UNEB UCE Home Management Past Papers for Year 1995

UNEB UCE Home Management Past Papers for Year 1995

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions



1. a) Prepare a welcome home meal for your sister and two of her friends who have returned after graduation ceremony at Makerere University. Include a special fresh fruit dessert.

b) Launder a selection of clothing your sister used on that day.

c) Thoroughly clean the bathroom they will use.

2. You have invited three of your teachers for lunch.

a) Prepare and serve a two-course lunch for them, using fish for the main dish.

b) Clean the room where they will have the lunch.

c) Launder the table linen you will use. Show your skill in using boiling water starch.

3. You are nursing your aunt who is down with a bad cold.

a) Thoroughly clean her sick room and arrange it well for her.

b) Launder the handkerchiefs she has been using and a set of her under wear.

c) Prepare a suitable snack for her to help her recover. Serve it on a tray.

4. a) Launder your white short-sleeved shirt and another article of your choice where you will show your skill in using cold water starch in laundry. Show your skill in folding the skirt.

b) Give your food cupboard or food store a through clean up and arrange it well.

c) Using a convenience food from the store, prepare a suitable meal with fresh accompaniments for yourself.

5. a) Make some tea and attractive sandwiches for three of your friends.

b) Thoroughly clean and arrange the sitting room where you will entertain them.

c) Launder a set of chair backs.

6. The children in your village are going to have a party.

a) Prepare and bake a simple decorated birthday cake and two attractive fruit beverages.

b) Tidy up the kitchen where you have worked.

c) Launder a selection of clothing that your sister will use for the party.

7. a) Prepare and pack a suitable lunch for your sister who is an office worker.

b) Thoroughly clean and arrange her study room.

c) Show your skill in laundering her discolored white cotton blouse.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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