UNEB UCE History Past Papers for Year 2002

UNEB UCE History Past Papers for Year 2002

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions

  1. (a) Describe the organisation of the trade at the East African coast between AD 1000 and 1500.
    (b) How did this trade affect the people of the East African coast?
  2. (a) Trace the migration and settlement of the Luo in East Africa up to 1800?
    (b) How did this settlement affect the people of East Africa?
  3. (a) What factors led to the rise of Mirambo’s empire?
    (b) Why did this empire collapse after 1884?
  4. Describe the political,social and economic organisation of any one of the following societies in east Africa up to 1900:
    (a) Masai,
    (b) Kikuyu.
  5. (a) How did the Portuegues administer the East African coast between 1500 and 1700?
    (b) Explain the effeects of Portuegues administration on the people of East Africa.
  6. (a) Describe the course of the Ngoni invasion into Southern Tanganyika between 1830 and 1860?
    (b) Why was this invasion successful?
  7. Explain the role of any two of the following in the colonisation of east Africa:
    (a) Explorers,
    (b) Missionaries,
    (c) Chartered companies.
  8. (a) Why did the British and Germans struggle for control of East Africa in the 19th Century?
    (b) Explain the methods used by the British to administer their territories in East Africa before 1920.
  9. (a) Why was the 1900 Buganda Agreement signed?
    (b) What were the effects of this agreement on the people of Uganda up to Independence.
  10. (a) Explain the factors that led to the issuing of the 1923 Devonshire White paper.
    (b) What were the effects of the White Paper on the people of Kenya?
  11. (a) Why was East Africa involved in world War I?
    (b) How did this war affect the people of East Africa?
  12. (a) What were the causes of the Mau-mau rebellion of 1952-60?
    (b) How did this rebellion affect the people of East Africa?
  1. (a) Describe the origins of Ghana empire?
    (b) How was the empire organised by AD 1000?
  2. (a) Describe the organisation of the kingdom of Dahomey.
    (b) What led to the decline of the kingdom of dahomey during the 19th Century?
  3. (a) Explain the origins of the Trans-Atlantic trade.
    (b) Why did this trade increase between the 18th and 19th Century?
  4. (a) Why was Liberia founded in 1821?
    (b) Describe the political developments in Liberia up to 1883.
  5. (a) Why did Uthman dan Fodio declare a Jihad in Hausaland?
    (b) What were the results of this Jihad?
  6. (a) What led to the formation the Fante Federation in 1868?
    (b) Why did the federation fail?
  7. (a) What role did German play in the scramble and partion of West Africa?
    (b) How did the Germans administer Togo up to 1914?
  8. Explain the contribution of the following to the independence struggle in their countries:
    (a) Dr. Kwame Nkrumah,
    (b) Nnamdi Azikiwe.


a) How was the Kingdom of Kazembe established by about 1760?

  1. b) Describe the contribution of Kazembe-111 (Ilunga Lukwesa) to the growth of this kingdom.
  2. a) How did the portugues stablish their rule in the congo?

    b) What were the effects of their rule in the Congo?

  3. a) Describe tghemovements of the Ngoni in Central Africa between 1830 and 1860.

    b) How did theior movements affect the peoples of central Africa?

  4. a) Expalin the achivements of King Lewanika for the Lozi Kingdom.

    b) What problems did he face duringt his regn?

  5. a) What were the causes of the 1887-89 Swahili war?

    b) Describe the course of this war.

  6. a) what was the response of the Ndebele towards the coming of Europeans in Matabeleland?

    b) How did European settlement in Matabeleland affect the Ndebele?

  7. a) What wasthe reaction of the Africans towards the proposedfederation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland?

    b) How was the federation formed?

  8. a) How did world War-11 influence the growth of nationalism in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)?

    b) Explain the contribution of the nationalists to the attainment of independence in Zambia.


17.a) Describe the migration and settlement of the Khoisan people before A.D. 1800.

b) How did this migration and settlement affect the Bantu in south Africa?

18.a) Why did the Dutch expand their settlement up to the Fish river by 1780?

b) What were the results of this expansion?

19.a) Describe the course of the Great Trek between 1835 and 1843.

b) How were the Africans and the British affected by the Great Trek ?

20.a) What were the origins of the Swazi nation?

b) Describe the organisation of the Swazi during the 16th Century.

21.Describe the role of the following in promoting christianity in south Africa:

a) Dutch Reformed Church,

b) Independent African Churches.

22.a) Explain the causes of the 1895 Jameson raid?

b) What were the consequences of the Jameson raid?

23.a) Why did the Zulu rise against the British in 1906?

b) What were the results of this uprising?

24.a) Explain the contribution of the South West African Peoples’ Organisation (SWAPO) to the

struggle for independence in N amibia.

b) What problem did SWAPO face?

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages