UNEB UCE Geography Past Papers for Year 1998

UNEB UCE Geography Past Papers for Year 1998

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions



1. Population distribution in East Africa mostly influenced by

A. Soils

B. Relief

C. Climate

D. Vegetation

2. Which of the following mountains has a glacier?

A. Meru

B. Usambara

C. Abendares

D. Rwenzori

3. The most effective method of controlling soil erosion in the highland areas of East Africa is by

A. Contour ploughing

B. Inter cropping

C. Terracing

D. Shifting cultivation

4. Lines drawn on a map to show places having the same amount of temperature are called

A. Isohyets

B. Isotherms

C. Isobars

D. Contours

5. The major problem affections tea growing in Kericho is

A. Inadequate rainfall

B. Serve hail storms

C. Loss of soil fertility

D. Poor transport

6. The seven forks project is found on river

A. Tana

B. Athi

C. Nzoia

D. Mara

7. Which of the following activities is mostly responsible for deforestation in East Africa?

A. Quarrying

B. Road construction

C. Lumbering

D. Small scale industry

8. The most common type of fish caught on L. Tanganyika is?

A. Cod

B. Salmon

C. Dagaa

D. Tilapia

9. Which one of the following ports is found on lake Victoria?

A. Kigoma

B. Bukungu

C. Butiaba

D. Musoma

10. Lake Nakuru national park in Kenya is best known for

A. Giraffes

B. Elephants

C. Flamingoes

D. Buffalos

11. Inter-territorial trade in East Africa is not well developed because the countries

A. Are economically self reliant

B. Produce similar goods

C. Have a poor transport network

D. Are politically unstable

12. The Miombo woodlands are sparsely populated mainly because of

A. Remoteness

B. Poor soils

C. Tsetse flies

D. Thick vegetation

13. Which of the following lakes in East Africa were formed due to crustal down warping?

A. Victoria and kyoga

B. Tanganyika and Malawi

C. Turkana and Magadi

D. Bunyonyi and Mutanda

14. Minerals at tororo are obtained from

A. Crystalline rocks

B. Volcanic rocks

C. Sedimentary rocks

D. Sand stones

15. The instrument used to measure wing speed at a weather station is called

A. Barometer

B. Anemometer

C. Wind vane

D. Hygrometer

16. The major crop grown on the Ahero irrigation scheme is

A. Cotton

B. Tobacco

C. Rice

D. Ground nuts

17. Small scale industries should be encouraged in east Africa mainly because they

A. Are cheap to establish

B. Provide employment

C. Are capital saving

D. Require semi-skilled labour

18. Exotic tree species have been introduced in East Africa because they

A. Are more valuable

B. Have soft timber

C. Mature faster

D. Are more resistant

19. The most common method of catching fish on lake Victoria is

A. Purse seining

B. Trawling

C. Gill netting

D. Trolling

20. National parks have been established in East Africa in order to

A. Utilize marginal land

B. Promote tourism

C. Discourage nomadism

D. Conserve the environment

21. Kenya exports more industrial products than any other country in East Africa mainly because it

A. Has better quality goods

B. Is not landlocked

C. Has more industries

D. Is politically stable

22. Mt. Kilimanjaro is an example of

A. A volcanic plug

B. An exposed batholiths

C. A block mountain

D. A composite volcano

23. The Western parts of Kenya are densely populated mainly because of

A. Concentration of industries

B. Good road network

C. High fertility rates

D. Suitable climate

24. Which of the following rocks in East Africa are igneous

A. Obsidian and basalt

B. Limestone and coal

C. Quartz and graphite

D. Sandstone and abate

25. Construction of valley dams in Karamojong is very difficult mainly because of

A. Porous soils

B. Seasonal rivers

C. Land lockedness

D. Sedimentation

26. Pyrethrum in East Africa best grows in areas of

A. Cool moist conditioned

B. Low altitude

C. High temperatures

D. Seasonal flooding

27. Which one of the following features in East Africa was formed due to river deposition?

A. Wind gap

B. Waterfall

C. Delta

D. Fjord

28. Soil erosion in the Kondoa district of Tanzania has mainly been caused by

A. Seasonal rainfall

B. Overgrazing

C. Steep gradient

D. Shifting cultivation

29. Which of the following industries is found in Mombasa?

A. Copper smelting

B. Oil refining

C. Motor vehicle assembly

D. Watch making

30. The fishing industry in Uganda has improved mainly because of

A. Importation of modern fish gear

B. Increase in fish prices

C. Widening of the market

D. Favorable government policy

