UNEB UCE Food and Nutrition Past Papers for Year 2008
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions
Answer all questions in this section. In the boxes provided, write the letter which represents the correct answer.
1. The starch in wheat grains is mainly found in
A. Bran
B. Germ
C. Endosperm
D. Scutellum
2. Extractives are
A. Proteins in meat which are insoluble in water.
B. Bundles of very tiny fibers or cells of meat.
C. Fat cells distributed between meat fibers.
D. Natural juices present in the tissues of meat.
3. Xeropthalmia is a condition caused by deficiency of
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D
4. Which of the following is a general rule in handling pastry?
A. Kneading thoroughly to develop gluten.
B. Working in a warm environment.
C. Using more liquid to improve elasticity.
D. Rolling lightly and avoiding re-rolling.
5. The process by which fat globules in milk are broken up and distributed evenly throughout the liquid is called
A. Pasteurization
B. Sterilization
C. Homogenization
D. Evaporation
6. Which one of the following sets of foods is most suitable for an invalid with a high fever?
A. Fruit juice and clear soup.
B. Fruit jelly and French toast.
C. Hamburger and soda.
D. Fried fish fingers and minestrone soup.
7. The ability of one protein to make good of another is known as
A. Biological value.
B. Supplementation.
C. Iodine value.
D. Chemical score.
8. The importance of calcium in the diet of the elderly is to
A. Improve the skin complexion.
B. Help in absorption of iron and vitamin C.
C. Strengthen bones and teeth.
D. Release energy from foods.
9. A vegan is one who
A. Eats only animal products.
B. Does not eat foods of animal origin.
C. Depends on both plant and animal products.
D. Eats only leafy vegetables.
10. Self raising flour is flour to which
A. Spices have been added.
B. Baking powder has been added.
C. Egg powder has been added.
D. Gluten has been added.
11. Which one of the following statements is correct about budgeting for food?
A. It enables one to get value for money.
B. High standards of hygiene are ensured.
C. It enables quick turn over in the shop.
D. Helps one to prepare meals in time.
12. Which one of the following does not affect energy requirements of an individual?
A. Health status
B. Blood group
C. Climate
D. Sex
13. The following statements about reheated dishes are correct except.
A. Reheated dishes should be served with fresh foods.
B. Should be served as soon as reheating is done.
C. They are better heated for a long time.
D. Should not be reheated the second time.
14. Saving fuel in the kitchen can be done by:
A. Shopping once or twice a week.
B. Planning the kitchen in a good sequential order.
C. Using convenience foods more frequently.
D. Buying fruits and vegetables in season.
15. The main reason why cotton and linen are traditionally used as kitchen cloths is because they
A. Are good absorbents.
B. Do not lose color.
C. Feel cool in the hands of the user.
D. Have fluff on their surface.
16. The role of roughage in the body is to:
A. Fight infection in the gastro intestinal tract.
B. Provide extra vitamins to the body.
C. Facilitate the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
D. Facilitate elimination of water from the body.
17. The major means of heat transference in boiling a piece of meat are
A. Conduction and radiation.
B. Convection and conduction.
C. Convection.
D. Conduction only.
18. The following are measures to save both time and labour in the kitchen except.
A. Storing equipment at appropriate height levels.
B. Using a double steamer.
C. Keeping the oven door closed while in use.
D. Following daily and weekly plans of work.
19. Food will readily get contaminated if
A. Kept in a warm place
B. Cooled quickly and stored in a refrigerator.
C. Kept in an air tight container.
D. Moisture is reduced.
20. What do you understand by the term sauté?
A. To brown food by dry heat.
B. To fry food with oil brown.
C. To fry quickly in a little hot fat.
D. To immerse vegetables in hot water before serving.
For questions 21, write your responses in the spaces provided.
21. The diagram below represents the structure of an egg. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the parts labelled:
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
d. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
b) Name four nutrients found in the part marked d.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) …………………………………………………………………………………..
iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………
c) State three properties of eggs that make them useful in cookery.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) …………………………………………………………………………………….
iii) …………………………………………………………………………………….
d) Give two reasons why jam may fail to set.
e) What is the importance of blanching fruits and vegetables?
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
f) Give three advantages of frying foods.
g) State the use of each of the following kitchen tools.
(i) Colander
(ii) Chopping board
h) Name the components in the secretion in the stomach that would act upon a piece of roasted meat.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
i) Give two reasons for using cold fat during the making of flaky pastry.
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Answer only one question from this section.
22. a) State the difference between malnutrition and under nutrition.
b) What are the functions of proteins in the body?
c) Describe the signs and symptoms of kwashiorkor in a child.
d) How should a mother prevent kwashiorkor in children?
23. a) Explain the effects of deficiencies of the following nutrients in the body.
(i) Vitamin C
(ii) Iodine
b) State seven factors which can lead loss of vitamin C in food preparation.
c) For each of the nutrients in (a) above, name two food sources.
Answer two questions from this section.
24.a) Explain the conditions that favour the growth of yeast.
b) Describe the steps involved in the process of bread making.
c) Outline the causes of heavy sad leaf of bread.
25. a) (i) what is a sauce?
(i) Describe the classification of sauces.
b) Explain the importance of sauces in the diet.
c) Describe the procedure to follow when preserving a leafy vegetable using dehydration method.
26. a) Name three metals suitable for making pans.
b) What are the factors to consider when choosing cooking pans?
c) Describe the care you would give to following:
(i) Non stick pans
(ii) Plastic bowls
27. a) Describe the effect of heat on the following foods.
(i) Milk
(ii) Sugar
b) Explain how cheese can be made more digestible.
c) Illustrate how milk can be stored in the home without a refrigerator.
1. Your uncle has been admitted in hospital with fever.
a) Prepare a nourishing mid day meal for him.
b) Make ginger bread and roasted groundnuts for the afternoon snack.
2. a) Prepare, cook and serve a main course of a meal for a cultural gathering.
b) Using yeast, prepare a dish and serve it with coffee for mid morning break.
3. a) Prepare two dishes to show your skills in meat cookery.
b) Prepare accompaniments to one of the dishes in (a) above to complete a two course meal for a family of four.
4. a) Prepare, cook and serve a three course meal for two teenagers in which you demonstrate skills in fuel conservation.
b) Show your skills in preparing and storing biscuits.
5. The basketball team of your school will be having a friendly match with a neighboring school.
a) Make use of the following items to make an attractive dish in each case for their packed lunch.
(i) Eggs as a raising agent.
(ii) Minced meat
(iii) Green vegetables.
b) Prepare a refreshing drink to accompany the lunch.
c) Prepare two dishes which will form part of their supper.
6. a) Using roasting method in one of the dishes, prepare, cook and serve a two course meal for three sedentary workers.
b) Make one pastry dish and serve it with tea on a tray.
7. a) Prepare, cook and serve a three course meal for an old students’ function at school. One of the items should be a fruit cocktail.
b) Demonstrate your skills in making samosas.
8. a) Prepare a dish in each case to show your skills in the use of the following left over foods:
(i) bread
(ii) beans
b) Make two suitable accompaniments for the dishes in (a) above to complete a main course of a meal for an obese person.
c) Prepare two suitable accompaniments for a drink for the evening.
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