UNEB UCE Office Practice Past Papers for Year 2002

UNEB UCE Office Practice Past Papers for Year 2002

Uganda National Examinations Board Past Questions


1. The document offered for prompt payment is

A.Trade discount

B. cash discount

C.quantity discount.

D. bank discount.

2. Which of the following is advisable to be used when sending large sums of money by post?

A. Freepost

B. Postage stamp

C. Money order.

D. Travellers cheque

3. A telephone line connecting the firms switchboard to an office is called

A. extension line

B. main line

C. direct line

D. trunk line.

4. Which one of the following aims at directly benefiting an employee after retirement?

A. Pay As You Earn.

B. National Hospital Insurable Scheme.

C. Save As You Earn

D.National Social Security Fund.

5. The right way to divide the word correspondence can be found by referring to

A. Encyclopaedia

B. Almanac.

C. Dictionary.

D. Directory.

6. Identify from the following the one which is a reply to an inquiry.

A. An invoice

B. A quotation

C. A statement

D. An order.

7. A formal decision taken at a meeting is called

A. resolution

B. amendment.

C. minutes.

D. motion

8. What is the charge of storing a parcel beyond a stated time called?

A. Poundage

B. Surcharge

C. Demuurage


9. What is the correct term used for an alphabetical list of names or subjects?

A. Tabulation

B. Catalogue

C. Preface.

D. An index

10. The system of paying different people using one cheque is called

A. bank draft

B. credit transfer.

C. direct transfer

D. standing order.


11. The factors that determine the cost of posting a letter are

12. List down three advantages of central filing.

13.State three documents used in operating a current account at a bank

14.Mention any three principles of insurance.

15. what information is a referee expected to give about a job applicant?

16. Give the meaning of the following terms as referred to a meeting.

(i) Resolution

(ii) Teller

(iii) Postponement

17.What information can be got from a travel agent?

18. Give any three advantages of photocopying.

19.Mention three important points to be noted down by a receptionist when taking down a telephone message.

20.State three basic qualities of a good business letter.


1. (a) Explain any four methods of sending money through the post office.

(b) (i) State three requirements for opening an account.

(ii) Give two advantages of keeping money in the post office.

2. (a) What are the common forms of written communication ?

(b) Explain the procedure of handling incoming mail.

23.(a) Mention any three qualities of a good office personnel.

(b) Distinguish between the following office personnel

(i) Personal secretary and a stenographer.

(ii) audio-typist and a copy-typist.

24.(a) Give five pieces of information that can be obtained from each of the following books of reference;

(i) Telephone directory.

(ii) dictionary

(b) What reference would be used to get information on each of the following:

(i) the departure time of a passenger plane from Entebbe to Johannesburg.

(ii) the functions of the United Nations Organisation.

(iii)the population of the Republic of Tanzania

(iv)the correct way of addressing the Ambassador.

(v)the law passed by Uganda parliament regarding land.

25.(a) what would the following banking services be used for ?

(i) standing order

(ii) Credit transfer

(iii)Direct debit

(b) Clearly differentiate between the following:

(i) Stale cheque and post-dated cheque.

(ii) A bearer cheque and an order cheque.

(iii) A postage stamp and a duty stamp.

(c)Give three pieces of information to be found in a cheque counterfoil.

26.(a) What method would be suitable for producing copies of the following:

(i)a reply to a customer’s complaint.

(ii)a certificate to go with an application letter.

(iii) Question papers for a class of 150 students.

(IV) A magazine for secondary schools.

(b) State four benefits of using a manual typewriter for producing copies of documents.

(c)Mention six ways of caring for a typewriter.

Uganda National Examinations Board ( UNEB ) Pages

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