31. Which one of the following is a coastal land form?

A. Spit

B. Tam

C. Crater

D. Arête

32. Which of the following is an in land port?

A. Lamu

B. Malindi

C. Mwanza

D. Tanga

33. The Mubuku irrigation scheme obtains its water from river

A. Mpanga

B. Sebwe

C. Nyamugasani

D. Nyabisheke

34. Rail transport in East Africa is very important because it helps to

A. Open up remove areas

B. Cheaply transport bulky goods

C. Quickly transport perishable goods

D. Open up areas for tourism

35. The process by which a river erodes its bed using its load is called

A. Abrasion

B. Attrition

C. Hydraulic action

D. Solution



Answer three questions from part II, including questions 1 and 2 which are compulsory



Answer three questions from section, candidates are advised to spend 40 minutes answering these questions.

Study the map extract 1:50,000 (UGANDA) Pakwach: series Y732; part of sheet 29/2; editions U.SD and answer the questions which follow:

a) State the grid reference of the following:

(i) Secondary trigonometrically station at Attar,

(ii) Road junction at Paraa.

b) Name the feature found at grid reference

(i) 173568,

(ii) 163718

c) Find the

(i) Road distance in Kilometers of the dry weather road from Boro (grid reference 185584) to the road junction (grid reference 296723),,

(ii) Area occupied by Albert Nile (excluding the swamps)

d) Draw a cross section of the area along easting 20, between Northings 65 and 73 on it, mark and label the following:

(i) R. Abongo,

(ii) The road,

(iii) A forest,

(iv) Ridges.

e) Describe the:

(i) Relief of the area,

(ii) Relationship between relief and communication in the area shown on the map.


Answer all parts of this question, candidates are advised to spend 40 minutes answering this question

Study the photograph provided below and answer the questions that follow.


a) Giving evidence, state the economic activity taking place in the photograph.

b) Describe the factors which have favored the activity stated in (a) above.

c) (i) Identify the problems faced by the people carrying out the activity shown in the photograph.

(ii)What steps should be taken to improve the economic activity shown in the photograph?

d) Giving reason for your answer, suggest any one area in East Africa where this photograph could have been taken.


Answer one question from this section.

3. a) what is meant by the following:

(i) weather,

(ii) climate?

b) Describe how any one element of weather is measured at a weather station.

c) Explain the factors which have influenced the climate of East Africa.

d) Identify the problems resulting from charges in weather and climate conditions in East Africa.

4. Study the table below showing Uganda’s urban and rural population by region (1991) and answer the questions that follow.

Region Total population Urban population Rural population
Total 16,710,000 1,910,000 14,800,000

Source: adapted from the republic of Uganda (1996) statistical abstract MFEP; July 1996, p12.

a) Name the region with the highest percentage of the population living in

(i) Urban areas,

(ii) Rural areas.

b) Calculate the percentage of the total population living in

(i) Urban areas,

(ii) Rural areas

c) Describe the conditions that have favored the development of urban centres in East Africa.

d) Explain the effects of the development of urban centres in East Africa.

e) Name any one urban centre in East Africa.

5. With reference to any one fieldwork study you have carried out as an individual or a group,

a) State the:

(i) Topic of the study,

(ii) Objectives of the study.

b) Describe how you used the following methods to collect information during the study:

(i) Observation,

(ii) Sampling,

(iii) Map orientation.

c) Outline the problems you faced using the above methods.

d) Explain the factors influencing the types of land use in the area studied.

6. a) Draw a sketch map of East Africa and on it, mark and name any one area covered by

(i) Montane forest,

(ii) tropical rain forest,

(iii) mangrove forest,

b) Describe the factors which have influenced the distribution of forests in East Africa.

c) Explain the importance of forestry resources to any country in East Africa.

d) Outline the problems facing the forestry industry in the country chosen in © above.

7. Study figure 1: Map of East Africa showing national parks and game reserves and answer the questions that follow.


a) (i) name the:

– National parks marked A, B and C,

– Game reserves marked D and E.

