch of salt.

D. Whisking over hot water.

3. Which of the following monosaccharide’s combine to form sucrose?

A. Glucose and galactose.

B. Glucose and fructose.

C. Glucose and sucrose.

D. Galactose and fructose.

4. Which of the following tools may NOT be used for draining food?

A. Grater.

B. Colander.

C. Sieve.

D. Slotted spoon.

5. The purpose of a perforated base of a steamer is to

A. Enable the steamer to fit well on top of boiling water.

B. Ease circulation of steam.

C. Facilitate evaporation of water.

D. Provide decoration.

6. Why is food placed on a bed of vegetables when braising? To

A. Enhance roasting.

B. Make food tender.

C. Make food safe for eating.

D. Enhance flavor.

7. Which of the following sources is thickened by coagulation of protein?

A. Egg custard sauce.

B. Mayonnaise.

C. Brown sauce.

D. Cheese sauce.

8. Which of the following is an incomplete protein?

A. Myosin.

B. Albumen.

C. Gelatin.

D. Caseinogens.

9. The process by which baked bread forms crust on the surface is known as

A. Caramelisation.

B. Oxidation.

C. Geletinisation.

D. Dextrinisation.

10. Cocoa is a good source of the following nutrients:

A. Folic acid and Nicotinic acid.

B. Nicotinic acid and fluorine.

C. Folic acid and iron.

D. Iron and nicotine acid.

11. Which of the following sets of information describes conservative cooking?

(i) It is a combination of boiling and steaming.

(ii) It is a method that requires use of oven only.

(iii) It conserves vitamins and mineral salts.

(iv) It is suitable for green vegetables.

A. (i), (ii) and (iii).

B. (ii), (iii) and (iv).

C. (i), (iii) and (iv).

D. (i), (ii) and (iv).

12. Which of the following ingredients is responsible for a crumbly texture in flour mixtures?

A. Fat.

B. Milk.

C. Egg white.

D. Lemon juice.

13. Which of the following sets of information gives guidelines on storage of non-perishable foods in the foods in the food larder?

(i) Allow good ventilation.

(ii) Store on cold floor.

(iii) Keep storage containers clean.

(iv) Disinfect the larder regularly.

A. (i), (ii) and (iii).

B. (i), (iii) and (iv).

C. (ii), (iii) and (iv).

D. (i), (ii) and (iv).

14. Which of the following is a labour, time and fuel saving device in the kitchen?

A. Food mixer.

B. Food flask.

C. Electric cooker.

D. Pressure cooker.

15. What is the importance of having a proper kitchen plan?

A. Reduce cooking time.

B. Economize on ingredients used in food preparation.

C. Save time and energy.

D. Save fuel used in cooking.

16. What is the major role played by egg yolk in the making of mayonnaise?

A. Enriching the mayonnaise.

B. Improving color.

C. Emulsifying the fat.

D. Preserving the mayonnaise.

17. Which of the following methods is suitable for caring for baking tins?

A. Always soak in detergent water before washing.

B. Scrub with steel wool and soapy water.

C. Wipe with a clean damp cloth while warm.

D. Scrap out food particles with metal spoon before washing.

18. Which of the following is a safety measure in the kitchen?

A. Denaturation of protein.

B. Coagulation of protein.

C. Mallard’s reaction of protein.

D. Hydrolysis of protein.

19. Which of the following is a safety measure in the kitchen?

A. Have sockets well covered only when children are around.

B. Store heavy items on the top shelves in the store.

C. Where instructions are not available, operate equipment by trial and error.

D. Keep hot foods away from edges of tables.

20. Which of the following methods of preservation reduce moisture content of the food?

A. Freezing, drying and salting.

B. Salting, drying and smoking.

C. Freezing, salting and smoking.

D. Smoking, drying and freezing.

For question 21, write your responses in the spaces provided.

21. a) What are food additives?

b) Give four reasons why additives are added to food.

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….


c) Why is packaging of food necessary?

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….


d) State four points you would consider when selecting beef.

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


e) List four points to bear in mind when steaming food.

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


f) What is the difference between a sauce and a soup?

g) State the functions of the following parts of the kitchen sink:

(i) U bend.

(ii) Grate.

h) Define the following terms

(i) Fortification.

(ii) Hydrogenation.

i) State four good practices in storage of eggs.

j) State the importance of vitamin B1 in the body.


Answer only one question from this section.

22. a) State the functions and two food sources of the following nutrients.

(i) Calcium.

(ii) Iron.

(iii) Vitamin B1

b) What factors affect the absorption of calcium and iron in the body?

23. a) What are the functions of carbohydrates in the body?

b) What are the effects of excess carbohydrates in the body?

c) Describe the changes that occur during the boiling of sweet potatoes.

d) Describe the condition and deficiency of carbohydrates.


Answer only two questions from this section.

24.a) State four factors to consider when choosing methods of cooking.

b) Explain how cooking is done by the following methods:

(i) Microwave cooking.

(ii) Pressure cooking.

c) Outline the guidelines to be followed when using a pressure cooker.

25. a) Outline the importance of fish in the diet.

b) Why should fish be coated before frying?

c) Describe one method of coating fish.

26. a) Explain ways in which expenditure on food can be minimized in the home.

b) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of convenience foods.

c) Plan a two course meal suitable for a picnic lunch using two convenience foods. Give reasons for each choice.

27. a) Outline the points to bear in mind when planning children’s party.

b) What would you consider when serving food for the occasion?

c) Giving reasons, state two suitable dishes for the party.



1. You have invited friends for supper.

a) Prepare two dishes to show how you can improve the nutritive value of groundnuts.

b) Prepare and cook accompaniments to be served with one of the groundnuts dishes above to complete an interesting traditional meal for the friends.

c) Make plain cakes for their break snack.

2. a) Prepare, cook and pack a balanced lunch for three school athlete boys.

b) Using two different methods of cooking, prepare two other items suitable for adolescent girls.

3. a) Demonstrate the following uses of eggs in cookery by preparing a dish in each case for board members attending a meeting.

(i) Binding

(ii) Glazing

b) Prepare a grilled protein dish and two suitable accompaniments for lunch for two of the board members.

4. You are look after your young brother and sisters.

a) Make two separate dishes to show your skills in using the following

(i) Meat

(ii) Bread.

b) Make a balanced breakfast for a farmer.

c) Make plain biscuit and pack for school.

5. a) Prepare, cook and serve a three course midday meal for three lacto vegetarian mothers.

b) Prepare an interesting dish using short crust pastry, suitable for their afternoon tea.

6. a) Demonstrate the use of milk or milk products in cookery by preparing two different dishes.

b) Prepare, cook and serve one dish to illustrate each of the following methods of cooking:

(i) roasting

(ii) Stewing.

c) Make a dish to accompany one of the dishes in (b) above and serve with a beverage.

7. a) prepare, cook and serve interesting dishes for yourself and two friends in which you show the use of the following in cookery:

(i) fruit,

(ii) a coating sauce,

(iii) Peas.

b) Prepare accompaniments for the dishes in (a) above to complete a two course meal for three office workers.

c) Make cookies and store.

8. a) As a home economist, you are requested to prepare a two course meal for two toddlers returning form nursery school. Demonstrate economical use of fuel.

b) Prepare bread rolls to be used for evening tea.

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