UNEB UCE History Past Papers for Year 2008
Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions
- (a) What factors led to the growth of the East African coastal towns between AD 1000 and 1500?
(b) Why did these towns decline? - Describe the organisation of the following societies by AD 1800:
(a) Nyamwezi,
(b) Akamba. - (a) Describe the origins of the Bunyoro Kitara kingdom.
(b) Why did this kingdom decline during the 16th Century? - (a) Explain the causes of the Mazaria (Mazrui)-Busaidi conflict.
(b) Describe the course of the conflict between 1741 and 1840. - (a) Why was Mirambo able to build his empire between 1870 and 1880?
(b) What led to the collapse of his empire? - (a) Describe the steps taken by the British to abolish slave trade in East Africa between 1807 and 1880?
(b) What were the difficulties faced during the abolition of this trade? - Explain the role played by each of the following in the collonisation of East Africa during the 2nd half of the 19th Century:
(a) Traders
(b) Missionaries - (a) Why did the Germans apply direct rule in Tanganyika?
(b) What were the of this rule on the people of Tanganyika? - (a) Why ws the 1900 Buganda Agreement signed?
(b) Describe the terms of the 1900 Buganda Agreement. - (a) Describe the economic developments in Kenya between 1906 and 1950.
(b) How were the people of kenya affected by these developments up to independence? - (a) Explain the role played by the colonial government in promoting education in uganda before independence.
(b) Why did the government become interested in controlling education after 1920? - (a) What were the causes of the 1952-56 conflict between the kikuyu and the british?
(b) How did this conflict affest the people of kenya?
- (a) Why did the Trans-Sahara trade expand between AD 1000 and 1500?(b) What factors led to the decline of this trade?
- (a) Describe the origins of the hausa states.
(b) how were these states organised during the 15th Century? - (a) What were the origins of the Asante empire?
(b) Explain the role played by Osei Tutu in the expansion of this empire between 1695 and 1717. - (a) Why was Sierra-Leone founded in 1787?
(b) What problem did the founders face? - (a) Explain the causes of the 19th Century Islamic Movements in West Africa.
(b) How did these movements affect the people of West Africa? - (a) What were the problems faced by the Christian missionaries during the 19th Century.
(b)Describe the changes brought about by the missionaries during their rule. - (a) Describe the French policy of Assimilation in Senegal.
(b) Why did this policy fail? - Explain the role played by the following towards the achievement of independence in west Africa:
(a) Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
(b) Felix Houphouet-Boigny.
- (a) Describe the administration of the Bemba state under Chitimukulu Chitapankwa between 1866 and 1887.
(b) What problems did he face during his rule? - (a) Why were the Portuguese interested in Kazembe in the late 18th Century?
(b) How did their activities affect the people of Kazembe? - (a) Explain the origins of the Ngoni.
(b) How did their activities affect the people of Kazembe? - (a) Why did the Swahili/Arabs gain control of the trade in Central Africa during the 19th Century?
(b) How did this control affect the people of Central Africa? - (a) Describe the role played by the Universities Mission to Central Africa(UMCA) in the spread of Christianity.
(b) What difficulties did UMCA face? - (a) What were the causes of the Shona-Ndebele uprising of 1896-97?
(b) How did these uprisings affect the people of Central Africa? - (a) Explain the role played by Patrice Lumumba in the struggle for independence of the Congo.
(b) What problems did the Congolese face during their struggle for independence? - (a) Describe the administration of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) under the British South African Company (BSA Co.)
(b) What were the effects of this administration?
- (a) What were the origins of the Khoi-Khoi?
(b) Describe their organisation during the 16th Century. - (a) What led to the movement of the Boers from the Cape into the interior of South Africa?
(b) how did this movement affect the history of South Africa? - (a) Why did the British annex Natal in 1843?
(b) How did this annexation affect the Whites and Blacks in South Africa? - (a) Describe the economic developments in South Africa between 1867 and 1910.
(b) How did these developments affect the people of South Africa? - (a) Explain the causes of the conflicts between Paul Kruger and Cecil Rhodes.
(b) What led to the defeat of Cecil Rhodes during these conflicts? - (a) Explain the factors that led to the growth of the nationalism in Bechuanaland(Botswana) between 1920 and 1960.
(b) How did this nationalism affect the history of Bechuanaland? - (a) Why were Bantustans created in South Africaduring the first half of the 20th Century?
(b)What were the consquences of the creation of the Bantustans? - (a) Explain the contributions of the South West African People’s Organisation(SWAPO) to the independence struggle of Namibia.
(b) What problems did SWAPO face?