(ii) state any two tourist attractions found in either National park marked A or national park marked B.

b) Identify the factors which have led to the development of tourism in East Africa.

c) Explain the importance of the tourist sector to any one country in East Africa.

d) Outline the problems facing the tourist sector in East Africa..



Answer two questions from this part.

1. Study table I below showing the climate of Durban, Natal province, Republic of south Africa and answer the questions that follow,

Table I: Durban province, Republic of South Africa. New edition. P39.

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp (0C) 25 26 24 22 20 17 17 18 19 21 23 24
Rainfall (mm) 112 125 135 85 50 25 25 37 75 125 125 125

a) Draw a suitable diagram to represent the information in the table.

b) Calculate the:

(i) Annual temperature range,

(ii) Total annual rainfall.

c) (i) Describe the relationship between temperature and rainfall at the station.

(ii)Identify the factors responsible for the relationship described in (c) (i) above.

d) Explain the effect of climate on agricultural activities in the Natal province.

2. a) draw a sketch map of Africa and on it, mark and name the;

(i) vegetation types:

– equatorial rain forests,

– Mediterranean vegetation,

– The Sahel sem – arid vegetation.

(ii) Latitudes:

– Equator,

– Tropic of cancer,

– Tropic of Capricorn.

b) Describe the characteristics of the:

(i) Mediterranean vegetation,

(ii) Sahel/Semi -arid vegetation.

c) Identify the:

(i) economic activities carried out by the people living in the Sahel region.

(ii) problems faced by people livening in the Sahel region.

d) For any one country in the Sahel region. Outline the steps being taken to solve the problems identified in (c)(ii) above.

3. Study figure 1: Map of Africa, showing population distribution and answer the questions which follow:


a) Explain the factors responsible for the population density in the areas marked.

(i) A,

(ii) B,

(iii) C.

b) Identify the problems associated with the population density in areas marked.

(i) A,

(ii) C.

c) State any two countries in Africa which have,

(i) A high population density,

(ii) A low population density.

d) For any one country named in (c)(i) above, describe the steps being taken to solve the problem of high population density.

4. Study figure 2: Map showing forestry in Gabon and answer the questions that follow


a) Name the:

(i) River marked 1,

(ii) Towns marked 2 and 3,

(iii) Ocean marked C,

(iv) Country marked 4.

b) Identify the factors which have influenced the development of forestry activities in area marked:

(i) A,

(ii) B.

c) Explain the:

(i) Prophets which have resulted from the forestry activities in area marked A,

(ii) Steps being taken to solve the problems in (c) (i) above.

d) Outline the contribution of the forestry industry to Gabon.

5. Study table II below showing iron ore production in the republic of south Africa (1975-1990) and answer the questions that follow:

Table II: from ore production in the republic of South Africa (‘000’ metric tons)

Year Annual production (‘000smetric tons)
1975 12,297.7
1980 26,310.0
1985 24,414.0
1990 30,347.0

SOURCE: UNDP: would resource a guide to global environment (1992-3). Towards sustainable development p 321.

a) Draw a bar graph to show the information given in the table.

b) (i) Describe the trend of iron ore production in the Republic of South Africa between 1975 and 1990.

(ii)Calculate the percentage change in iron ore production between 1975 and 1990

c) Explain the importance of the mining sector to the republic of south Africa

d) Identify the:

(i) Problems affecting the mining sector in the republic of South Africa.

(ii) Steps being taken to solve the problems in (d)(i) above.

6. Study figure 3: Map showing the site of Tema Port and answer the questions that follow


a) Name the:

(i) Lagoons marked A and B,

(ii) Harbors marked C and D,

(iii) Industries marked E and D,

(iv) Industries marked E and F,

(v) Ocean marked G.

b) Explain the factors which favored the location of Tema Port

c) Outline the functions of Tema port.

d) Describe the:

(i) Problems affecting the development of Tema Port,

(ii) Steps being taken to solve the problems in (d) (i) above.



Answer two questions from this part.


7. Shall table III below showing land use on the Howard and Blythe cotton plantation in the south (U.S.A) and answer the questions that follow:

TABLE III: land use on the Howard and Blythe cotton plantation.

Land use Area (Hectares)
Cotton 364
Soya beans 635
Wheat 111
Fallow 162
Others 101
Total 1316

Source: adapted from: Yiga Matovu, M. (1991) North America, certificate geography p 63.

a) Draw a pie chart to snow land use on the Howard and Blythe plantation.

b) Identify the factors which above influenced the allocation of land on the plantation.

c) Explain the importance of the agricultural sector to the development of the south.

d) Outline the:

(i) Problems facing the agricultural sector in the south,

(ii) Steps being taken to solve the problems in (d) (i) above.

8. a) Draw a sketch map of the area covered by the Tennessee valley authority and on it, mark and name:

(i) state: Alabama and Tennessee,

(ii) rivers: Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi,

(iii) towns: Nashville and Colbert.

b) Explain the reason for the establishment of the Tennessee valley authority.

c) How has the Tennessee valley project contributed to the modernization of the region?

d) Name any two areas in East Africa where a river development project has been established.

9. Study figure 4: Map of southern New England provided below and answer the questions that follow:


a) Name the:

(i) States marked A, B and C,

(ii) Towns marked 1 and 2,

(iii) River marked 3,

(iv) Ocean marked 4,

b) (i) State three industries found in any of the towns named in (a) (ii) above.

(ii)Explain the conditions that have favored the establishment of industries in New England.

c) Outline the contributions of the industrial sector to New England.

d) Describe the steps being taken by New England to sustain the industrial sector.


10. a) Draw a sketch map of Switzerland and on it, mark and name the:

(i) physical regions: Alps, Jura and the plateau,

(ii) rivers: Rhine land Ticino,

(iii) tourist resorts : Lausanne, Interlaken and st.Morits

b) State two tourist attractions found in the:

(i) Swiss plateau,

(ii)Swiss Alps

c) Explain the contribution of the tourist industry to the development of Switzerland.

d) Why is the tourist industry in Switzerland more developed than that of East Africa?

11. Study fig. 5: Diagram showing the Rhine rift valley and answer the questions that follow:


a) Name the physical regions marked:

(i) A,

(ii) B,

(iii) C.

b) Describe the processes which lead to the formation of the Rhine rift valley.

c) (i) Identify the economic activities taking place in the Rhine rift valley.

(ii)Describe the factors which have led to the development of the economic activities in (c)(i) above.

d) Explain the contribution of the Rhine rift valley to development of Germany.

12. Study fig.6: Map showing the Zuider Zee reclamation scheme in the Netherlands and answer the questions that follow:


a) Name the:

(i) Polders marked A, B and C,

(ii) River marked 1,

(iii) Water bodies marked 2 and 3,

(iv) Town marked D.

b) Describe how the polders were created.

c) Explain the importance of the polders to the people of the Netherlands.

d) Outline the :

(i) Problems facing the people living on the polders.

(ii) Steps being taken to solve the problems in (d)(i) above.


13. Study table IV showing the structure of communes in china and answer the questions that follow:

Table IV: the structure of communes in china.

Classification No. of people Area of land (Hectare)
50 families = 1 production Team 300 20
10 Production Teams = 1 Brigade
05 Brigade = 1 commune


a) Calculate the:

(i) Number of people found in a:

– Brigade

– Commune.

(ii) Area of land forming a:

– Brigade,

– Commune.

b) Describe the characteristics of communal farming in china.

c) Identify the:

(i) Advantages,

(ii) Disadvantages, of communal framing in china.

d) (i) Mention any two communes found in china.

(ii)Outline the steps being taken to improve communal farming in china.

14. a) What is meant by the term “Entrepot”?

b) Explain the conditions which favored the development of Hong Kong as an entrepot.

c) Outline the contribution of Hong Kong to the development of china.

d) Identify the:

(i) problems affecting Hong Kong entrepot,

(ii) measures being taken to solve the problems in (d)(i) above.

15. Study fig 7. Map of china showing population distribution and answer the questions that follow:


a) Name any two regions of china which are

(i) Densely populated.

(ii) Sparsely populated

b) Explain the factors that have influenced population distribution in china

c) Identify the:

(i) Advantages,

(ii) Disadvantages, of a large population size in china.

d) Outline the steps being taken by china to solve the problems of a large population size.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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