UNEB UCE History Past Papers SOUTH AFRICA (PAPER 4) 2017

UNEB UCE History Past Papers SOUTH AFRICA (PAPER 4) 2017

1.    a) Describe the migration and settlement of the San in South Africa by the 16th Century.
b) How were the San organised during this period?

2.    a)  Why did the British establish their colony at the cape in 1795?
b) How did the establishment of this colony affect the peoples of South Africa?

3.    a) Explain the contribution of King Sobhuza to the rise of the Swazi nation.
b) How was the Swazi nation organised during the 19th Century?

4.    a) Why did Christian missionaries come to South Africa during the 19th century?
b) Describe the activities of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.

5.    a) What were the terms of the 1902 Vereeniging Peace Treaty?
b) Explain the effects of this treaty on the peoples of South Africa.

6.    a)Why did the British annex Bechuanaland (Botswana) established in 1885?
b) How did the people of Bechuanaland react to this annexation?

7.    a) What were the causes of the 1960 Sharpeville demonstration in South Africa?
b) How did this demonstration affect the peoples of South Africa?

8.    a) Explain the contribution of the United Nations Organisation (UNO) to the ending of Aparthied in South Africa.
b) What problems did South Africa face during the struggle for independence?


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