UNEB UCE Home Management Past Papers for Year 2002

UNEB UCE Home Management Past Papers for Year 2002

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions




Answer three questions from this section.

1. a) What causes soil pollution in urban environment?

b) Explain the dangers posed by soil pollution to urban communities.

c) Suggest methods of controlling soil pollution.

2. How can the following disease be prevented?

a) Malaria,

b) Pneumonia,

c) Roundworm infestation,

d) Cholera.

3. a) What are the general rules to follow when removing stains?

b) Explain how natural bleaching can be used to remove stain from a discolored tea towel.

c) Outline reasons for using starch in laundry work.

4. a) Differentiate between woolen and linen fibers.

b) Using illustrations, describe how you would finish a pair of bed sheets in laundry.

c) Outline the method of disinfecting a discolored bath towel using hot water.

5. a) Give reasons for preserving food in a home.

b) Describe two methods of preserving food locally.

c) Why is food cooked before consumption?


Answer two questions from this section

6. a) What is marriage?

b) Why do people marry?

c) How do the three types of marriages recognized in Uganda differ from each other?

7. a) What are the signs of pregnancy?

b) Explain the importance of visiting ante-natal clinic during pregnancy.

c) Giving reasons, suggest items you would prepare for the coming baby.

8. a) Outline the signs of teething in a baby.

b) Using illustrations, describe the stages at which milk teeth appear.

c) How can the development of strong and healthy teeth be facilitated?



1. You are expecting a friend for tea.

a) Carry out a thorough cleaning of the dining room you will use.

b) Launder table linen to demonstrate your skills in bleaching and starching.

c) Prepare tea and serve with plain scones.

2. You are left to create for an expectant mother.

a) Prepare a suitable mid day meal for her.

b) Thoroughly clean her dining ready for her meal.

c) Launder her woolen cardigan.

3. Your mother is attending a one day’s workshop and you have been asked to take care of her 8 months baby.

a) Prepare two dishes:

(i) A sweet weaning dish,

(ii) A savory weaning dish and use the to feed the baby.

b) Show how to sterilize baby’s feeding utensils.

c) Launder the baby’s discolored napkins, plastic pant and baby shawl

d) Thoroughly clean your mother’s bedroom and prepare the baby’s cot.

4. You have been asked to organize a birthday party for your young brother.

a) (i) Prepare, cook and serve queen cakes and a fruit punch for the occasion.

(ii) Clean some glasses to be used for the party.

b) Carry out a though cleaning of the living room where the party will be held.

c) Wash and finish a coloured cotton shirt and socks he will use for the party. Clean his shoes.

5. You have been left with your school age nephew.

a) (i) Using meat or peas, prepare a pie or sumbusas for him to take to school as part of his lunch. Include a fruit juice.

(ii) Clean the containers you will use for packing his lunch.

b) Clean and arrange the playroom for his younger brother of 2 years.

c) (i) Launder his school uniform (cardigan not included) and show how to remove a grass stain from his shirt.

(ii) Clean the flat iron you have used.

6. Your uncle is going on a sports picnic.

a) Prepare a pack for him a meal consisting of the following:

(i) Fried fish,

(ii) Roasted or braised potatoes,

(iii) Fruit juice.

b) Wash and finish the following articles he will use.

(i) T-Shirt,

(ii) Pair of shorts,

(iii) Stockings,

(iv) Canvas shoes,

(v) Leather bag.

c) Clean the kitchen area you have to show the care of

(i) Plain wood,

(ii) Painted wood,

(iii) Sink,

(iv) Floor.

7. Your brother is recovering from chicken pox.

a) Thoroughly clean his bed sheets and pillow case.

b) Carry out a thorough cleaning of the room he has been using.

c) Prepare the following for him:

(i) Poached egg,

(ii) Potato salad,

(iii) Fruit punch.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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